Literature that destroys women?

Looking for books that, as the title inquires, completely and utterly destroys women.

Women aren't worth it. There is no greater agony than sharing existence on this mortal plane with the creatures we have come to know as the 'fairer sex'.

Today I sat alone in the train listening to my obscure esoteric ritual ambient music, then two conventionally attractive females joined me in my solitude, they sat in front of me and started having a mundane conversation, it caught my interest how they kept talking and laughing about trivial normie topics instead of contemplating the true essence of life and searching for a purpose within. We make eye contact for a split second but I break it immediately as she carried on the conversation with her friend, she probably thought she made eye contact with a normal awkward nerdy guy listening to his music in peace but in reality she's beholding a man that is enduring the metaphysical struggle of his race, a man with an aristocratic and adventurous spirit that yearns for celestial freedom as his mind is experiencing levitation towards a complete transcendence despite only weighing 120 pounds.

I indirectly gazed upon the females with an eye of revulsion, repulsed by their moral disintegration and degenerate lifestyle, then in complete and utter disgust I thought to myself "if only they knew how much of a wise Magian I am?" They would've given themselves to me, to fullfil my carnal desires, to plant my seed and give a chance to my offspring to exist and flourish. But of course they won't as I'm very sure they have decided to pursue this puny empty life, to have sex with the so-called CHAD. It truly is a difficult time for an intellectual like me to exist, it truly is the KALI YUGA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off


I touched a Bible once and it burned my palm so I'm assuming it I were to have further contact with the book, it would have destroyed me.
hope that helps xoxo

>t. butthurt wahman

Seething white knights in denial

Have sex

seconding this motion

Please appear in my dreams tonight, Ms. Succubus bby.

>Women aren't worth it
>spend all your time bitching about them

lol rent free

This board is a normalshit cesspool holy fuck. Go back.

Make me

fucking retards, jesus christ

redditors will actually try to claim that this post *could* have been genuine because memeing about Poe's Law makes them feel like they aren't easily manipulated pseuds


waah waah dont make fun of me on Yea Forums

i love that all men dream to have the same power over roasties as the power of roasties over men. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to have the easy life of sluts and make roasties compete for them, then just pick the slut of the week, like women do. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to be loved just for existing

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This HAS to be bait.
Well done, OP.

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>Actually good satire on Yea Forums

Saved. This is golden

>he thinks it's satire

Sex and Character by Otto Weiniger

>but in reality she's beholding a man that is enduring the metaphysical struggle of his race, a man with an aristocratic and adventurous spirit that yearns for celestial freedom as his mind is experiencing levitation towards a complete transcendence despite
yeah sometimes i think like that too but then i dismiss it the next second and laugh at myself and continue my miserable existence of low self-esteem