Favorite law books?

Favorite law books?

I just started law school and I think I made a huge mistake. The people are sycophants and the subject matter is the most boring I could imagine. What should I do? The prospect of having a career reviewing 100 page contracts makes life seem not worth living.

Attached: book of the law.jpg (440x600, 18K)

Cute image choice

Thanks. Ever since I found this Law Schol has been much easier

Is that Crowley’s


Do people actually have to read this?

>Favorite law books?

>have to
What? It's just a forgery of a sacred text produced by a drug addict Marina Abromavic-tier performance artist masquerading as an occultist hierophant.

A background on thelema is required by most of the relevant law firms.

Don’t lose hope user, I’ve heard from quite a few people that they hated law school but love being a lawyer—hardly ever the opposite

I’m sure lots of law jobs are boring, but a lot are probably interesting and rewarding

If you just started stick with it!

>there is no debate

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I've been an attorney for the last 3 years. The work is so stupid, so boring, so fucking USELESS in every conceivable way that I've started attending architecture school during the evening. Fuck law, I'll escape its clutches by any means.

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>"Do what thou wilt" shall be the whole of the Law.
you really had to go to school to understand this OP?

If you don't like the subject matter why go? Real law isn't exciting like some fucking TV show or movie, you do a bunch of paperwork and cite a bunch of laws on stuff that's so contrived, obscure, and boring that the average person would rather pay you exorbitant fees to do it than do it themselves. Do you got a full-ride or something?

>hardly ever the opposite

>hardly ever the opposite

KEK, next you're gonna tell me every doctor loves their job! Law is only pleasant for a very specific type of person who likes memorizing a lot and using what they've learned in a methodical and logical manner. The sort of poly-sci guy whose in it for the principles and philosophy behind the law are the gunners who get straight Cs on the finals, for OPs sake I hope he's talked to a lawyer and understands what the job is actually like instead of some hollywood fantasy version.

Ahhhhhh what the fuck else am I supposed to do for a career? This feels like the one thing that I'm good at but it's so soulless.

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Lmao how the fuck do you choose to study law if you think it's boring? Shit is a snoozefest

Real estate attorney here. I represent condominiums and HOAs. I write a ton of letter, motions, violation letters, and collect on judgments, i.e. use the force of the State to extract resources from judgment-debtors. I am Mafia-like. When I arrive at court, I asked the judgment-debtor prior to the hearing, What can you pay right now? If you can't pay anything, what can you pay in a week? If you pay, I will withdraw my garnishment of your bank account or wages. I need your assets to pay off this debt. If not, I will move forward with my garnishment or foreclosure against our lien. I also review tons of bylaws and declarations of said associations, which are governed by contract law.

But I'm not terribly happy. I don't make a lot of money at all, and I am tired -- all the time. I've been working on weekends, and I'm still not billing enough. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.

christ look at all this jewspeak, fuck, one life on this planet and you're reviewing legal code lmao

Could go business, not to say you'd enjoy it per se but a smart guy like yourself could make much more money on average and without those exorbitant law school fees. I'd only stick in there if you're not paying much and/or you're actually good (i.e., As and perhaps some B+s on the finals and you're in a good law school) because those big firms pay a fuck ton but you should know only the best of the best get those jobs while the rest get chump change (a sizeable portion also don't even end up practicing law, that'd suck real bad eh?) which is only worth it if you didn't pay that much and/or if you really love the job.

I research local and State code from time to time. Most of what I deal with is governed by the contracts I mentioned. There isn't much else to do. What do you do with your life? Are you satisfied? I do receive some satisfaction from what occupation. But what else is there? There isn't much. I spend my free time playing piano, reading and fucking girls from Bumble. Currently fucking some 8/10 broad at the moment.

I smoke weed and read philosophy

I don't smoke weed. I only drink, but not often. I haven't smoked a cigarette in about two weeks. Philosophy is good, though. That's why I'm here. I am in a Jew'd out occupation, and what is do is morally questions to say the least. But it's not bad -- my overall condition I mean.

You did make a huge mistake and unfortunately you've probably already made your deposit for tuition and are at least 50k in debt already, a number which will triple or quadruple before you're finished in 3 years. You can't go back now.


Now THIS is delusion. Holy shit. Most lawyers are absolutely miserable.


Burn them all

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Who /didn'tfallforthelawmeme/ here?
In hindsight not going to law school was the best thing I ever did

>methodical and logical

The law makes no fucking sense most of the time and there is no fucking method to it.

If you look through the archives, onionring rec'd some decent ones.

The Secret Barrister I remember being enjoyable if entirely forgettable. Harry Potter (what a name to have...) has done some decent books and documentaries too.