What happened to this guy? He was everywhere last year and now he's nowhere
What happened to this guy? He was everywhere last year and now he's nowhere
Other urls found in this thread:
Things started to go downhill after he got MeToo’d by his wife and daughter. Sad sad story.
He went into exile after being humiliated by Zizek.
zizek sent him into retirement lol
His insights were better than the Left's but also shallow.
Zizek doesn't offer anything better but managed to envelop him in critiques he had no response to due to unfamiliarity with history and Marxism.
even if you subtract Zizek's predisposition to Marxism, his political ideas still have far more substance than the Randian idealism Peterson spews regularly. see his takes on Democracy and Freedom for example.
He ate too much meat and now has cancer and heart disease and diabetes
Him disappearing was nothing to do with Zizek, he doesn't have very much to say so he just milked his fame as much as possible before everyone got bored of him.
he did a pretty good job milking it
his man card was revoked for crying in public too much
jordan now lives quietly as a woman in argentina
>tfw when it's true
>durrr muh zizek beat him in my imagination then jbp disappeared
he tweets everyday, you imbeciles.
>he tweets everyday, you imbeciles.
He is undertaking an intensive investigation to find out who this "Hegel" guy is.
literally all of his tweets are just generic social media buffering shit lmfao
it could take him, like, 15 years to research it. I mean, like, it's a REALLY hard question man.
Now known as Jordana Betsy Perez
still butthurt over the debate. aren't we marxfags?
what's their to be butthurt about? unless you're Peterson of course.
Peterson made his millions, now he's buggered off and is staying low-key. Smart move to be honest, now that people have found out what an intellectual fraud he is.
go back to r*ddit
>now that people have found out what an intellectual fraud he is
Doesn't his wife have cancer?
kinda ironic
it's a thin book, read it.
Name a key idea of Peterson's that you deem to be intellectually valid.
Fucking idiot
>Tweeting is providing individuals with value
Is it possible to be a Christian but also a centrist?
You don’t get the joke
That's a nice book cover. I don't see how it relates to my post though...
The one where he tells you to wash your penis
The real non-meme answer is that his wife got cancer so he's stepping out of the public eye for a while.
Shut the fuck up
>go on all meat diet
>get cancer and die
quelle fucking surprise
That's probably the best idea he's espoused, hardly his unique idea though. Taleb beat him to the punch there.
first time ive laughed in a while
His blood work came out all good, surprisingly. Also in regard to the OP, I'm pretty sure he's in the process of writing his next book
As long as he got interviews with left-leaning people going on his presence will never die simply bc his fans will never stop sucking his little cock by making yet another "sjw destroyed" compilation
duh he gets paid to tweet you retard
so that's why he loves capitalism so much... interesting.
I don't know much about him, are his political positions similar to those of Pinker?
Too many sexual assault allegations
He's deeply mentally ill and stupid also
>JP is so brave by risking EVERYTHING to stand up to the feminazi bullies
Crazy. Doesn't Contrapoints get something ridiculous like 120k a month?
Can't find a statistic on that, nor can I find evidence where JP was fired from his cushy academic job
he can still bench more than most of you
I can drink more apple cider than him
That sounds like a personal problem.
It answered your question.
Anybody who spends that much time in the public spotlight constantly harangued on all sides to defend their views will eventually be 'found out' as a fraud. I never found Peterson to be the prophet for lonely nerds that adherents proclaimed him, but he's never once come off as a dunce, either. The guy's views are literally being misconstrued, misquoted, and challenged at every step. No one's going to last up to that kind of widespread scrutiny without enduring a few blemishes.
Wow yeah, you're right, financing someone who spreads our ideas is wrong. Thanks "friend".
wtf i hate capitalism now
>but managed to envelop him in critiques he had no response to due to unfamiliarity with history and Marxism.
Like what?
Fucking hate 20-something midwits who think they're hot shit because they watched cuck philosophy's video on JBP
Why do Zizekfags insist on this? Both were massively under-prepared for the debate and at the end of the day most of it was both men agreeing with each other in 90% of the topics discussed.
Even this is a massive cope because Peterson promptly answered the question explaining the paradoxical correlation between postmodernists and marxists (like he did plenty of other times when asked the same question) and all Zizek could say was something along the lines of "yes you're right there are a bunch of marxists using postmodernism as a sleight of hand in order to further push their indoctrination in academia but it's not ALL of them you know".
It was a shitty "debate" in general but at least Peterson stayed marginally on topic. All Zizek did was spout his usual ramblings about SJWs, american politics, toilets and how we're definitely living through late-stage capitalism and it's all going to end any day now, you just wait.
>Entire career based on telling people that Post-Modernism is an attempt to bring back the discredited doctrine of Marxism
>"Yeah so I've never actually read any works by Marx, so to cram for this debate I've decided to sparknotes the Communist Manifesto..."
slavoj "where are the marxists? oh but im not a marxist" zizek
thanks for sharing
does anybody know how much he was earning as a professor before he exploded in popularity?
Typical professor salary
I don't see how this discredits his arguments. One can learn about an author's works and line of thinking without reading their entire bibliography, specially when it comes to a figure as influential and discussed as Marx. It's like saying you can't talk about Jesus without reading the Bible entirely.
>it's all going to end any day now, you just wait.
OK, peterson is lost.
He just wanted to get rich off millennial angst. Now he's achieved that end so he's gone to earth.
I’ll never understand the vitriol towards JP; what’s so wrong with him being the necessary role model for disillusioned youth?
For anyone who understands the value of learning, what makes it bad for him to say the obvious in a way for others to actually put it into action? Hasn’t he also helped losers get off their ass and not only read, but take themselves into account?
I get it if you don’t like to read him or you feel like you’ve tackled these issues, but for others to enjoy him doesn’t really do any harm towards the sphere of public discourse.
Any legit reasons I’m missing?
ladies and gentlemen, lit
slavoj "I'm a hegelian not a marxist" zizek
You can't talk about Jesus without reading the Bible if you make your entire career based on how Jesus is bad and in what ways he's damaged society.
This is not the same as random people on the street discussing Jesus or Marx, this is a college professor who has based much of his public career based on how Post-Modernism is secretly Marxism trying to destroy Western Civilization.
Yes, he should have read every work of Marx before going on this career path, and at least the major works of the most influential postmodernists (Derrida, Foucoult, Baudrillard).
>no arguments
Leftists are massively butthurt because there isn't a single leftist personality in academia who can appeal to the masses since the majority of them are stuck in an echo-chamber where all they do is spout the usual progressivist talking-points that your average person is tired of hearing, as well as constantly rejecting any sort of dialogue with anyone even slightly to the left of Stalin. Zizek is the only candidate left because even though most people disagree/don't care/can't understand his arguments they find his idiosyncrasies amusing, so leftists have to pretend to like him despite him shitting on trannies and admitting that communism didn't work.
he simply couldn't contend
brainlet here, Why exactly is self help book guy talked about here?
He's probably the king of right-wing grifters right now, so bringing him up is a good way to piss Yea Forums off.
spent all his money on suits and bone surgery for his daughter
imagine scamming all that money out of people then spending it on that suit.
I haven't watched much of Peterson but from what I've seen he's more often critical of applied socialism/communism, though. He seldom talks about Marx (in fact he admits in some of his videos of Marx being somewhat correct on some topics) but more about how the marxist ideal of society brought forth terrible destruction. So the analogy to Jesus would make more sense if it was someone talking about the bad things Christianity did, not necessarily talking about Jesus or his teachings.
Regardless, for the sake of learning, I'd be interested in knowing what is it exactly that Peterson's got wrong, because to my personal (albeit admittedly shallow) knowledge of marxism and postmodernism, he comes to a very convincing and empirical conclusion.
Chomsky hasn't been relevant in the public sphere since his debate with Foucault.
They're mad because he makes crazy bank by talking about subjects that Yea Forums's (arguably) more knowledgeable of (according to themselves).
>Yea Forums's (arguably) more knowledgeable of (according to themselves)
I have a confession Yea Forums... I've always been confused by these professional "thinkers", "philosophers", etc.
As someone with a statistics and economics background, i'm so used to just analyzing the data and coming to a conclusion that my mind goes around in circles trying to understand this shit. Is there some underlying understanding to this stuff or are these thinkers so smart they become retarded?
JP's videos a lot of times have data involved so it makes it easier for me, but whenever I try watching Zizek video's it's like he's all over the place and I can never keep up.
Peterson, in his debate with Zizek, goes after Marx himself, saying that his division of society into proletariat and bourgeoisie is among the first instances of identity politics. Which is always defined in terms of oppressor vs. oppressed.
So yes he does say Marx pushed for terrible things, and obviously goes after terrible things Communists did later on. It'd be like going after both Jesus and Christianity.
Beyond that, his career falters since Marxism (a modern philosophy) and Postmodernists pursue different things and have very little overlap. Marxists see the world in terms of historical materialism, see society as primarily founded around economics and people's relations to the means of production, and work to establish the worker's state and eventual abolition of the class system (including the abolition of their own class identity). Postmodernists reject all of these things; Derrida himself even rejected the idea that class-conflict was the fundamental conflict in civilization (which is a basic tenant of Communism).
Peterson's argument that Postmodernists are secret Marxists trying to destroy western civilization makes no sense since postmodernists reject Marxism and modernism in general. Essentially he's taking a lot of philosophies he thinks are eating away at the strength of western civilization and trying to link them together as one and all coming from the same place.
His wife started getting sick around the Zizek thing.
He gaves up his patreon though.
>Entire career based on telling people that Post-Modernism is an attempt to bring back the discredited doctrine of Marxism
But that's wrong.
What does this thread have to do with literature?
Nothing. Report + hide it
Also put filter words for "peterson" "jordan" "zizek" "contrapoints" "boipussy" "pol". Your welcome.
Zizek is a schizo, don't worry he's not really saying anything at all.
"Ordinary Americans, as ordinary people in all countries, have a multitude of fears. We fear all kind of things. We fear, maybe, immigrants or people whom we perceive as lower than ourselves attacking us, robbing us. We fear people raping our children. We fear natural disasters, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis. We fear corrupted politicians. We fear big companies, which can basically do with us whatever they want.
The function of the shark is to unite all these fears so that we can in a way trade all these fears for one fear alone."
Haven't been paying attention, but I wonder if it is just us. Maybe check the spikes in searches, youtube views and retweets for a general sense of his popularity?
I'm guessing that it is mostly us, as reddit wouldn't have abandoned him.
The cool kids are neonazi anprims, get with the times grandpa
The real answer is his wife has been in and out of the hospital for the past 6 months with serious health issues. I believe shes recovering now though
He was in the process of writing another book, 12 more rules for life, but he had to delay it
Good for his wife.
What's going on in this picture?
at this point they worship their fucking youtube creators more than they care about any real current significant leftist personality. progressivism is entirely sustained by the mass media anyways. they may as well just join normies and applaud when some millonaire celebrity says fuck trump and fuck nazis
niggers the figurehead of left wing philofags
its alright for you to be a role model to disillusioned youth just as long as the ideology your indoctrinating them with is mine
He's probably the most relevant leftist today.
The reason he's rarely on tv anymore is that structures of power don't like being criticized, and this dramatically increased after saying 9/11 was bound to happen based on America's foreign policy.
Which is basically true and obvious to all non-Americans.
its obvious to Americans to,were not completely blind and Chomsky wasnt revolutionary for saying it. you euro fags sure like to sit atop a thrown we denounced centuries ago
>its obvious to Americans
I mean if it was, there was no serious discussion of rethinking American policy in the public sphere afterwards. No serious attempt to subject American foreign policy to international law.
The US decided to carry out an illegal invasion of Iraq a year and a half later.
Chomsky works at fucking MIT, im pretty sure the powers that be are fine with him. Christ you larping revolutionaries
Kek, this thread is a crack-up
International law is not a real thing lol
Did you know Mike Meyers based the character for Fat Bastard on Chesterton?
Chomsky works at ASU. And he was able to work at MIT because he was a white, east coast academic. And powerful proponents of American policy still don't want a government strong enough to get white men from prestigious colleges. They want a government that will kill Fred Hampton, or bomb black neighborhoods in Philadelphia; they don't want a government strong enough to get someone like themselves.
So obviously he's not disappeared like he might be in the third world, but he's de-platformed as much as possible outside left circles.
Then the US shouldn't have established it after WWII
>We can solve all the problems that beset mankind, so on that note, let's keep ignoring them or denying they exist.
Thanks Jordan, very cool!
Ye they're typically angry repressed dorks. Seething at anything successful tbqh
>universities want white men in them
lmao. get with the times grandpa
'deformed as much as possible' looks like what happens to neonazis, not Noam Chomsky
if you're getting up on stage regularly to use your authority as a psychology professor to expound on a completely unrelated topic to your area of expertise, and you don't even bother doing cursory primary-material reading on that topic, you MAY be a fraud.
i wonder how peterson's fans would enjoy his critics attacking him based on things other people said that he said. oh wait, they have done that, and Pete's ballboys fall over themselves in protest.
To be fair even if i'm on Zizeks side, it's thanks to Peterson that Zizek, and most importantly, his thought, have more visibility today.
Maybe Peterson is not so stupid, and he understood that he didn't have the level of real thinker. So he went on to read Marx, re-read Hegel etc...
The trick to being an intellectual speaker is to be able to speak bullshit in such a way as to appear smart. You're seeing through the facade.
did the carnivore diet finally did him in?
He outlived his usefullness/ his handlers realized he was irrelevant and couldn't make use of him. The same is going to happen to all the """intellectual dark web""" as they are one by one exposed as shills.
Zizek was even worse than him in that """debate"""
Is there any other way?
He's made literally decamillions off his book and tours. He was selling out arenas worldwide. Consider how much the average stadium-outselling musician makes, and keep in mind he doesn't have a record label to pay, just a manager or something probably.
>He was in the process of writing another book
Not only that but he was working on a bunch of back-end stuff, he was making a weird cross between Medium, Reddit and Patreon to create a sustainable future for disenfranchised philosophers outside of academia. I think he underestimated the complexity of handling other peoples money.
Jordan peterson is not inspirational at all.
He claims iq determines life outcomes and that if youre 30 and havent made it its over and that psycopaths are the most successful people.
And hes probably right.
ITT: peanut brains upset they don't understand philosophy and shifting the blame
>and so on
>He claims iq determines life outcomes
Peterson has worked extensively with people sub-80 IQ, one of his best interviews he did was just some online interview on YouTube with a rando where he explained the extremely difficulties he had training a retard to work the cash register at McDonald's.
but hes contradicting himself.
hes saying people should hold themselves accountable for being poor and at the same time saying theyre poor because theyre retarded.
He is humble-bragging again by not appearing in public, pretending to be shy and reserved, so more people think he's a good person and give him shekels.
Zizek makes even less sense than petermeme, both of them didn't give a shit about the debate, but of course Kermit had to show off yet again how poorly read he truly is
Have a think about it, but my guess is these women have brought their cats to audition for an ad, film, or TV role
In Ontario, anyone on the government payroll making more than six figures gets put on a publicly available searchable spreadsheet called the Sunshine List. That includes professors since most universities are public. You could probably check this for yourself.
If he's not on the list, it's less than six figures. If he is on the list, you can see his exact income.
Can't believe people take Chomsky seriously. your contributions to a certain field don't validate every opinion you have on other unrelated subjects. Same goes for Peterson. Atleast Zizek is well aware that he is an entertainer and has no absurd conclusions to his "philosophy"
I have a few friends who are big fans of his. Both of them are atheists, you know the weed smoking loser types, so I asked them why do they listen to the life-advice and philosophy of a christian man. When they tried to argue they just filter his work, I told them they distill his work to basic self-help seminar where they hear what they want to hear. I think that really got to them, because they kept saying the context doesn't matter as long as it helps them.
I don't know dudes, from what I gathered from that conversation, I think Peterson is just opportunistic at getting losers to separate with their money. Seriously, if you have your life in check, why would you even give him the time of the day? It's not like he's crafting some new modern philosophy.
he's just larping
He's just pointing to an old problem. People aren't entirely to blame for their failings, and a community needs to look out for the less able within it, but if an individual thinks he isn't accountable he will make it impossible for others to help him become a functioning part of the community.
sorry, but Zizek's retarded.
more like a sophist
This He only calls himself Christian to not sound like he is talking down to stupid people whom he believes need religion to function properly. He even reluctantly admitted it in his debate with Sam Harris. That's pretty much why he spent his entire life meddling with the Bible
What are you saying exactly? Academics do take Chomsky very seriously when it comes to linguistics and cognitive science.
he grifted long enough to set himself up for the rest of his life.
He is but a humble rug salesman, peddling his wares on twitter.
So he's a complete hypocrite then.
>religion is good for society, but we smart people know it's bullshit *wink* *wink*
That's a brainlet statement that does more damage than good. Also him constantly using points from the Bible or works of christian people like Dostoevsky for his own work, just shows he's basically just interpreting their work like my friends do with his. He is filtering stuff he can use, which is not far from confirmation bias. You can't just pick and choose like that, because in the end you get tangled in your own arguments, and start looking like huge hypocrite.
That's his whole shtick, humanity is a spectrum but it's best to tend toward the norm
it's a witch convention
>One can learn about an author's works and line of thinking without reading their entire bibliography
and this is how you end up trying to analyze a point-by-point of The Communist Manifesto to a live audience
Both Peterson and Zizek are more alike than their fand would like to admit bloviating know it alls whining about political correctness minorities and identity politics, straight white dudes defending the status quo while claiming to be anti establishment, just like Donald Trump, while the real revolution is being led by queers, it is being led by women, disabled people and people of color.
this is one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read
He's a card carrying communist Hegelian.
Jaypee got his ass handed to him by the mutant communist raccoon thanks to his own laziness, don't even kid yourself.
Crypto-Randian with a mythical spin to it.
He had a few cool things to say that could fit into 2 lecture videos and the rest was selling sweatshirts with lobster on it (unironically)
The public info said 160k, though that might not be his full take home. Also he was practicing as a clinical psychologist at the time.
Are you even aware of how popular Zizek was before he debated Peterson? He's been internationally giving talks and doing movies long before he crushed memerson.
crazy suit and tie desu
why are american universities pretty much dedicated to the promotion of anti white identity politics, then? globalism and jewish supremacy is obviously a more powerful force by now than white supremacy. Blacks are useful idiots for jews
It was a very long book tour but no book tour lasts forever. I am sure he will produce new material and launch a new parade over it. What else would CAA have him do?
>Chomsky hasn't been relevant in the public sphere since 17 years before he released his most influential book in the public sphere
you're retarded
The problem is that his "life coaching" is couched in hilariously, cringe-inducingly bad (like, freshman undergrad bad) misunderstandings of psychoanalysis and philosophy, alondside hilariously fallacious naturalistic arguments. Have you actually opened 12 Rules for Life? It's a fucking MESS.
That's called "talking out of your ass," kiddo
He made his fortune and closed shop
all cringing is pseud posturing
I was actually at the debate in Toronto with some friends from across the political spectrum (three Marxists, a liberal, and two Randians) and we all came away with the impression that Zizek mopped the floor with Peterson. If you think otherwise you're being willfully blind.
One thing you can't pick up from the video is that Peterson was getting aggressive heckled after his introduction. People continuously laughed at his flailing attempts to respond to Zizek (who, although clearly not prepared, clearly kicked his ass). It was incredibly embarrassing to watch.
A month ago I could be Jordan Peterson ;(
>the breakdown of monogamy means that the top males get all the sex and the slightly above average males and below get little to none
it's actually pretty based
>he's with his dying wife
>"WhY dOeSn'T hE sPeAk PuBlIcLy AnYmOrE?"
please elaborate on your theory of "fallacious naturalistic arguments"
Those where bright times
leftists are unconditional believers in this boundless individual self unconstrained by society, biology morals or metaphysics. In practice, this leads to a bland corporate monoculture and atomised and fragile self, afraid and lost in the world with no comfort beyond long hollowed out 'identities' detached of any organic cultural content, and no real politics beyond the consumer pressure group. Leftists don't understand why normal people wouldn't want to be as neurotic and unhappy as they are.
>$50,000 a month
wtf is this carpet?
Buy a single payment annuity and fucking coast.
Lol based google researcher
Good, somebody needed to take up Josepf Campbells mantle in this godless vapid era
most right-centrist and left-centrist actually think very alike, is the extremes who are in odds with everyone else
People realised he was a completely talentless hack for depressed white boys
Only procesed meat gives you cancer
What happened?
His wife got cancer. Look it up.
He was sniffed out
Peterson is a Jungian and he comes out of that tradition; he's essentially in the lineage of Joseph Campbell. I do not understand why he's so controversial one way or the other, there's a huge body of literature, going back almost 100 years now, on the role that the mythical plays in the consciousness of the individual. He makes no secret of this, his reading list includes Jung and Jungians, and Joseph Campbell is within our living memory, but for some reason Peterson is treated as this bizarre figure who came out of nowhere and is maybe a savior or a huckster or a villain.
the more he spoke, the more people realized how pseudo-intellectual he is
he debates no one of substance. he only debates retarded female feminists and avoid male leftists
I sincerely chuckled out loud.
>treated as this bizarre figure who came out of nowhere and is maybe a savior or a huckster or a villain
This is not how he's treated. He's treated as a pseudo intellectual who oversimplified the ideas you mentioned. He claims to be an expert on psychoanalysis but approached Zizek not even acknowledging that he's a major contemporary psychoanalysis scholar. Peterson is just too stupid and ignorant for things he's trying to voice opinions about and that's how he's mostly viewed.
>nd we all came away with the impression that Zizek mopped the floor with Peterson
Because of that one time when he said "Where are the marxists?" or whatever? That just makes you easily impressionable.
also to answer you op peterson really came up as a response to the horrible situation on campuses in the anglosphere. He has no new ideas but was a pretty strong voice and able to make use of the old ones to some effect...this didn't last however, because his advice amounts to "live the way we did 60 years ago" which is impossible. This isn't the 1950's. For most people taking responsibility isn't enough, their goals and dreams, as simple as those goals and dreams were to obtain in the 50's, are today available only to the gifted.
He said on Joe Rogan that he was going to step out of the spotlight. He got his message across, and was wary of becoming a cult of personality. Got out while the getting was good. Smart choice.
He'll probably come back in force someday, but not as explosively.
Literally he just stopped uploading things to his YouTube channel, opting instead to go on meme tours. Right now he's in New Zealand. He's going full good goy mode, presumably to get a TV show with Dr. Oz or something.
Wow, 90s Houellebecq called, he wants his novel worldview back
>leftists are unconditional believers in this boundless individual self unconstrained by society, biology morals or metaphysics.
Uhh... you just described right wing libertarians, mush-brain.
>treated as a pseudo intellectual who oversimplified the ideas you mentioned.
Maybe by the dummy on Yea Forums but actual people consider him as an intellectual.
>today dreams are only available to the gifted
That's retarded. When were dreams easier to achieve? When more than half the populations were peasants? When the average man killed himself working in a car factory? Only very specific moments in time had life be easier than today.
Myths and stories exist in every culture because of how we remember things.
he should talk more about big 5 and the data surrounding it desu
The meaning of music... you do understand music, right?
The a conman
He's not Christian. You talk a lot of shit for a retard
stay mad tranny
>tfw when I unironically, and seriously unironically, watched his lectures on psychology back in 2014/15 before he became meme famous and they were really interesting
unfortunately, internet fame went to his head and he now believes he has the ability to talk about the bible and the nature of being
They didn't actually listen, they just heard "my man DEBUNKS your man"
This place is caught in a fucking timewarp. Last time I browsed (apx 2 years ago) there were no end of posts about this cunt, along with all the same obvious criticisms, and all the exact same cringey defenses. The catalog is chock-full the same old memes (yeah, George RR Martin is a hack, we know).
What's going on? This place needs to be destroyed for all your sakes.
Those are just meme anyone can talk about.
>The problem is that his "life coaching" is couched in hilariously, cringe-inducingly bad (like, freshman undergrad bad) misunderstandings of psychoanalysis and philosophy, alondside hilariously fallacious naturalistic arguments. Have you actually opened 12 Rules for Life? It's a fucking MESS.
No it's not. When people write him off like this it's an immediate signal that they're either baiting or bluffing because they dont actually know anything about the historical thinkers he supposedly "misreads" and just love to hate him for whatever reason. It's a shame because Maps of Meaning and his ideas involving the psychological/evolutionary significance of God/religious are full of insights that should be given more attention but the only discussion I've ever seen of him on lit was either call his writing "word-salad" or how he doesnt "really" understand Marxism.
This makes me hard as molten steel.
>not even acknowledging that he's a major contemporary psychoanalysis scholar.
he is?
People get bored of this kind of stuff
No, I worked at a University and many of my friends still do. They don't consider him an intellectual, or at least not anyone important.
Read his main works like Sublime Object of Ideology. Read, not watch videos.
except he doesn't understand Marx, and MoM is meaningless Jungian word salad.