This bastard is personally responsible for all the misfortunes we are having today

This bastard is personally responsible for all the misfortunes we are having today.

Attached: foucaultfaggot.jpg (740x464, 156K)

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how so

There are literally no problems today

If he's behind sjw's then yeah

>sjws are the major issue of our times
log off the internet

go back to pol

Attached: 6ksorAs.jpg (1200x1156, 166K)

That's a Peterson-tier take on the problem. If you are looking for a scapegoat try Marcuse.

I'm a strict determinist so I think all the world's philosophy-related problems come from Thales of Miletus but I can't really blame him

>homosexuality is a social construct
>supported Ayatollah Komenini
> dabbed on the marxists and recommended people read Milton Friedman

He was pretty redpilled actually

Foucault created capitalism? Foucault created industrialization? Foucault created big pharma?
How pathetic do you have to be to think that diagnosis == cause

>one man is personally responsible for the state of a whole society
Read a philosophy book (or any book)

Nah, focault was right about many things. For example: the idea that no human being can be said to be an original. We are all copies or mediums of fragments of discourses. Removing these are impossible. We cant say to think independently. No one can. He was right, and lit fags cant accept this as truth as the special snowflakes they are.

>That's a Peterson-tier take on the problem

Attached: 1444780464834.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>Foucault created capitalism?
Stopped reading there. Fucking commies.

What is the problem with capitalism, industrialization and big pharma?
Can you even define those things^

>what is determinism
Damn imagine being such a brainlet

Marcuse was pretty based.

That's not determinism

Only problem is that people have, to some degree, a freedom to select which ideas they would like to influenced by whether they admit it or not.

This, but wrong image

Attached: Martin_Luther_by_Cranach-restoration.jpg (600x645, 470K)

Saying that we are not creating ideas out of nothing and they are partially a product of our biology and cultural influences is nothing new or special lol

>a freedom to select which ideas
"choices" are the result of previous causes.

If it weren't the post-structuralists it would be the puritans. The anglo flagellant is an eternal archetype, inescapable so long as the age gives him power to pass judgement.

Didn't realize fuck-o invented the sewing machine

What has being a commie have to do about admitting that the system that we are living in is incredibly corrupt.

cuz me good so everyone who not me = bad

>*Blocks your path*
hohoho thought i was just an anti-gay conspiracy, huh? Well looks like God has something in store for you, Michel.

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That doesn't look like Charles Marks.

Marcuse was a worthless parasite