What's Yea Forums thoughts on George Orwell?

What's Yea Forums thoughts on George Orwell?
Also I'm thinking of reading both of his books 1984 and Animal farm, thoughts on them?

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High school indoctrination tier.

Read his non-fiction instead: Homage to Catalonia, Down and Out in Paris and London
Also his essays

His work has aged very well compared to other authors of the time. 1984 and Animal Farm are excellent, but Homage to Catalonia and his essays showcase him at his best. I've just finished George Woodcock's The Crystal Spirit, which I would highly recommend. More about his work than the man himself though, which was a little disappointing.

Cringe and midwit

say yikes in your next post user then i can cross off a line on my Yea Forums tedious fucknut bingo card

George Orwell is the choice of midwits and you know it

He wrote one of my favourite passages from a novel

>Winston woke up with the word ‘Shakespeare’ on his lips.

Misunderstood by the masses. Reduced to allegories and platitudes. 1984 is very insightful about human life and God (probably one of the few atheist works worth reading) and Animal Farm is a wonderful story. Haven't read Catalonia or his essays, but own both of them. Obvious why Yea Forums doesn't like him, but give him a shot and judge him for yourself OP.

Only dimwits with delusions of grandeur think this.

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This. Get a book of essays; most of his work is essays on political topics.

Orwell is notable in that he started out as a Communist sympathiser before 1984 and Animal Farm. His early writings remind you that there was a time when Communism seemed like a good idea, and all those people didn't just jump on board for no reason.


Orwell is a good writer that's unfortunately a regular high school reading and thus both affirmed and denied by edgy contrarians.
People here will not speak well of Orwell. But Orwell was a very insightful person when it came to human nature, even in spite himself. My impression of Orwell is that his political views and musings are counter intuitive to his character. Reading Shooting an Elephant, seeing how quick to degrade a coolie and reminisce about how much he'd enjoy slamming a bayonet into a Burmese monk's gut, he was hardly a modern egalitarian progressive in his real nature. Everything about him, as a leftist, seems nothing like who really was as a person. He was a bit of self contradiction, maybe even a hypocrite. The same kinds of things he understood about the human psyche and mind took hold of him. He was pessimistic and realistic at heart.

Based as fuck

Regardless you should have read them.

you should read them but beware because 1984 is brainlet tier good vs evil bullshit that doesnt do or say anything interesting, you won't find any deep insights there nor in animal farm but giving it a shot is always worth it, try to read it and see how far you get
other guys recommended homage to catalonia, never read it so i cant comment on his non-fiction stuff, might be better than the garbage mainstream worships him for

which is why this user
didn't pick up on that. 1984 was a book that held multiple meanings at once. It really is a brilliant book. It was anti-religious, and I also caught the scathing indictment of religion and the concept of God very early in the book. That was evidenced by how sex was the this supposed "ultimate act of rebellion" in that world. I believe in God so I wasn't a big fan of that, but it does point out some possible logical and ethical issues with religion. Besides that, it was railing against the world we are rapidly moving towards (a technocracy), propaganda, governments in general, humanities willingness to accept contradictions, conformity, individuality, I could go on and on.

>be Yea Forums
>swallow low tier bait

Only read Homage to Catalonia, which was very good

Wasn't there a rumor that he was an undercover agent?

They are overrated, but good books nevertheless. Well worth reading.
His essays are also great.

Literally a high school tier writter. Read his books if you havent read them.
The people here shit talking the "contrarians" are just trying to be contrarians themselves.
Any person who reads more philosophy and more literature will know that Orwell is really shallow and literally if you read about his personal life it will only endorse that view.

Huxley is more relevant than Orwell imo, but i also think its a bit dumb to think the whole world as a matter of pleasure vs pain scenario and not to mention his pseud new age book.

I agree with this, at this point his books are used for nothing but democrat dumb dumb propaganda. Its irrelevant in the post-soviet union age.

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>Its irrelevant in the post-soviet union age.
Not exactly. When you look at today's politics and so many of the Democrats being hardcore socialists, the warning he tells us in Animal Farm is more important than ever.

>Its irrelevant in the post-soviet union age.

How so? Issues surrounding free speech, civil liberties and income inequality are more relevant than ever. The fact that some countries still can't read Orwell is testament to this.

>Communist sympathiser before 1984 and Animal Farm
The man never stopped being a Socialist and wrote plenty to say as much. I'm not sure if it's just cold war propaganda but the common reading of those texts is almost pathetically stupid. Animal Farm in particular is literally a beat for beat allegory of the Russian Revolution that's unequivocally Trotskyite

>socialism is a synonym for communism
oh lordy. are you american?

>When you look at today's politics and so many of the Democrats being hardcore socialists, the warning he tells us in Animal Farm is more important than ever
Orwell's ideas are about goverments which rule by force and fear, which is the contrary of what you have today. Orwell was a socialist that didnt like the soviet tier communists.

>Issues surrounding free speech, civil liberties and income inequality are more relevant than ever
And you today lose your rights and powers faster by subscribing to the ideas of equality and socialism (the kind that Orwell likes) than anything else (depending a bit on who you are). Orwell simply warns you about the classic dictator that rules according to their wills and the warm that they can do to ya.
Its really irrelevant in the post soviet union age, where politics are completly diferent and things are more complex.

fuck meant to reply to instead of myself.

>1984 is brainlet tier good vs evil bullshit that doesnt do or say anything interesting
>Literally a high school tier writter. Orwell is really shallow
It’s always amusing when anons with a poor grasp of the English language, and no accomplishments of their own to speak of, feel the need to share their inane opinions of books and/or authors already firmly placed in the Western canon. Do these halfwits believe that kneejerk denial obviates their mediocrity?

>It’s always amusing when anons with a poor grasp of the English language, and no accomplishments of their own to speak of
>Wow bro, if you havent done anything better you have no right to complain.
Enough with this poor ass half butthurt responces. If my english is shit then so be it, its not even my mother language.

>authors already firmly placed in the Western canon
Orwell doesnt even belong to the western canon, he belongs to the canon as much as any political authors you see today. His ideas were already abundant in his time and now they have been more worned out than ever. There were already plenty of authors ahead of him in his time and before him.
His works got famous because they endorsed the status quo and the plot involving was well crafted and simple enough to catch the attention of the teens without confronting their views.
It was perfect for the masses.

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>you have no right to complain
You can bitch and moan all you want. I’m merely pointing out that when you call someone like Orwell a “high school tier writter” all you’re doing is exposing your own ignorance and jealousy.
>His works got famous because they endorsed the status quo
I’m sorry, but you have zero fucking clue what you’re talking about.

>Orwell doesnt even belong to the western canon
He is, regardless of your personal feeling he is one of the most influential writers of the 20th century and even Harold Bloom includes him.

>I’m merely pointing out that when you call someone like Orwell a “high school tier writter” all you’re doing is exposing your own ignorance and jealousy.
Ignorance on what? Jealousy of what? I merely pointed out that he was alrady a outdated and shallow author by the time he came about.

>I’m sorry, but you have zero fucking clue what you’re talking about.
Yeah right, lets see where did his works agaisnt ""socialism"" got popular? The Western block. During what period? The cold war and soviet period, which are the subject that he attacks the most.
Wow, what a surprise!

>one of the most influencial writers
Lol, just because he sold good amount of copies and endorsed certain ideas even more doesnt mean he was new and inovative on anything else. He may have influenced people, sure, but he didnt bring anything new to the table.

I never said he was new, I said he was influential. Get over it.

Yeah, and i acknowledged that. Get over it.

He was. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orwell's_list

I don't remember 1984 being particularly anti-religion. I think the party's repression of sex is an allegory for birth control, which Orwell opposed. He seemed (with reservations) quite concerned about the decline of religion, already underway by 1950.

>And you today lose your rights and powers faster by subscribing to the ideas of equality and socialism (the kind that Orwell likes) than anything else (depending a bit on who you are)

Please elaborate. If you're saying that Orwell was too idealistic, I kind of agree. He seemed more interested in a small-scale revolution than the big schemes which socialist groups and governments were conjuring up at the time, which led him at once to be both more radical and more conservative than any Tory or trotskyist. He was politically a very complicated individual.

Keep seething, midwit

Keep, coping highschooler

>Please elaborate
>Be middle to high society person, or someone full of potencial and ambition, born with good qualities and capabilities.
>subscribe to socialist and equality ideals
>Loose powers to help the weak and opressed
>Be forced to fulfill quotas, get linceses to do anything that were implemented in the name of "justice", "equality" and "safety"

Equality is a life negating objective that is used by the weak and oppressed to get power away from the opressors. Life is about being the contrary of equal.

>Equality is a life negating objective that is used by the weak and oppressed to get power away from the opressors

Removing power from those who, not only haven't earned it, but abuse it, seems a rational cause. Plenty of (if not most) powerful people don't want to help the weak and oppressed, and the ones that do are rarely successful. Equality wouldn't be perfect, but it would be democratic.

If they have it they have earned it, any other "should" or "shouldnt" is merely applying concepts and idealism into work.

This whole post is just one giant bucket full of spooks and christian "democratic" moral idealism. Go brag about your "rational cause" elsewhere

>Ignorance on what?
Based on your comments, you’re obviously ignorant of the various themes in 1984.
>Jealousy of what?
Someone more successful/influential than you’ll ever be
>he was alrady a outdated and shallow author by the time he came about
Your constant regurgitating this same crap doesn’t make it true. Your opinion that Orwell is “shallow” is ridiculous — mere cope/projecting on your part. If you think he was “outdated” before he even started writing, by all means please list for us the dozens and dozens of authors who preceded him that you’re referring to.
>his works agaisnt ""socialism""
He was writing about totalitarianism, not socialism. The two are different.
>The cold war and soviet period, which are the subject that he attacks the most.
Neither Animal Farm nor 1984 “endorse” the status quo. Animal Farm was written before the Cold War started; 1984 was written a year into it. The former has nothing to do with the Cold War; the latter almost nothing (and that only in retrospect).

Frankly, you sound like a 12-year-old who’s spent the last 2 weeks browsing Yea Forums and /pol/ and is now spitting back whatever incoherencies that have stuck in your tiny little brain. Your take on Orwell, post-WW2 history, etc. is puerile.

>If they have it they have earned it

Do you support benevolent dictatorship? Cause that seems to me where your line of thinking inevitably ends up.

>Based on your comments, you’re obviously ignorant of the various themes in 1984.
Oh please point me where.
>Someone more successful/influential than you’ll ever be
Even if i want be succesful and influencial there is nothing that i look more down that a friend of the plebe like Orwell was.
>Same crap, cope, cringe/projecting
Ok senpai.
>by all means please list for us the dozens and dozens of authors who preceded him that you’re referring to.
Any philosophy from middle to late XIX century. Any post-freudian psychology. His "rival" Huxley. Even the 19th century russian authors were ahead of his blockhead ideas.
>He was writing about totalitarianism, not socialism. The two are different.
yeah, thats why i typed ""socialism"" like this.
>Neither Animal Farm nor 1984 “endorse” the status quo.....
They do, they were made to critique the soviet revolution which the west didnt like one bit. And his sales came to the top in the cold war era.

>Frankly, you sound like a 12-year-old who’s spent the last 2 weeks browsing Yea Forums and /pol/ and is now spitting back whatever incoherencies that have stuck in your tiny little brain. Your take on Orwell, post-WW2 history, etc. is puerile.
You kidding right?

>If they have it they have earned it,
yes I've earned daddy's estate by being born and surviving past his death

>Do you support a dictator anti-egelitarian aristocracy with you in it where you impose your values on the plebe, and dont have to go do their shit for the "good causes" and "rational ideas"?
Yes i do.

Look at this cope. Only a dumb democrat or moralist would refuse the works and privileges inhereted by his father so he can support the "greater cause".
People who think like that are give their shit away are made for servitute.

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>You kidding right?
Nope, not at all. You’re an idiot. If you’re in fact 12 years old, your stupidity is forgivable, but if you’re over 18 (as you likely are) it’s not. In either case, you’re a waste of time talking to — your ideas are halfwit tier, you have nothing interesting to say, you have no insights, and you cannot support any of your claims with anything but the grossest generalities.

Look, i pointed out that he is was outdated and shallow and proved my point by giving you examples of what i consider to be more inovative and better than that blockhead of a writter.
All you do is call names and scream for me to spoon feeding you every single idea that was ahead of that plebian dumb nutts. And still have the audacity to call me the 12 year old with the tiny brain.

Go cry me a river.

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>People who think like that are give their shit away are made for servitute.
materialist cope

>Yes i do.

Thought so. At least now I know why you hate Orwell so much.

animal farm shows a shallow understanding of why stalin came to power.
He was a product of the system and the time.
Nevertheless the ussr industrialized at a rate never seen before prior to him and won a world war.

>materialist cope
Im no materialist, but you should go on serving the causes greater than you then. Have you thought of giving your organs away for people that work harder than you? What about considering a open relationship so your wife doesnt feel so oppressed and gets more pleasure? Why dont you share your home with the homeless?

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You’ve proved nothing. That you think you have shows how stupid you are.

You claim Orwell was outdated. Please give us a specific example of an idea/concept/theme that Orwell had/used, and a specific example of an author/work that both preceded Orwell and obviated the idea, etc. you consider “outdated.”

I wont, go read books, you dumb sack of nuts.
I wont be here having the hard work to show how his ideals are the most outdated shit ever.

Orwell didn't give a fuck about the "intellectual" circle-jerk. He fought for the reds because they were on the side of the little guy, and he stopped fighting for them when they weren't.

Bumping because almost everything he wrote is solid gold and people should really read it instead of throwing these "isms" around.

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Exactly as I thought. You’ve been talking out your ass, and your opinions are now officially confirmed as worthless. If you won’t substantiate something you’ve repeatedly said, we all know it really means you can’t because it’s bullshit bloviating. You’re a cancer on Yea Forums and would be doing everyone here a great favor by fucking off, you fucking poser.

Yeah, i already knew you'd reply with something like this just because i would refuse to spoon feed you everything and enter a giant arguement.
Dont worry about it, if you are going to continue your hobby of reading good shit you will notice how superfecial and boring orwell is.
Go read postmodernists, go read philosophers behind him.

> You’re a cancer on Yea Forums and would be doing everyone here a great favor by fucking off, you fucking poser.
Looks like im arguing with some skater teen about boybands lol.

I sometimes fantasize with great pleasure about all the letters he must have received from his disgusting shitblood leftist friends in Spain about how they were being executed one at a time, the pleas for him to save them, the begging, the groveling.

Theft and criminality is so easy when you think you have a friend on your side, but when you realize that nobody is going to save you from a lifetime of criminal behavior, and the righteous consequences thereof, the Good Little Leftist squirms. Oh how he wishes that he had not been a thief, that someone had taught him better.

The tales of the mass executions in Spain were the stuff of legends. Such justice. Such unmitigated, righteous cruelty.

Absolutely intellectually mogged to oblivion good job user, I have nothing to add you know how it works continue the good work brother

Closet Retard detected


Empty blah blah blah halfwit cope. Neck yourself, poser.
He isn’t closeted, user. He’s out on the street openly flaunting his retardation.

Superficial is spelt with an "i" instead of the "e" you have in its place, you’re passing judgement and failed to execute a grammatically correct word/phrase, yes your opinions should be taken seriously


It’s fine if you have Orwell, but at least provide strong points at to why he’s SupErEFeCial and boring.

Enjoy your post-moral society when it finally gets here.

Self proclaimed "Tory Anarchist," after all. A man apart, a true original. If only there were more people of his like around today.

Im sorry if my english as second language offended your ass. Not everyone here is a monolingual like you.
I already told you that im not going to dive into a point on point analysis.

Im sorry, did you bring anything to the table besides low IQ sperging?

Im honestly surprised to the amount of Orwell worshiping retards in the thread. You guys really need to read more.

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gay retard, got fucking crushed in spain fighting alongside the people he claimed to hate (commies) and literal droves of LGBTQP, had zero kills in the first place, moorish andalusian falangist chad wrecked his neck and he spent his whole life coping just all anglos do when they get BTFO'd by chad meds, also just a mediocre writer with boring ideas and ideals he couldn't even live up to, milquetoast anglo trash, only pleb bit fags think he has anything interesting to say

Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.

IOW, STFU and GTFO, poser


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I'm guessing you're an anglo. Probably an anglican or an atheist also, since no one who can be called really religious would take the Leviathan seriously. No surprises there tho, your people mistook 1984 for a manual, so of course you think it describes the perfect political system.

Enjoy the future you choose.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

He’s neither an Anglo nor a native English speaker. The Hobbes stuff is an affectation only, part and parcel of his deluded worldview.

Im nothing of that gay shit you suppose me to be

>muh deluted worldview

Who knew the Orwell fanboys are plebs that dont read jack shit.

You certainly are nor remaining silent.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Nigga who the fuck takes that book for a manual? Did you even read what the reply was about?

>spouting spook memes is intellectual

All midwits deserve cancer

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Pot, meet kettle. You’re aware that nobody has any idea who you’re talking about, right?

>Nigga who the fuck takes that book for a manual?
The eternal Anglo.
>Did you even read what the reply was about?

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When did so many genuinely stupid people start posting here? Is this something recent or has Yea Forums always been this moronic?

one of his cambridge classmates said he reduced everything to politics.