The more I read the more I wish for the day a great storm of fire tears across the world of man...

The more I read the more I wish for the day a great storm of fire tears across the world of man, purifying all in its path.

Let the corpse of the old world nourish the Earth of tomorrow. Burn away our sins against nature, turn it all to ash.

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Nature invented eating itself to stay satable yet you respect it enough to.... light it on fire?

Delusional. Reaks of butthurt and virtue signalling.

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You're probably reading the wrong books.

>Famine seems to be the last, most dreadful resource of nature. The power of population is so superior to the power in the earth to produce sustenance for man, that premature death must in some way come to visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction; and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague, advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks the rear, and with one mighty blow, levels the population with the food of the world.

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Mutants in all actuality were not as stable as man were. We're the only ones in control of ourselves. A wolf eats harder each million years. The rabbit runs faster. The man makes up moralities in a hellish world about literally nothing when he should just have fun for the sake of having fun. The older we get the more morals we make when technology should have us with less.

Wildfires are a part of nature, it clears out the old to make room for the new. The world we have now is as a result of firestorms.

That's like saying extinction level events are a form of nature. We're not stable was my point. Wild fires is far from stable. The planet was half dead before we even had land animals and you want what? Everything that's not a fish to die?

Okay faggot. And when a creature even worse takes over next time I'll be laughing at your ignorance in our non-existant afterlife. Only harsh creatures are successful. Even a grass eating bull becomes deadly and becomes tempermental for no real reason other than it's kinder self it evolved away from. Due to the nature of competition peace is made up virtue. Humans only just invented it. War is fine if the fire is fine, as long as the stronger half survived. Massive destruction is not fine. It won't even kill the ocean, why even attempt it? The earth has only reached the halfway point. More creatures wil rise up if you kill competitiors.

Sins are fake.

Proved wrong repeatedly

in every climatological or ecological seminar the fact of human depopulation as a solution to every environmental problem is a taboo subject that is thought of by all but spoke of by none

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>That's like saying extinction level events are a form of nature.
They literally are.

well... that speaks volumes of the spiritual rottenness of academia. Even thinking about ending the lives of millions of Humans for some kind of saving of the others is satanic.

Why don't these people think about how they could empower their own nations from within rather than making them more and more dependent on factors from without

Then nature doesn't mean slow mutations to you, it means shit happens.

Why can't it be both moron?

Because it kills the word natural. Naturally massive extinctions don't happen. They can happen, but not frequently. Saying massive extinctions is normal is to say being alive to begin with is abnormal.

I am here to call you insane in other words.

>Naturally massive extinctions don't happen
Yes they do, multiple times in history

Rarely. So not natural.

>b-but it DOES HAPPEN

But not often enough to be normal you giant autist. Natural. Normal. Frequent. It's like you don't understand the English language yet you call me the idiot just due to your depression causing such angst that you want to burn the world.

Yeah I really enjoy Cormac McCarthy too.

>Rarely. So not natural.
Are you high?






As when some great forest fire is raging upon a mountain top and its light is seen afar, even so as they marched the gleam of their armor flashed up into the firmament of heaven