The logical conclusion of every branch of philosophy is suicide

>the logical conclusion of every branch of philosophy is suicide

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Citation needed

literally just think less bro haha get out more and play sports and get sun and get laid and just be yourself lol if you keep being a whiny edgelord no girl is ever going to eat your ass

Why commit suicide if you’ll die anyways? Retard

Suicide unfortunately isn't actually possible. Once something exists, it has a definite form. That can't be undone in any meaningful sense. All killing yourself will do is send you somewhere with even more suffering. Antinatalism and anticonsciousness is the ultimate logical conclusion

this but unironically

Do suicide by Ape; speak so much truth in public that it will kill you.

Socrates did this and he was a pretty cool guy

this but post-postironically

What should I say?

This but deironized

This is why I think we will never have truly perfect AGI, it will want to kill itself.

Based and blackpilled


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>reincarnates as an alien life form any way

this but surreally ironically

13% 50%

So the pain won't end?

r*ddit please go



Guess I'll just kill myself then.