You're bombarded with so much mundane, unimportant stimuli your brain can't process it all properly. The reason most people are empty vessels consuming their days away is because they are prevented from thinking. Their minds are clouded by doubts, anxieties, expectations and greed. Ignore anything they say. In this state they're easily manipulated by the world around them. Use music to block out the world and focus your mind when you're outside. Tune it all out, it has nothing to offer you. Spend as much of your time as you can when you're at home in silence. Never stop thinking. If you believe in something the rest of the world would laugh at you for that's a good sign.
You live in a prison where the inmates are their own jailers. There can be no coexistence within society, you must be at war with it or be enslaved by it.
>you must be at war with it hmm, it's almost as if life itself was a eternal struggle dare i say.
Brandon Smith
Look. Look at him.
Beyond saving. So enamored with the shiny lights around him he refuses to question why they're there. Don't become like this, so mentally blunt that any idea that disrupts your comfort is violently rejected. This is what society wants, meek, mush brained simpletons who don't disturb the balance.
Liam Bailey
>f you believe in something the rest of the world would laugh at you for that's a good sign. Don't a good deal of the people on here already fall under that category one way or another? Doesn't matter whether it's through an appreciation of tradition, a dislike of pornography, the opinion that visual novels or what have you are art, or even waifufaggotry. Would you really say the latter two are a good sign?
Dylan Hall
THEY STEALIN OUR CULTURE!!!11! All these black phones immigrating into America, from China where they're built. We're gonna lose baseball and Big Macs and all our cultural beauties if that continues, like that glorious past when we were England's little bitch colony and killing anything that was living there! All because of the black phones.
Jonathan Moore
It means they're on the right path. They might just stop there or they might push forward. In my eyes the waifufagging meet is definitely above a wageslave.
>the rest of the world would laugh at you for that's a good sign.
They laugh at trannies
Thats pretty transphobic
Dominic Anderson
You need to leave.
Austin Cruz
small punch line double new line thesis double new line closing synthesis
Charles Nguyen
Phones are bad though. Not necessarily the massive information but cellphones.... yeah.
Henry Smith
I love performance art.
Juan Murphy
This but unironically.
Lucas Taylor
>The reason most people are empty vessels consuming their days away is because they are prevented from thinking. Most people have a complex and well developed inner life, you would know if you only bothered talking to them instead of being autistic
Jonathan Flores
>Dutch >civilization pick one
Elijah Ross
What will happen when you win your war against society?
Xavier Roberts
this is really deep... most people wont understand....
Adrian Bailey
>LIFE IS SO HARD! Is there any more bullshit story than this? I live in the middle of nowhere so I get to see animals out almost daily. But when do I definitely not see them? In the middle of a storm. You know what they do? The bald eagles are over the river at dusk before the storm getting a nice feast into them, then they sleep out the storm. Three days later they get up at dawn and go fishing again. Just like the coyotes are nice and cuddled up in their den after killing a deer and celebrating like monkeys. Fucking bears graze the blueberries and wild cherries for most of the day in the fall. A fucking natural harvest without having to plant a thing. Then they sleep for 4 or 5 months. It's like the Land of fucking Cockaigne. But no >LIFE IS SOMETHING LIKE ENDLESS ENDURING UNENDURABLE PAIN AND SUFFERING! Fuck off. It's only you insufferable stupid cunts who are like this. If I see someone out in the pouring rain it is some autistic retard boomer who just has to get things done. Humans trudge through the mud and muck because they're insufferable parasites who just want to drag others down with them. No, you're not going to drop that bread in the mucky forest path because of some greater path to Virtue and Good, you are not a sacrifice to pain and the rightful turning of the world, you are just such a selfish unthinking cunt that you wanted to get stuck in the mud so that all your family and neighbours would go out and get fucked too.An owl is going to swoop down from a tree, steal the bread, and go back to sleeping in its shelter after a good free snack. Meanwhile all your neighbours are going to get the mud flu ad spread it to surrounding villages because of your inconsiderate ass. >Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dying In The Rain Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Step Under The Eaves Like Nigga You Can Survive Three Days Without Water And God Is Giving You A Golden Shower Haha But no, we'll build a goddamn worldwide fucking floating parking lot and snort animal dung for eternity because of a little bit of fucking rain. You autistic fucking niggers. Life isn't that hard. Noah was a fucking warning not a moral law to relieve you of your stupidity. Prepare your shit. Have a stock of food. Take a sip and then a nap if it's raining. The animals can take care of themselves. Fucking take a shower. Your penis washes itself if you stand in the windy rain. But no we'll just piss into the dry wind until there is no rain that hasn't been tainted. Fucking retards.
100% certified normie thinking. They did a fantastic job conditioning you. Its time to get back to work now.
Kayden Brooks
This realization and its propogation are contributory to it's truth op. Yea Forums is n extension of that numbing process, this is not some pocket of liberty much how your wisdom is not worth anything.
David Lee
Jaxon Rodriguez
The best is the deep quiet in which I live and grow against the world, and harvest what they cannot take from me by fire and sword. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Elijah Richardson
How so?
Hudson Cook
Most people? No they don't lol
Carson Turner
literally every technology, not just phones/internet/whatever is currently angering trad retards has a shocking effect on the psyche of man. every extension of ourselves fucks up our brains by extending one sense as opposed to all the others. the brain has to become numb or go insane. what do you think writing did to myceanaen culture? bronze age collapse. out of that was born greek democracy and the city state. this kind of thing has been going on since the moment the first ape picked up a stick to pull fruit out of trees.
>Use music to block out the world and focus your mind when you're outside. this is the opposite of what you should do. Music is just another stimulus. Ideally never listen to music again. That image is stupid — children have never, at any point in history, been interested in art.
Jeremiah Garcia
faggot anglocuck projecting his inner malaise again
>muh eternal struggle for resources
I can't tell you how based this post is.
Shut up faggot
Bentley Reed
Fantastic arguments. Do you have anything else to say other than emphatic "I AGREE WITH THIS" posts? Shouldn't you be at work?
Matthew Clark
People have always been shit.
Charles Ward
here's one: nature suddenly became an "eternal struggle for resources" right around when capitalism got on its legs, before that it suspiciously structured like a monarchy, hmmm, very strange, very strange indeed
based, just keep fighting the good fight and reminding urboids the way of life we've known for thousands of generations isn't like what reddit says it is
Civilization isn't synonymous with 20-21st century European society. The Romans, Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and others knew civilization long before any overly stimulating technological progress. Civilization has more to do with how people engage with each other than how they engage with the world. I would say modern European society is less civilized than what the ancients experienced, despite the technological disparity.
Michael Taylor
No they don't
Gavin Howard
Did you really go to Island #523 if you don't post Picture #13523 of Person #4009208102 (you) with Cheap Quote #300102132 on Social Media Site #23?
Bentley Sanders
Amusing picture. Did you know the kids just had observed the painting for some time, got a quick historical rundown from a guide, and then were asked to complete a test from an app on their phone? In other works that picture is one of children doing homework during a museum visit. Nice and wholesome.
Also people aren't "empty vessels" (what do that even mean, you fucking mongrel? do you just throw around meaningless labels to feel self-righteous?) and more civilisation doesn't necessarily mean more time on the phone.
> Their minds are clouded by doubts, anxieties, expectations and greed. Therefore they're not emty vessels, btw you sound like you're sloppily paraphrasing Bossuet or some others 17th century Christian orator. Don't you have anything not absolutely tired to say? Faggot.
>If you believe in something the rest of the world would laugh at you for that's a good sign. Peak retardation, literally arguing for a criteria of validity that admits eating shit as a good thing you're right.
Youre right about the silence but holy shit you're such a faggot it's hard to agree with you even when you're right.
I suppose this is rather competent bait, you can't possibly be this idiotic.
Brayden Reed
>slaves I mean sure those teenagers look stupid but in what sense are the Romans civilised? Even Romans like Tacitus had sense enough to recognise that they were far more barbarous than any of the tribes they conquered and enslaved. Whole cultures were so thoroughly destroyed that nothing but the insults the Romans levied at them remains. Next to this we have children perhaps too attached to information devices - obviously those children are far more noble than any Greek or Roman that ever lived.
Tyler Diaz
Just because it happened doesn't mean it was true. And what didn't happen may be the most true. Also, ASS.
Didn't one of the romans note that the germanics are a lot more morally civilized than they are?
Lucas Edwards
How so?
Leo Gonzalez
They considered Africans to be polite and businesslike.
Juan Morales
phone is lindy. aint going away. quite the opposite
Jaxson Evans
What the fuck was this autistic rant about? How can you write so much yet say absolutely nothing at the same time?
Logan Diaz
I would love source on this if anyone has it.
Luke Lopez
Are you retarded?
Brandon Martin
Writing had nothing to do with the Mycenaean collapse. Violent migrations and disruptions of trade routes destroyed it, along with most of others bronze age empires.
Jaxon Stewart
>Did you know the kids just had observed the painting for some time, got a quick historical rundown from a guide, and then were asked to complete a test from an app on their phone? Did you know that just makes it even worse? What kind of fucking hack who dares to call himself a teacher would give children a test on something that's sole purpose is to speak to your soul? What kind of drooling retard would encourage children not to admire the unique colours, brush strokes and technique while they can but to waste precious moments on a completely a worthless exam while staring at a 4inch screen for 20 minutes?
Ian Powell
if you have a smartphone, you deserve what you get.
Austin Rivera
Same poster - I wish to add that the course of bronze age societal development, of which writing was one of the indicators, seems to have produced societies unable to withstand the pressures brought about by the shifting masses. If we are to take writing as the main driving force of this development, your argument might hold some truth, but it doesn't seem reasonable to single out the adoption of writing. Besides, many societies who had writing didn't crumble in similar circumstances
>But no, we'll build a goddamn worldwide fucking floating parking lot and snort animal dung for eternity because of a little bit of fucking rain. You autistic fucking niggers.
Wyatt Rodriguez
You have to go back.
Jacob Watson
Nice literature thread.
Nathan Murphy
You have to go back.
Owen Young
No, as is, without the question mark.
Julian Kelly
You have to go back.
Aaron Fisher
No friend, society is merely what we call the eusocial human organism. Don't try to fight it, accept that we are becoming parts of a much greater whole. The individual is finished, done and dusted.
Soon, sooner than you might think, we will be One. Join us.
Isaiah Bennett
Fuck off, ironyreddit.
Jackson Brooks
You have to go back.
Oliver Sanders
You have to go back.
Logan Bell
You have to go back.
Anthony Cooper
You have to go back.
Aaron Williams
Josiah Roberts
You have to go back.
Liam Jenkins
We live in the times of nigilism and cynicism destroying any belief, any value, any point of anything. Everything that was before still was the period of romanticims, ppl had belief in basic institutes like family, friendship, humanism. Now there's nothing to believe in, we face the naked pointless reality of occasional chemical reaction that we call our life. That's why we massively choose escapism in any form, gadgets, tabloids, movies, music, shows, anything to burn down that damn useless time just to reach the final point of return to where we were before, nothingness, it's so easy to remeber that state we've all came from. Looking for sense in anything is a mental disorder, no one in his sanity will thing that there's some higher purpose in anything, everything is absolutely pointless, and we're just the slaves of weird unknown matter transformation, we're not even ourselves, we're not responsible for anyhing we are. There's not even point in finding the answer whats the story of creation, how did everything came to existance, because the earth will dissapear completely before that question will be answered. All we're left to do is experience as much pleasure as we can, through any possible way.
Matthew Russell
Stop masturbating Start waking up early Go for a morning jog every day Start going to church every Sunday Start saying the Rosary every night Find a career, not just a job Find a wife to raise a family Stop spending your entire day online No computer within two hours of bedtime Start reading more
Mason Edwards
Dutch painting>>>>Italian painting
Joshua Flores
Repeat after me: I am free
Christopher Gomez
Probably Tacitus
Cooper Bennett
You might understand once you mature that a good life doesn't come with spending all your time smoking dope and laughing at the latest -oomer meme
Cameron Hill
That's modern education for you. Also >something that's sole purpose is to speak to your soul this was never the sole purpose of painting, read up on art history.
>What kind of drooling retard would encourage children not to admire the unique colours, brush strokes and technique while they can but to waste precious moments on a completely a worthless exam while staring at a 4inch screen for 20 minutes? How do you know they didn't do that before the test? You also assume the children would mostly admire the painting if left to themselves (or if enouraged by the teachers). Sadly that is not the case for most of them. I once went in Rome for three days during a hs trip. The prof were all readers of Ancient Greek and very enthusiastic about basically everything in the city. For me it was great, I was pretty much dizzy with beauty (and I could see my teachers were the same). There were no tests during the trip. The main focus and topic of interest among my classmates? Flirting and gossip about who was flirting with whom. Sixteen years old gonna teenage no matter what you do.
Jose Rogers
This reply was never funny or insightful. How does it feel wasting your time and intelligence away in this place by never engaging with something beyond dumb retorts? Don't bother answering, enjoy your brainlet life.
Levi Gonzalez
Michael Martinez
>How do you know they didn't do that before the test? Even if they did, a test of a painting is moronic. It's sole value is aesthetic value. >Art history The intentions don't matter, only the end result. The only fact about that painting is that it's beautiful.
>It's sole value is aesthetic value. Nope, painting also have an historical value, that's why we care about even bad paintings. They sometimes lead to discovering good paintings.
Also if you had said "it's only aesthetics dude" to Fra Angelico or Giotto he would probably have slapped your ass, and not as a sexual compliment.
>The only fact about that painting is that it's beautiful. You're completely ignoring the important of culture and education in artistic appreciation. Cute. Ever heard of Stendhal's syndrome? There is a reason it touches a lot of Europeans by barely any American or Japanese. And that's because even a culture as close to Europe as American culture doesn't equip you for the aesthetic experience classical European paintings offer. And if you think that's only because America is cultured, remember Japan has a long standing culture of aesthetic refinement. They still don't get Stendhal syndrome.
Also art history is not exclusively or even primarily about intentions. Who do you think recovers old paintings? Who approves the restauration method when an old painting needs to be restaured, which happens a lot? Note that by your own metric a painter whose paitings have been corrupted by age is a worthless painter since "all that matter is the end result". Except an art historian coud help you restaure it to a decent state.
Nicholas Brown
*because america isn't cultured
Alexander Allen
>painting also have an historical value, that's why we care about even bad paintings If you're a pseud, sure
Brandon Ward
Books as a format are fine because they are largely selfcontained and focused. If you read and assume the thoughts of others more than create your own thoughts, then you're no different to just sitting on your phone yes. Did you not read the OP? If you algorithmically filter it into just those four words, which may describe the essence of his feelings but have nothing to do with what he said, then clearly OP isn't wrong.
Nathan Walker
i love all the people on here that lecture everyone else about living the right way or rejecting technology or whatever. you obviously don't practice what you preach and if you do and still feel the compulsion to come around this dump then obviously your method is flawed. no one on 4channel has found true happiness, though the ones who live in a NEET fog of transient sensory pleasures have ironically probably come the closest
Nathan Morales
Okay, Paul.
Jaxon Sullivan
They adjust to this mass of stimuli by refining their minds into some simple triggers and algorithms to the extent that they can almost be said to be unthinking. This article explains what I mean It also explains why the modern is so dissatisfied and unstable. You are right, this is like a numbing effect. Worse yet, this mass is combined with extremely narrow and controlled flow of ideas/information and a world in which heterogeneity outside of outward material products (named 'identity' these days) is not only quickly dying but unallowed to exist without being reshaped on the core points, its unique principles and worldview destroyed. The unique strains of social development of perhaps millions of years have been levelled and wasted by a stupid and dysfunction/pain-producing orthodoxy enforced by globalism.
Easton Harris
>Art has become homework >This is good
Connor Miller
Don't worry user, some day someone will love you too.
Levi Wood
Checked and based.
Juan Walker
Yes, other societies had writing - pictoral writing. Chinese, Egyptian, and Cuneiform scripts were all pictoral in nature, images that represented genuine things in the world. The Mycenaeans had Linear B. Before this, their lives would have been governed orally. Sounds engulf one in a world of cool information, information that is of low resolution, demanding interaction between speaker and hearer, demanding acting and reacting. Oral speech is emotional and implicit. Man is connected with his fellow man in a tribal manner through oral speech such that the society is organized as a village - the Mycenaean fortresses. This is a decentralized and weblike way of living. The syllabic script represents information in linear lines, carved in stone. The effects on the psyche of the near tribal Mycenaeans would have been tremendous. The world becomes arranged in linear, rational, logical lines. Space and time become continuous and uniform. Men are thrown from the net of tribal connectedness onto the cold sands of individualism. The only possible response (after 400 years of darkness) is the rise of the greek city state and more specifically the citizen as individual. Individualism and then democracy are born from writing.
Leo Russell
>posting this picture >not realising that they are literally reading about the art work
Thomas Wood
So what? You don't need to read about it to appreciate it and phones should be banned from art museums.
Connor Taylor
This x1000. Eliminate phones and cameras from museums and the attendance would drop 90+%. The idea that art needs to be taught to everyone regardless of their preexisting interest in it is idiotic. If they need to "read about it" than the art has failed. I also call for taking out the names and descriptions next to each piece. It's always disgusting seeing people look to the nametag and read the "historical context"(as if this information would even be insightful to people with no background in historical study) before they even look at the fucking painting. You don't need context for art fuck that. I say this as a guy currently running my life with a PhD in history. You think a kid in the 17th century needed a little worksheet if he was to come upon the Night's watch? The girls in this picture are desentisized, simple as that. If they were raised in an environment without screens and phones they would be floored
Alexander Mitchell
being chrisitan is not mature lol
Angel Myers
meditation is a myth
Juan Richardson
>being this much of an optimist
Most conversations are meaningless and tell you nothing of meaning or substance. It's ephemera. Good luck finding anyone worth the investment.
Dude look at how their necks are already fucked up and they’re in like middle school. Heard a report on the radio last year that grade school children can’t even hold writing utinsels because they grew up finger swiping on tablets. Civilization is actually fucked.
Jayden Walker
You all do realize that this is a photo of kids using a test of the museum app on their phones, right?