There are so many off-topic bait posts. It's difficult to report and hide all of them. Help us clean up this board. Use sage if you feel the need to reply to bait threads.
Gonna go back to reading nao. Finished steppenwolf by hesse this morning. Gonna start Candide by voltaire.
There are so many off-topic bait posts. It's difficult to report and hide all of them. Help us clean up this board...
I wonder if the mods ignored all the off-topic incel bait and off-topic "midwit"/"brainlet" bait today or if this is another day where mods dont log in for another 16 hours.
How about instead of being a whiny little tattle tale you spend your time on introspection, philosophy, writing or some other pastime?
Stop being a pussy, realise people have varying opinions and get over it. You're not in charge of what other people get to do. The rules are a guide, not law. Anons decide what counts as off topic, not mods, not jannies, not you. No one likes a teachers pet or a busybody, mind your own fucking business.
>realise people have varying opinions and get over it
I love how you guys always play this card. The problem isn't that you have an opinion, it's that you guys bring your childish little off-topic rants and debates from /r9k/ and /pol/, clutter the catalog with off-topic posts and derail actual on-topic conversations about literature. Go knock yourself out on /r9k/, /pol/ or reddit.
Like I said, anons decide what board culture is.
Don't like it? Feel free to fuck off. /r9k/ and /pol/ "rants" are part of most of this boards personal beliefs. If you don't like it, leave. It's very simple. This isn't your liberal hugbox, no one here likes niggers, no one here likes women as human beings. That's just how it is here. Get used to it or go away.
You're choosing to sit in a pub that allows smoking and you're whining about the smoke.
when the fuck will plebs like you leave my board alone
Saging on mobile is too tedious. I'll try to stop replying to bait tho
>You're choosing to sit in a pub that allows smoking and you're whining about the smoke.
The more accurate analogy would be that I choose to sit at a pub and I'm shocked to find out that they water down their drinks.
Smoke inside a pub doesn't change the fact that they still serve liqour. You guys cluttering the catalogue with off-topic posts means that there is less literature being discussed and that this board strays further away from it's original purpose.
The fact that you are too stupid or too lazy to click one button and be brought to /pol/ or /r9k/ to make your post in the correct board proves more than anything I could say about you.
>muh libs
>muh nigs
>literature bad!
I see you agree with the reddit migrants and /pol/, /r9k/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums posters that have been frequenting here.
>You guys cluttering the catalogue with off-topic posts means that there is less literature being discussed
People post what they want to discuss. If you want to discuss a book, make a thread. If no one replies, it means no ones interested.
I don't care if women hating is /r9k/ material, if I make a thread on Yea Forums and people reply to discuss the topic then that's all that matters. I don't use /r9k/ because it's just a porn board/larping failed normalfag whinge board now.
>We browse a literature board to talk about our inability to have sex but we aren't interested in literature
Do you guys have no shame in ruining this board? Find somewhere else. Like I said, /r9k/. If you don't like /r9k/ then take this to the useless origami board that nobody uses for fuck's sake.
>inability to have sex
"H-Have sex incel"
We've had sex, it doesn't change our opinions on women. Any man with a pair of balls agrees about women. YOU find somewhere else, this is our place. YOU are the minority here, YOU are the outsider.
Go make your own fucking website if you want to dictate what's allowed.
literature isn't bad, hesse and voltaire are just shit entry level garbage that only high schoolers can get away with reading without looking retarded
>all women are shit because my worthless personality and skills attract shit tier women
You clearly neurotic using a superiority complex to cope with your insecurity. Explain why Hesse and Voltaire are bad instead of hurling baseless insults. You are no better than the incel and political posters. You might make on-topic posts unlike them, but your posts have no substance whatsoever.
Women, taken as a whole, despite a handful of exceptions, are shit. For every good woman, there's 10,000 subhuman evil cunts.
Men as a whole tend to keep themselves to themselves, because all men share an unspoken agreement of "steady on now, or I'll kick the shit out of you". This mutually assured destruction keeps men civil and respectful enough to get along in day to day life. Men just want a quiet life. Women on the other hand know they're IMMUNE to this. So they have no incentive to behave, they have no incentive to not be whores, manipulators, spiteful cunts etc. Women don't understand the concept of "the line". When two men argue, even when they hate each others guts, there's a line you don't cross. Women will just break out a "your mother was a cunt anyway, I'm glad she died in agony" like it's nothing and stand there daring you to hit them. This is just one of the many, many ways in which women are not to be treated as human or adults, but as evil children.
A handful of women breaking the mold does not change this. If you think the women you know are different, then you're in denial.
>If you want to discuss a book, make a thread. If no one replies, it means no ones interested.
True, but very unfortunately so. Yea Forums is simply not interested in literature. While I agree with the other user(s) that all the off-topic posts don’t help the situation, it’s too late/things have gotten too far off course to change. The figurative roaches have so badly infested the house that the only thing to do is tear it down and start anew — something we all know isn’t going to happen as it runs counter to the efforts to completely monetize the entire site.
Tell me who the good authors are. I see people like you calling literally every author "bad," but you guys never able to explain why the author is bad. You are too scared to share your opinions on why the author is bad and what authors are good.
did you just double (you) me? hahaha omg rent free
>You are too scared to share your opinions on why the author is bad and what authors are good.
>he doesn't know how to greentext
bro, back to plebbit frfr, this is embarrassing
>You are too scared to share your opinions on why the author is bad and what authors are good.
Good post.
Finished Dorian Gray on Friday. I still haven't decided what to read next so I've just been flicking through Twilight in Italy
>Go make your own fucking website if you want to dictate what's allowed.
Read the stickied post, idiot. Everything I say aligns with the stickied post. Off-topic posts get taken down but the mods only log in once every 16 hours or so. YOU make your own website, retard. The only reason you roaches are here is because the mods ignore your existence and allow you vermin to multiply here. It would be easy to exterminate your population if the mods put even a small amount of effort into getting rid of you guys.
FUCK off topic posters, take a bump
>Read the stickied post, idiot
Suck my balls, I said already I don't give a fuck about the rules and no one else does either.
>form identity around hating people who harm your culture
>willfully harm other peoples culture
If God loves us why did he make blacks so revolting?
I'm not harming their culture. They have their own boards to go to, retard.
This specific nigger has syphilis.
i was aiming for the /pol/acks