I´m a atheist. I´m afraid of death. Is there any book that deals with the relationship between these two subjects?

I´m a atheist. I´m afraid of death. Is there any book that deals with the relationship between these two subjects?

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Repent and be saved.

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Why be afraid? You were already dead; was it so bad? Think back to the year 1950. Do you remember what you felt like in 1950? Or 1932? Or 1529? That's what it feels like to be dead.


Read “Hamlet” and Harold Bloom’s commentary on the play, “Hamlet: Poem Unlimited”.

I was extremely nihilistic and atheist in high school and the thought of death was something always in the back of mind that I couldn’t get over. My advice to you OP is to study spirituality. Once your consciousness is expanded enough you’ll realize death is an illusion and there’s much more to this existence than meets the eye. Hope this helps. Hang in there

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Wait you're afraid because you think you might go to hell or you're afraid because when you die you think nothing will happen?
This question kind of highlights why it's dumb to be an atheist


Just watch TV bro

Most atheists are afraid of how death is the ultimate unknown. The thought of just not existing anymore is pretty unsettling. To be an atheist but to believe you’re going to hell makes zero sense


You don’t know what it’s like to be dead

But it does make sense you said it yourself "death is the ultimate unknown"
Atheists don't know if hell is real or not just like everybody else meaning they can't rule out the fact that they might end up there if it is and not believing in it is the whole reason for that

If someone is unsure of what they believe wouldn’t that make them an agnostic? I see your point though

If you are agnostic, simply follow this code, pic related.

If you are atheist, realize death is little more than dreamless sleep.

If you are an aspiring Christian, you will learn that death has been conquered through Christ, and need not be feared so long as you trust in Him.

Honestly just take your pick. For reference, I myself am a Christian.

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I saw Christopher Hitchens at a debate in LA before he died. We has obviously very ill but he was still alert and lively. He said something like, "I'm sure that there is no God but, on an an afterlife, I like surprises." I've been struggling with the fear of death lately, there are some interesting things about Near Death Experiences but most of the books on them are rubbish unfortunately.

Just read Ecclesiastes, maybe the other "Solomon" books.

Is this really true?

Unironically Dhammapada, but you can't talk yourself out of existential fears, unless you are lucky.


read heidegger

Just take Pascal's wager. I did and I don't regret ot.
Atheism doesn't really give you anything and you lose nothing by believeing in Jesus other than some time you spend on mass etc. I personally am fond of the aesthetics of catholicism so I rolled with it.

the book of luke in the bible is meant for gentiles like you.

read that first instead of matthew (for the jews) and mark (for the romans). the book of john is the book for pagans.

Crito and Phaedo

What if your faith is the wrong one and you're just angering the true god?

Thats not how religions work
Furthermore pascals wager accounts for that too

How can you choose to believe? It seems odd and kinda dishonest

The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker deals with this, unlike the books of magical woo woo that have bern posted so far


Become a christian so you do not have to fear death. Be saved while you still can be saved!

>Christians are not afraid of death


What is this drivel? KEK what a fucking autist.

>I dealt with fear with a big cope
whatever works for you I guess

>pascals wager accounts for that too
By saying jesus told the biggest claim so you have the most to gain, except claims are rated on cogency and not just "bigness". Maybe the Buddha's claim makes more sense to some.

>what a fucking autist.
Yes, you are.

miracles performed and centuries old prophesy fulfilled.

This is why everyone in the history of humanity has been religious. You're probably an atheist because of the modern degenerated church which is only a religion in name only. Historically religion was an area of life that would specifically address existential dread and seek to reveal to people their 'true nature' to rob them of their fear of death. If you are not hostile towards Christianity, check out Kierkegaard, if you are, your next best bet is Buddhism from a non-modern perspective.

i'm not afraid of being dead
i'm afraid of dying
cancer, heart disease etc don't seem like very much fun
i'm also afraid of getting to a state where life is basically pain and wanting to be dead

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>miracles performed
Buddha performed miracles.
>centuries old prophesy fulfilled.
Almost nothing outside of the bible confirms biblical prophecies. Some examples: the prophecy of the virgin birth came from a mistranslated text, there are no historical records of a Jesus born in Bethlehem, etc.

If not the Bible then Dr. Irvin Yalom

ITT no one really understands Pascal's wager

>a atheist
How about a book on basic grammar?

From my understanding, atheism/theism deals with belief, whereas gnosticism/agnosticism deals with knowledge. Most atheists are agnostic, they believe there is no god but they don't know for sure. To be a gnostic atheist would mean that you not only believe that there is no god but you also know it to be a fact.

Pascal's wager crumbles down when you consider the amount of gods you'd have to assume exist.

No, there are no books that deal with the relationship between these two subjects.

Read the four books that make up the Trial of Socretes. Doesn't take too long, but make sure to read analysis as well. Did it for me when I read it.

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Just started this. Thought it was funny how he mentions right away that primitive people didn't fear death, and even some cultures (Irish) see it as a cause for celebration, then in the very next line that the fear of death is a human universal.
I'm sure there are interesting bits, but understanding why these other people didn't fear death is likely much more useful.

Fuck off with this shit, whether I was already dead means nothing, I now am alive and fucking like it so I am afraid of losing it.

It's really hard for me to believe the world existed before I did.

>I now am alive and fucking like it
if you died in your sleep would you know it?
you mean the spinning labor camp? I don't care if it existed or not, I only want it to not exist again

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Yes it is. Which part are you concerned about?

read jewish lit, they don't have an afterlife so they're all terrified of dying.

Shut the fuck up they are going to post their shitty bibles and think they are clever


That Christopher Hitchens believed he had a soul ;^)

It's something that doesn't sound far off a death bed conversion (at least for him) and I didn't hear anything about around when he died. Interesting though.

Why? You're not holding the place together, we'll get by without you.

You don't need to be afraid of death.
See life is a gift, an opportunity.
Be happy that you have the chance to live life instead.

One of the names of God in Quran is "Justice."

You sound so lackadaisical about being catholic that I'm going to have to say: based.
>just believe in Jesus and go to mass
I might as well join a community center.

Blaise Pascal’s wager in Pensées (Thoughts).

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>That Christopher Hitchens believed he had a soul ;^)

We kinda have, maybe. It's something you can't know or define, so a different word would probably fit better than "soul".

But each conscious being has only one life, making each one of them unique/special.

You are the only you that will ever exist.
Not talking about mind/brain processes, in theory they can be recreated, by recreating you 1:1 in every sense, but you, the observer, are unique.

The observer is the one that experiences things in the present, the one that hears the voice in his head, who feels his feelings, who receives the data of the senses.

Imagine you are being perfectly recreated, call it B, while the original A dies precisely in the moment B comes to be.
Imagine this happens by stepping into a machine.

B will believe that he stepped into the machine and then stepped out of it. For him life goes on, even though it has just began.

A ceases to exist, he disappears the moment he steps into the machine.

A consciousness is not the same as B consciousness, despite everything being identical.
A and B, for all that matters, may be identical and behave identical, but the consciousness/observer that possessed A is different to B, because he isn't the one possessing B.
This essence of you, which you may call soul, does not transport into B, it isn't something Material or an effect of it.

For all the flack Christopher Nolan gets for being a wannabe deep movie maker, this is incredibly well visualized in the prestige.
I would like to hear a hardcore determinist explaining this.

>We kinda have, maybe.
Yes, but we're talking Christopher Hitchens here. He imbibed a lot of spirits, but I'm not sure he had even a reflection in a mirror ;^0

>a clone is not the original
duh... why are you even destroying the original (A)? For the sake of an argument?
>This essence of you, which you may call soul, does not transport into B, it isn't something Material or an effect of it.
Both of them are material, and both of them could have consciousness (if consciousness arises from the brain) independently of each other, so destroying either one of them is the same thing, if you'd call destroying one brain killing then it would apply to both of them.

>being afraid of death
It’s like you never read any philosophy. Ever. Go read your Plato. All of it.


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