So frens, where are we moving?
The absolute state of Yea Forums
I enjoy twitter a lot but it's not for everyone.
this thread is worse than those pictured.
go figure
I’m thinking Science and math, /biz/ and /history & humanities/
unironically author-specific subreddits
Don't pretend like you aren't part of the problem.
>So frens, where are we moving?
>Implying I'm gonna tell
I-I try to make good on topic threads but nobody responds. Gradually I started using thots for the OP pic and that helped a little bit the conversation tapered off and the thread would die. Then I started making completely reductive and contrarian opinions on books I loved so people would have something to argue against. It helped some but not enough. It broke me and I gave up. Now I only post brainless shitpost threads and they always take off.
To /sci/ where we will continue to inundate the board with IQ threads because we turned out to have low IQ in spite of our understanding of letters because education, refinement and creativity don't amount to logical problem solving ability.
>tfw /sci/ is largely just /x/ and /pol/ mistaking the other for academics
It had to be this way, didn't it, anons?
Yea Forums has been better than usual in the last week or so.
My two week ban ended then.
You're welcome.
I've sworn loyalty to this website. I'm not going anywhere.
based loyalfag
We have really been improving in the past month or so, we just need to get the philosophy fucks their own board, the good lit threads are slow and generally get bumped off.
>>eight chan!
Your four-leaf clover represents the genetic disorder not luck.
What did they go? like 16chan or where? I've heard there is a 420chan and surprisingly having a good reputation
>420chan and surprisingly having a good reputation
The lit board is painfully slow, can go days without a post, the philosophy board has the exact slant one would expect from pot heads. Never spent much time there, never came across a single thread that gave me reason to go back.
420chan has no catalog. Utterly useless.
They went lots of places though, that's the issue with new chans. 8 was dead to begin with and then they went in 8 directions on top of that. There's literally like a hundred chans out there. One was on zero net. I could not get my computer to post though and didn't feel like using a place with unironic cheese pizza. I assume it's there, but if you click you seed it yourself.
So, millchan thingy was one in other words. end chan was another but then they got shut down right after 8. There was a bunker for end chan on top of everything that I went to.
The whole reason I'm on lit is to gather enough book so I can abandon the actual Internet all together. I'd be reading but I just binge drank and my blood pressure is so high that if I lay down I'll probably die.
But anyway.... image relate. I made a note of some things.
Yea Forums is shit
Isn't this the issue with any new board as well? Anons from anywhere can just take over the board to post illegal shit, and if you're hosting it maybe you would be the one in trouble.
Mods ban off topic only for 3 days
And on topic for 2 weeks.
Doesn't matter though, you can just evade in a few seconds. They need to just focus on deleting the worst threads, leaving up joke threads and only banning for serious offences. Banning for memes or on-topic shit just pisses everyone off and leads to more shitposting.
And deleting effortposts needs to stop.
>>I support disingenuous meme culture
/r/braincels and /r9k/ are what you're asking for you realize.
Even on 8 chan dost passing stuff got immediately nuked with no real archives either. A girl licking ice cream gets you banned there, so no it's not an issue. Even on dead chans. However zero is not surface Internet so there's no real reason for moderation to censor things to cover their asses. Technically you can't take down zero because it's peer to peer.
I couldn't get it to post though, so oh well.
For the record, I have not seen actual child porn posted on an imageboard since like literally 2011. Notice how not screen caps are that old? Yea Forums isn't even Yea Forums anymore.
Disingenuous memers are from reddit. Please realize this.
>the 4 horsemen of the Yea Forumspocalypse
Nothing wrong with memes and humour, can add a layer to the discussion.
It literally destroys discussion. Joking about serious things kills the maturity of a conversation and thus devolves everything into gradeschool level shitposting. The laws make it all the more childish so it becomes also disingenuous. You can't meme: "all pretty women are bitches ergo rape is ethical" because it'll get you banned. It's why 8 chan is down. Venting is banned, so what are these jokes you are referring? If it can't be edgy nor honest, it is g r a d e s c h o o l and nothing more. Then as soon as they show themselves to be 14 year old girls the threads get nuked, of which does happen. Children and women can fuck off. You're nothing but a pretty face and the face posting is banned. But you find this situation humorous? How?
hehe? haha? That's the /r9k/ for the past few r*ddits.
People joke to cowardly avoid serious discussion. I demand pretty girls to be posted if the reindeer (disc*rd) games keep here originating from literally r*ddit subs.
how do you guys manage to get banned? been posting for years and NEVER experienced that. I'm assuming you didn't just post 'nigger' or some stupid expletive, what did you do? Getting banned through posting edgy, controversial, yet protocol-adhering statements sounds pretty patrician to me.
Two pastas in one day. Is this the greatest effort of all time on lit? Did you do more?
You know, its really hilarious, how you can tell who some people are even over an anonymous image board. The human ability for intuitive identification never fails to impress me. Wanna know what I can infer, simply by recognizing you and your threads?
You will NEVER amount to anything in life. You don't have any strong family bonds, and you live a superficial life devoid of any substance.
Other people might glance at you and never think about you again after that moment, or if they do, it's only to wonder how utterly replaceable you are. Like you shouldn't even exist in the first place.
It's no wonder you obsess over literal internet strangers.
You're worse than those korean e-girl orbiters, because at least they have an imaginary friend that exists in the real world.
If you died the world would be, however inconsequentially, a better place. Deep down you realize this, but put the thought aside and make room for hedonistic pleasures, slowly perpetuating the positive feedback loop of degeneracy that is your pathetic excuse for a life.
A helium tank, a small hose, and a common oxygen respirator can all be bought of amazon for relatively cheap.
Go be an hero with butterfly forever, you lowlife creep.
Literally on-topic pasta.
I made a post about feminism that Beauvoir probably thought women are also human. Then I was banned for off topic.
I've been warned before and banned for pointing out errors in someone's logic/they're misunderstanding of fallacies.
Mostly it's luck, if you get a bad janny at a bad time they fuck you.
I got banned for posting a short somewhat abstract short story with no explanation, just started a thread and posted it, banned. It was viewed as shit posting since I did not explicitly state "this is a short story I wrote, what do you think?" Nothing bad in it, not even suggestive, it was just abstract enough that anyone that did not bother to actually read it would report it. Only time I have been banned.
I've actually never made a lit thread before.
Stopped reading at degenerate.
You are a shitty person, you know? fuck you and your way of thinking that is not even yours. You probably heard it in movie or something. You are just an information carrier and that is the only thing you can do, you'll never come up with anything original or plant plants on space in Mars, you're just as much organic shit as we all do.