The right saw him as a crazy

The right saw him as a crazy
The left saw him as a dangerous reactionary
His nation never gave him the admiration he got overseas
How one man cand end like this?
How can one man be so much alienated?

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What do you mean by alienated?

that's what being a repressed fag feels like


literally napoleon complex. you don't see dazai running around acting like a self important faggot.

who is this manlet?

what does that even mean?

t. newfag

Yu-Gi-Oh Mitsubishi

Yukio Mishima

you've never read anything by him, stfu

>thinks he doesnt know a manlet when he sees one

Do you see one in the mirror?

Great writer, but he was narcissistic to the core, inb4 edgelords

>The right saw him as a crazy
>The left saw him as a dangerous reactionary
>His nation never gave him the admiration he got overseas
citation needed

his work is not political. it is an expression of a life dedicated to beauty. his entire existence pushes towards that alone. read his books and perhaps you will understand.

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>to enter the bookstore you have to beat this guy in an arm wrestle

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Napoleon complex doesn't exist. Tall chads like Orwell and Hemingway did similar shit from a leftist perspective, yet it doesn't get interpreted as compensation

Look at that fucking psyche, Christ

He was Yea Forums /fit/ /fa/ /pol/, if /pol/ actually had brains

Where is a good place to start with Mishima? Should I read Dazai first?

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Does anyone know how tall Dazai was?

I wonder what's on that medal.

It could be his dogtag. He was in the military for a little while.

What's a good introduction to his philosophy?
