Thinking of taking a job doing overnight reception at a hotel in order to read and write while also not being poor...

Thinking of taking a job doing overnight reception at a hotel in order to read and write while also not being poor. Has anyone ever done this? And what would other jobs would you recommend that feed into writing?

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You'll still be poor unless you get in tight with the hotel and arrange to live in it too. It's possible. Make sure it's off the books.

It's not about being poor or not. If you didn't want to be poor you wouldn't be a wagie in the first place.

I worked as overnight security at a drug rehab and it was fucking based. I read all the time and pondered and wrote in my notebooks. I also talked to patients and amateur dream analised them when they came out to smoke.

Then they moved me to day shift nurses aide and it fucking sucks. The stupid fuck patients annoy me constantly and the nurses and leadership are dipshits.

Avoid Indian-run hotels.

yes and heres the real trick: you get in an "accident " on your way to work , no more car... now lets see them not offer you a room

I did exactly that for several months, it was great. Got tons of reading done, watched even more long youtube videos (more informative than it sounds, if you stick to watching lectures, documentaries, and stand-up comedy). There was a mid-forties Jewish man who used to stop by the hotel to work, he lived in the area but liked the atmosphere and company. An insomniac of the worst order, slept maybe 3 hours a night. He'd set up with his computer and a bag of crushed up cigars, then roll them into cigarettes which he'd smoke throughout the night. Worked for IBM and Microsoft as a systems analyst, used to complain a lot about all the Indians he worked with and how they couldn't understand irony. Extremely smart, sometimes I'd have a drink with him after work and we'd talk about history and art through all hours of the night.

I wish I'd kept a diary, or at least a notebook, during that time. The conversations I had with various clients during those couple months alone could fill a novel.

My buddy works in wafers and he fucking hates the Indians too

Wow that sounds fantastic. I've heard several people talk about this type of job and it honestly seems great for what I'm trying to do. Out of curiosity, why'd you stop working there?


Pay sucks and sleep deprivation is terrible for your health and makes you fat same reason anyone quits overnights I'd imagine

Pay is awful, it takes a toll on your health and sanity. Also I got fired for being a lazy asshole who'd regularly drink and read on the job.

Great idea. Terrific actually.
It would be god tier to be a live in night manager.

I talked to somebody just last week that had the same plan. His cousin or something had a job at a hotel and he was going to ask his cousin to get him a spot doing the same thing. Do you live in the Seattle area?

>Thinking of taking a job doing overnight reception at a hotel in order to
Tried this as well.
And if your hotel is anything like mine you will have 0 time.
I was rushing around constantly checking rooms, security around the perimiter, locking gates, checking the garage, ordering taxis, closing the registers and the most cancer of all prepping the entire breakfast so when the cooks came in all they had to do is pick up and cook and all the tables and serving stations as cooking stations ready.
I had no more than 3 mins of being able to sit down before having to move on to the next task.
Whoever came up with this lie of night portiers having study time is an asshole.

Seems like security might be better then. Or work at a Holiday Inn or.something 3 stars with not much business or especially high standards

definetly. A mom and pop hotel or something might offer what you are looking for and most likely not with less pay.
>I quit after the first weekend

Pfft my balls that would work, you’ll just get sacked and replaced.

In my experience the people that I have know to take this path of all become drunks and gave up on their artistic endeavors. People who take jobs overnight in security or at group homes for the disabled tend to fair better. The people that do the best tend to be those that devote their free time to their goals instead of socializing or passive activities like video and leave work as work.

Instead, get a job working overnight at a retirement home or a youth group home. Less responsibility, more time for creative endeavors.

i pretty much do this but it's at my University (full-time) and I do the bare minimum of "work" and read/write a lot.

Is there something about hotels that does this? Now I'm considering doing overnight for a group home, but I don't know anything about that.

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