Michel Foucault

>Michel Foucault

Top fucking kek

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How can you cite someone who just talked out of his ass?
That seems wrong

the fucking STATE of academia

>November 9, 2019
Fake and gay

The rest of the list boys, Marx at a whopping 25

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That's exactly how academia works. The more you talk out of your ass the more citations you get.

Last part of the list

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>getting butthurt by Foucault

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Foucault is a necessary evil on the path to Academia's destruction

Who said anything about anyone here getting butt hurt

A lot of children did
>defending a pedophile who made up thought experiments to justify having sex with boys


I actually like Foucault but this is still ridiculous. It's also ironic since he's like the only guy that went out of his way to shit on academia and question it as a source of authoritarian power and control.

based Foucault

>fag philosopher who died of aids
>had weird sexual fetishes
>but he had some interesting points about control and being watched and stuff
Fuck foucault and fuck the pomo’s.

What year did academia die?

>It's also ironic since he's like the only guy that went out of his way to shit on academia and question it as a source of authoritarian power and control.
its deliciously ironic, but most of his peers said the same things, especially Althusser

When self help books started getting shipped everywhere alongside pop sci books, excluding Gödel Escher and Bach, and Eternal Golden braid

didn't realize althusser said that, then again my knowledge of most of these guys is very basic. Foucault's the only one that I bothered to read a bunch of his books, in large part just because I like the way the guy writes.

>tfw you see your name in the list
all those years of reading plato paid off

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Excuse me? Retards rise up

Epic and dank maymay, comrade XD reddit.com/r/GamersRiseUp did you catch the latest contra video, comrade? Did you catch the latest Chapo episode, comrade? They were both pretty epic
>imagine being this butthurt or something
Good one!

holy shit
I used to have the same piano teacher as Rob Tibshirani
knew he was big in his field but didn't know he was that big

t. Hofstadter

Bite me

What is Bandura's achivement... excluding Bobo doll?

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Emperor's Clothes effect.

That's gender studies for you.

It's over, academy is finished.

Did Foucault invent fisting?

so this is the high scores of acadummies huh?

Bandura is the only readable one on there.

Academia was already on the downward spiral sometime after WWI when it definitely shifted from being a scholar guild to being high school 2.0. But it remained tolerable up to the 60s.

notice the stone silence from the academics on this board
we're onto you fucking people.

reminder Foucault said "If I had known the Frankfurt School in time, I would have spared a lot of work. Some nonsense I wouldn't have said and many detours I wouldn't have made, when I tried to not be deterred, while the Frankfurt School had opened up the paths."

>number 1 is not a scientist
>"Pseudoscience abounds!!!11"

>taking academics seriously

where is chris langan

European date format, reads 11th September 2019.

He is espademic numero cero when he goes full release.

>no rene girard

this format make more sense to be honest

I decided to not pursue an academic life when I saw the reality of my professors. It was a cult. 2/3 of papers are never ever read by anyone, they make contacts to get citations, and honestly live outside of the real world pretending their little models are advancing reality.

I'd rather start a business than becoming a modern academic.

The fun thing is that was already the case in the Middle Age.

When Frankfurt School came around.

I feared that to be the case

>no women
Based and redpilled

How has nobody pointed out that this is probably mostly driven by sociologists and literary analysis? His numbers are inflated by the fake fields who do nothing but write.

It has been pointed out a couple of times. I don't understand why more people don't try to fiddle their h-index a bit by publishing a couple of papers in such fields (one must assume because they cannot, Sokal is probably the best example of a somewhat successful attempt).

YYYY-MM-DD (HH:MM:SS) is superior in every way

I read college philosophy books from the interwar period in my library and they're actually really good. But i only have contemporary shit my professors assign me to compare that to



>Noam Chomsky
"That's all that Chomsky is at the end of the day: a person who used the shallow liberal bastardization of Judeo-Christian morality that was inherent around him in the masses, and within him as well, seeing as though he never opposed it, which is what lead it his fame. He wanted to find a conspiracy to tear down, and so constructed his own, to be taken down and revealed in the name of a shallow and baseless principle, masked as a part of "human nature" (a nonsensical term created only as a cover from incoming fire), like most public "intellectuals", so he could be applauded as a "hero of the people". Chomsky's will to power had nothing to do with "truth", his will to power and objective was: to be an idol of the masses."
- From youtube comment on youtube.com/watch?v=J5wuB_p63YM

I detest Foucault but nothing he wrote should be construed as an attempt at scientific research. So how is his work "pseudoscience"?

based ameritard

>That's exactly how academia works. The more you talk out of your ass the more citations you get

If this were true #1 would be Jordan Peterson.

I agree, but also how is it “research”?

You want something even more depressing? check out how many papers receive 0 citations.

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This poster's name? Albert Einstein.


who the FUCK are these people?


Based and Martin Shkreli pilled

Stop writing worthless papers charlatan

Foucault? More like Fuck All

This guy's entire twitter is basically "old good, new bad, except Japan!"

That's how everything works. Though sometimes "except Japan" is "except South Korea" like when people pretended Oldboy and Memories of Murder were good movies.

Foucault's brand of charlatanism was always going to be incredible popular it lets people feel like they have penetrated a to true deeper level of understanding which is very simple. Oppose this to the actual events, institutions and individuals which are extremely complicated but thankfully only a mask for power and safely despised.

>all men
fucking disgusting. women deserve citations too!

Yeah but he’s consistent with shitting on modernism, and does it in a non cringe stomach aching way, it’s not like he’s Sam Hyde or something

What the fuck but Marx is literally the most important one apart from maybe Freud

He was a fag who died of aids but at least he will be remembered.

At least ma man amartya sen is there.

You are a m/a/n of culture, fren.

the real metric is how much of those of citations have been cited as well? its more important to see the networks generated by these citations and the real world effect it have
but who cares anyway, some random mathematicians don't get cited for making the computer possible

here it is by h-index
Foucault still #1

I'm pretty sure this is citations in some specific field. Psychology?

it still does not capture the essence of productivity.
It is entirely possible that these citations forms a circular graph by which to say, these are academia masturbation.

>Chomsky, Marx, Freud
Lmao it's worse than I thought.

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that in itself is still revealing


>Leddit using gay as um insult
Um, yikes artificial sweetener, y'all.

>10 literal whos

>hating Foucault
have sex, digicel

fucking Yea Forums

My certain political theory is most rational. Therefore, other political theories are irrational. Anyone who follows them is silly, and they cannot possibly meet the ends of their political projects. Herein, reductio, stands my argument against all societies unlike the one I personally adhere to.

>u-universities aren't Marxist Bootcamps you paranoic goyim

>Memories of Murder were good movies.
If you treat the secondary murderer (the train) as comic relief it's a very good movie.

>most rational

cring and bluepilled.

We are invoking the dionysian with some apollonian elements.

You're a huge cocksucker.

>work can be used to criticise literally anything
>gets used to criticise literally everything
Not completely mindblowing.

hahaha Foucault is such a fucking chad and he was literally right about everything eat my shorts nerd

What's there to bump you swine?

0 (zero) citations by others.

exposé of the foucauldian cabal
>there's no truth it's just power relations xd

Be fair, he wasn't just about ass talking.

He also love ass fisting.

>takes a steaming piss on Foucaults cold AIDS corpse

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>Blocks your Foucault

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