Hardcover suck

>more expensive
>take up more space
>not foldable

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>pokes into your torso when trying to read lying down

>eats a baby

>not foldable
You mean not, "rollable," right? Because if I can't roll it up and fit it in my back pocket I don't want any part of that bloat. IT won't be able to say what it needs to say with as few words as possible and I don't want 200+ extra pages self-fellating the author's ego.

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I miss the times when hardcovers didn't cost an arm and a leg. Paperbacks should be reserved for pulp fiction only.

>fucks your wife
>runs over your dog
>gives you Testicular cancer
> eats your last slice of cheese cake
Man, Fuck hardcovers

yeah that cat is huge

Pleb filtered

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How do I get a Chad cat?

>More Expensive
You’re a fucking midwit
Have you never bought an Everyman’s library classic
>Complaining about the price of a book

Printing pdfs is the patrician choice.

Its scientifically proven that the tactile feel of a hardcover increases memory recollection. You're basically wasting your money on soft covers and ebooks because you're going to forget what you read.


Go to maine and find a feral cat. They are a mix of lynx and maine coon.

>far more durable than a paperback, will probably last forever
>classy minimalist aesthetic
>looks nicer on shelf
>can be set down flat while remaining open, perfect for reading at a desk
>actually not that much more expensive than a trade paperback despite superior quality


Do you have muscle atrophy or something?

Become a breeder and only breed the most freakish of the lot.

the hardcover has nothing to do with memory retention, it's the fact that the text is printed on paper. soft covers achieve the same thing.

No it doesn't. It is a poor copy, with shit tier binding which makes place ambiguous at best. You crack open a hard cover, there is definition there. And to repeat the obvious, the tactile outer shell of the hardcover is much more unique than a paperback which is commonly felt day to day. The study proved hardcover had the best recollection. Stay mad.

such cate

He's not happy.

physical books suck
>cost money
>can't download them online
>take up physical space
>can't make the text bigger
>no backlight
>can't search for text
>no built in dictionary

hardcovers are nice and beautiful and lend a better reading experience. they can also be art.

I like buying old hardbacks off of eBay, very aesthetic, o have some Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck hard backs at home, you can get them for much cheaper than any new paperback would be

>more expensive
Stop being poor
Hit the gym, pussy
>take up more space
So what? Just buy more bookshelves
Maybe for a swine
>not foldable
The heck you want a foldable book for?

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A poor hardcover is worse than a poor paperback, but a good hardcover is god tier.

Printed books are superior because you can put them all on a damn bookshelf and it looks alpha af when your tinder date see's your immense knowledge lurking in the background as you whip out your erect dick

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Literally THE go to publisher for midwits.

That's not a regular house cat. That's a bobcat.

That's not a pitbull

Motherfucking cat looks like it could pound back bourbon and rail on and on about how you don't *really* get Hemingway whilst simultaneously earning more admiration from your Dad than you

I don't maybe I am just autistic but bending or folding a book pisses me off so much.

Paperback publishes later. Hardcover is a tax for earlybirds.

What do you suggest then

wtf, hardcovers don't do that!

>The heck you want a foldable book for?
It's like those cool foldable phones!

Attached: samsungs-foldable-phone-galaxy-fold-breaking-after-a-couple-of-days-designboom-600-1.gif (500x600, 98K)

I like hardcover for books I like a lot and see myself rereading over and over. The seem more durable and more apt to last. Usually I will buy something first in ebook or paperback and if I think it has a place in my permanent colelction I will buy a hardcover.

Aside from aesthetics, it's more durable than Paperback books though. I'm trying to collects my favourite books in Hardcover right now.

>Implying the type of women who go on tinder can appreciate books