what a load of bollocks haha Detectives was better
What a load of bollocks haha Detectives was better
Savage Detectives was a slog
and the nigger chapter in 2666 wasn't? lmao literally 150+ pages of nothingness
Is this shit worth finishing? I'm on page 100 and so far it's some shit about nerds that like some unheard of German author
it gets worse. part 2 is about some schizo cuck professor and part 3 is about some boring nigger journalist doing nothing for 150+ pages. part 4 and 5 are good, though.
lol. Did you enjoy reading the whole thing? Do you regret it at all?
I enjoyed 3/5 of it. 2/5 if I'm honest with myself. I don't regret reading it in the sense of wasting time since it was a book that I always wanted to read and was in my to-read list, but I'm left with disappointment from an author I used to admire. I suppose I've grown out of his literature.
It was written by Bolano for the sake of money. He didn't write it for artistic merit, though he tried his damndest to follow a formula for things that could pass as artistic. It also could be that the English translation sucks. I heard that a lot of the wordplay was lost by the translator who had a middling grasp of Spanish. You also have to consider that Bolano died while writing this. It's really like reading a corpse. It's not complete and while it's got the form of a book it's not really there. I found it to be an interesting creative exercise to read it so that I could understand how novels aren't perfect in their first several drafts and how it really does take some extreme work to make something like this flow neatly.
I do agree regarding the nigger chapter. Bolano didn't really understand American culture I think. He more or less mimed it. He also had an extreme obsession with semen. Otherwise, I don't regret reading it.
I'm reading it in Spanish. I usually can't stand translated Spanish because it always reads the same and takes all the fun out of it. I think I'll push through. When does the part in World War 2 start?
Since I moved to north america I can really see you mongrels chimping at full speed in here. Thank god we're sleeping while you're awake, in Europe. The level of discussion is consistently lower during the hours you animals are awake. This is one of the most important novels of the last 30 years and you're here discussing plot and showing absolutely no understanding of subtext whatsoever. Go back in your local libraries and restart from the Catcher in the Rye.
Um, sweatie, I'm Mexican and I've read it in Spanish. I understand the subtext. The good things Bolaño tried to do in 2666 he had already tried to do them in Distant Star (with better results) and the new things he attempted are just a inexpensive spiritual and aesthetic mimicking of Blood Meridian (which Bolaño mentions in his non-fiction to have read in translation and that many writers have ripped it off with impunity) and Moby-Dick (which Bolaño mentions in his introduction to a Spanish-language edition of Huckleberry Finn as being one of the two cornestones of American literature). Let's not forget the fact that Bolaño intended to polish and revise his manuscript before he died and later he wanted to publish it as separate novels, so I'm left wondering whether or not this was meant to be a solid functional entity or just a sandwich book. If you want a book about the Juárez murders read Sergio González's Huesos en el desierto ("Bones in the Desert"). Bolaño actually had an email correspondance with González about the murders (Bolaño never actually visited Northern Mexico), and González even appears as a character in 2666. I would agree that it's one of the most important novels of the last decades but it's still a personal disappointment for me (and I consider myself an admirer of Bolaño).
Your whole post is retarded, stop repeating this fucking bullshit
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Dude can’t even turn a sentence. Fucking hack for a canonized writer.
>It also could be that the English translation sucks.
It’s as shitty in french, that is for sure.
*an inexpensive
Ohh shit this guy actually reads?
What good novel has Europe produced recently? You're a pseud like the rest of your filthy brethren.
Catcher in the Rye is pure shit, if you think good literature starts there then you should blot out your eyes and stick to Harry Potter audiobooks.
shit taste. salinger is based.
Salinger is a fucking retard and American boomer lit is whiny garbage. Stick to Cosmopolitan or the New Yorker you pseud fuck
I'd rather stick it to your mum, you pretentious faggot kek
Have sex, dilate, etc
>What good novel has Europe produced recently?
Literally dozens.
yes, I hope everyone that actually read both knows that, otherwise this place is a shithole packed with retards