How come "murderer finds redemption" stories are so common but there are never any stories about a rapist finding...

How come "murderer finds redemption" stories are so common but there are never any stories about a rapist finding redemption?

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lol write one loosely based off of michael jackson, how he fights off his pedo urges and tries to name the jq. also use his drug addiction as a result to fight/cope with his sexual deviancy. and how his (label) kills him while smearing his name.

Clockwork Orange

always remember they can imprison your body but not your mind

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What are some stories about a pedophile finding redemption?

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MC doesn't redeems himself. He simply grows up while getting away with his crimes.

Because rape is always an entirely selfish act but murder can be framed as an admirable things depending on circumstances.

One is plain old lust and the other holds a lot more weight, it changes you as a person to kill.

Rapists are more likely to rationalize it as consensual or she wanted it deep down. In murder it's clear cut.

Because murder is sexier than rape.

This might be what you're looking for

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Shut the fuck up, cold blooded murder cannot be framed as admirable in any way
You're probably thinking self-defense and not some just stabbing a passerby to death for shits and giggles, retard

Or maybe they just don't give a fuck, why would they need to rationalize it if they're sociopaths?
Also, murder is justified all the fucking time, as in "I got him before he could get me"

>"murderer finds redemption" stories are so common
really? they're so common?
ok name, say, 10

The majority of murder victims are men and the majority of rape victims are women. It's more about rationalizing the suffering of men, not the act of murder itself. Female murder is often seen as indefensible, for example, even in cases of self-defense.
If rape was a phenomenom with predominantly male victims, people would relativize it to hell and back. Hell, depression has been (and still is) considered a sign of weaknesses in males and has been neglected for centuries. It's only now that female depression is on the rise (despite not being anywhere close to the levels seen on the male population) that people are actually starting to give a shit. It all boils down to male disposability.


Self defence is still murder

An incel who rapes someone due to loneliness after being rejected multiple times and ostracized, and kills himself afterwards, would be relatable desy

It's also why male rape is often used for cheap laughs in movies. If a guy fucks you in the ass, that's so funny. 'Don't drop the soap', am I right?

Why don't you write it?

This movie was kino

American History X.

if you would have started with the greeks you would have read about orion how he got drunk and raped a neat ankled woman and got his eyes stabbed out by the king and wandered around blind until he met artemis the virgin goddess who restored his sight and zeus put him amongst the stars on account of his exceeding manliness

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this. there's no way you can rape in self-defense.

>got drunk and raped a neat ankled woman
How drunk do you have to be to pick them by their ankles?

Point being? It's not like you steal, con or torture others in self-defense either.

US army thinks you can

one of my favourite books

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One can steal and justify it by saying they had to for survival reasons. You could argue that's the motivation behind the majority of petty thefts. Conning and torturing would fall under selfish acts, however.

I thought he only bad mouthed his fiance.