What is the most offensive work of literature you've read and actually been offended by?
pic somewhat related.
What is the most offensive work of literature you've read and actually been offended by?
pic somewhat related.
This offends you? lmao this is just a day of banter in my uni
No longer human where protagonist rambling about how sad he is and how sad world looks when everything about him has better life than me
If I saw that in a book or magazine I would stop reading and start writing a letter to the editor.
Why not?
Is that the japanese story about the kid who spys on his mom having sex with a sailor?
>Is that the japanese story about the kid who spys on his mom having sex with a sailor?
no you idiot, that's 'the sailor who fell from grace with the sea' by yukio mishima
Can't believe I messed up so badly.
But I guess that's expected, I stopped reading fiction years ago and graduated to PURE PHILOSOPHY.
>If I saw that in a book or magazine I would stop reading and start writing a letter to the editor.
Why were you offended by it? It kinda made me more content with my life because I realized that even if I did have the things that I thought would make me happier, I’d still probably be a depressed.
>I stopped reading fiction years ago and graduated to PURE PHILOSOPHY.
if that's what happens to your brain on philosophy then i think i'll have to pass, thank you.
Gibson is such a try hard, it's kinda funny.
>Anime poster
That's just how that type of boomer used to be. Most of them got too scared to voice those opinions but Gibson was extremely famous and obviously somewhat insane.
>If I saw that in a book or magazine I would stop reading and start writing a letter to the editor.
what a fag lmao
my diary desu
the only good movie he ever did was acoplyso, patriot and bravehart were lame and cliched. prove me wrong.
st augustine's confessions
>If I saw that in a book or magazine I would stop reading and start writing a letter to the editor.
No one wants to read one of your gay letters you fucking faggot.
I know older folks who don't like gays, but they don't act obnoxiously like Gibson.
Having grown up using internet forums, the thought of being offended by written and/or published pieces of work has never crossed my mind. It's actually quite laughable thinking about it and I've read shit like What Happened by Clinton (and laughed profusely throughout the read) as a right winger.
Imagine being so insecure that you have to tell gay people to universally 'fuck off' and freak out like a resentful sperglord when discussing homosexuality. Even if he wanted to say he didn't agree with it on a personal level he could have done so, but to go off into that harangue was infantile and weak.
That’s based
Mel absolutely based.
>If I saw that in a book or magazine I would stop reading and start writing a letter to the editor.
You need Jesus
as a slav mein kampf offended me
I don't get offended at literature. Why would I? What the fuck is wrong with you?