Marxist critiques of Capitalism

>Marxist critiques of Capitalism
>Fasicst critiques of Capitalism

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i want to fuck art thots so bad

Can you not post these pictures? It makes me cry.

Fascists never critique capitalism because they don't understand what capitalism is. They often critique (or rather "express disapproval of") some of the superstructure that has developed out of capitalism, but it never goes any further than that.

Fasicsm is the next form of Capitalism

>noooooooooo you can't reform the system you have to bring it all down

Fascist are capitalists though, the word "privatization" was coined to describe Hitlers economic policies. Fascism is just capitalism in crisis

This, but unironically

Fascist corporatism is still capitalism though.

What’s your alternative smart ass

that would be correct yes

Insta is @local_gal

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t. Fascist pseud

God, women are so beautiful. I'm so lonely.

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>hurrdurr superstructure

Stop marxist-cryptospeak, this is not the 70’s

Gas the jews
Race war now

But seriously, a social democracy with a mixed economy in which the banks, major industries, education and health care are all publicly owned seems good.
I also like the idea of workers owning shares of the company they work for.

The contradictions are inherent in the core of the system. We can't Proudhon our way out of this.

If you get triggered by words then fuck off back to your safespace

The male body is far more impressive. (No homo).

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It's also the fact that it requires hard work to reach such beauty unlike the other gender.
Also, no homo

It's also the fact that it's hard, strong muscle rather than random accumulation of fat and glandular tissue with little purpose. (No homo again of course).

God I want her breasts in my mouth.

The worst part for me is I'm actually attractive, just too awkward and socially retarded to do anything with my looks.

If you actually were attractive women would approach you.

I am tho, I've had girls ask about me when they see me on a friend's Snapchat story, I didn't know how to reply to that shit though.

Nobody is upset by their critique, you disingenuous clown. You know full well the disagreement stems from the solutions the ideologies provide. Fuck off back to the drawing board and try again, halfwit.

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You're gay as fuck.

you're all gay and that's fine.
but yeah the male body is superior, no homo

It's not gay bro. I like women.

I never realized until now that I could fuck men and still not be gay. If I could, I would thank you with no homo man-on-man buttsex.

I'm not the gay. I just think that the female body is sexier, but the muscular male body is more aesthetic, like a polished diamond.


All fascist do is to critique consequences of capitalism, like consumerism and stuff like that.

How does it feel knowing that Marxist critiques of capitalism have essentially poisoned the well of anti-capitalism in general due to the failure of the proposed solutions? Congratulations, idiot.

And before you attack me in the predictable way, no, I'm not a fascist.

>I'm not the gay.
Don't be so quick to shut doors, user. Consider the following:
The determination of two men entangled in a trial by strength; One man proud to endure the pain the other is proud to inflict. The procreation of a human soul through consensual warfare where the casualties are weakness and shame. The heaving physique of the image of God oozing liquid salt at the apex of civilization.

Fascists are literally just capitalists what

fuck off newfag

So far only solutions to capitalism has been some form of copetalism. No one proposed more workable solution than the Marxists.

>"the states bro.... the states....."

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Dude. Srsly? Yes we have

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Fascism is hyper-capitalism you idiot. Please people, tell me you aren't going to fall for this shit again after 70 years.

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Tell me about those wonderful anarchists societies that lasted for 80 years and survived numerous grand invasions.

>Consider the following
Construct a construct in order to engage in behavior that is otherwise outside of what I consider healthy and beneficial to greater society at large? No thanks faggot.

Everything is hyper-capitalism you fuckwad. The whole goal of ideology is to see who can make the most stuff while minimizing complaints from other people.