Was Adorno right?

Was Adorno right?

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So this... is the power... of the white male... whoa.

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Why should I (and so many others) care?

>Consumption of the easy pleasures of popular culture, made available by the mass communications media, renders people docile and content, no matter how difficult their economic circumstances. The inherent danger of the culture industry is the cultivation of false psychological needs that can only be met and satisfied by the products of capitalism; thus Adorno and Horkheimer especially perceived mass-produced culture as dangerous to the more technically and intellectually difficult high arts.

That was a response to the picture.

I don't even get this. At first I thought he just means high-brow people are rigorous, stingy douchebags, which would have been a fair point, but in the second panel I'm seeing mention of Horrow, Lies, Deception, Tragedy. Is he implying that noone in the shows on the bottom right are horrible, liars, deceptive, or tragic? The fucking Joker's there, he beat a Robin with a crowbar. He exists to show the terror of replacing sorrow with joy, essentially being a character who strives to make the world enjoy it's own rape in contrast to the Batman's self-avowed grittiness. Looking at this image I'm afraid to utter the phrase, "this has to be a joke."

Fake horror is better than real horror, even if the fake horror is more gruesome. It's still escapism.

I don't read that much of either: my complaint is that the blondie in the picture strikes me as the kind of guy who'd play nintendo switch at my funeral.

he's talking about the communities, not the content, he's saying the fandoms are nicer to engage in than the rest of the internet or society or something, basically he wants a hugbox. I know nothing about these fandoms but id imagine they are not exempt from 'vitriol', 'discord' etc.

i don't care but i still read nonfiction because i have a boner for philosophy and information.
most of fiction works use a huge amount of words for very little ideas. i don't care if a fictional character got too drunk in a hotel and ditched all of his friends and challenged the cocky one to a duel then begged them for money, i care about the first part that analyzes the what, why and how

You gotta get your bing bing wahoo in!

As for horror, a show like Chernobyl, despite being dramatized, was far more unsettling and longer lasting to me than ghost/killer/zombie movie #47 which just make me kinda bored. The foreknowledge that it actually happened coupled with what was shown really fucked me up for a few days.

You ever notice how prepubescent boys in skintight latex are still virgins in Batman? Gritty realism at its finest.

>the online world is "reality"

It's kid-friendly grittiness obviously, so the debate's watered down, but that's still the difference between Batman and the Joker even if the franchise as a whole is unwittingly childish or jokerlike to some degree. Not that I would equate those two things anyways.

>kid-friendly grittiness

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I've decided just now that I fucking hate you

And if you want that to serve as a criticism of the series, fine, my point isn't to defend it. But imagine if the artist had put Eddie Blake there, for example. You don't have to enjoy Watchmen at all to see the naivete in that.

>I've decided just now that I fucking hate you

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Replace the right side with a Church. Why, yes I wear a Fedora inside, how did you know?

I remember an edit of that where the fandom characters are all switched out for hentai or fursonas or something, but I couldn't find it.

the crucial thing about this strip is the lack of a concluding panel depicting the young man achieving his dreams of escaping society, happily cavorting with the cartoons and so on. to reach the truth of the comic we must read the final panel not as implying a happy conclusion but as the brutally honest if inadvertent depiction of the tortured state in which the pop culture escapist finds himself: facing away from life but still haunted by its horrors, yearning for a fantasy forever out of reach, stuck perpetually in the barren middle and, above all else, crushingly, profoundly sad.

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there was a Yea Forums edit where he runs towards pynchon, dfw etc

Holy shit I am not that invested in the franchise and very proud of it. I'm just pointing out that you can't have it both ways. Batman is basically "everyone gets raped but me." Call it what it is: escapism.

I get it. The rape of the female body horrifies and titillates you. Fine. The rape of your body doesn't even register on my radar. I have to remind myself that something was lost. Your body is not holy or sacred to me. There are exceptions, but not for you personally. It is one of many. There are more. There are always more.

>I'm just pointing out that you can't have it both ways.
Yes and that runs in no way contradictory to what I'm saying. I'm not saying Batman is a narrative devoid of fault. Most comic book narratives are contradictory if not outright bad. But regarding my critique of the artist of the OP image, that's besides the point.

>I get it. The rape of the female body horrifies and titillates you. Fine. The rape of your body doesn't even register on my radar. I have to remind myself that something was lost. Your body is not holy or sacred to me. There are exceptions, but not for you personally. It is one of many. There are more. There are always more.
Really? This was all about me being taken for Le Feminazi the whole time? Retard. See >I don't read that much of either: my complaint is that the blondie in the picture strikes me as the kind of guy who'd play nintendo switch at my funeral.

Feel bad more often. Sincerely, user.

Last panel should have a close up of the COOMER face


with the text "Happiness...at last!

Who is this guy? I've seen him many times and I want to see him unedited.

> facing away from life but still haunted by its horrors, yearning for a fantasy forever out of reach, stuck perpetually in the barren middle and, above all else, crushingly, profoundly sad

Best description of basedak I´ve seen on this board. But it would be dishonest to assume there are no true believers in the church of harry potter.

You don't want to see him


>star WARS


I read this in Ziz's voice

Why is he going on vacation with this sister?
Anyway, this is great. I wonder if he carefully maintains that little pimple on his face, because that thing adds so much to his character

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One more thought: Does he not have any genuine fans? I looked at the comments and it just looks like a bunch of shitheads who are only there to condescend to him. Does he make a living off of anti-fans who are there to watch his videos and shit on him every time?

I'm sure he does. This particular video was just popular for a while because of some twitter drama.

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are you tarded?


You don’t have to agree with even 2% of Adorno’s thought to believe that pop culture is actually junk culture.

this is so basic. is this what passes for "analysis" now?


literally how the fuck did rape even enter this discussion

Go on then, write a few paragraphs about op's picture so we can learn what proper analysis is.

You'd be surprised on how many surface level observations, especially those in the humanities and the news, pass for critical thinking.

Star Wars is for children who like teddy bears and laser sword fights.
Star Trek is for adults ready to deal with complex issues like war crimes, war rape, genocide, immorality for a moral cause, etc.

Probably why the average manchild likes Star Wars more, desu.

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It had some characteristics that I thought would serve well for an analogy, so I mentioned it here () and I guess it sounded like, "the universe it literally raping me!!" to user. But rape was just one of the many ways the univere does, figuratively, "literally" rape you. The Joker's laughing gas is a softcore version of this (or hardcore, sometimes). It's not so different from "tags: rape, mindbreak" etc; you become inable to stop laughing at things like slaughter. It's Maybe rape isn't the worst version of it, but it's a very manuverable, "accessable" point to speak from, compared to a more murder-based form of comedic-quitting. And that's what the Joker does.

Batman, ideologically (sniff) is opposed to this. He's fighting for his right to mourn his parents, and to feel bad about it. I guess he says stuff like he's going to clean the streets, but we don't have to read through the DC cannon to deduce that every parallel-universe-utopia Batman's visted has been dismantled by... probably Batman. He is a vigilante from happiness: "Smile!" is the rule, which he's defending his right to break. His parents are dead, his nemisis is the Joker.

But what's in the police box the artist in OP is entering? Garnet x Joker fanfiction? I'm not Zizekanon but he's right to ask what's in the 4th pannel.

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>Mom my show has rape in it okay, it's mature
And yet every episode of Star Trek I've seen "deals" with all of those "complex issues" with the subtlety and grace of a cinderblock

Classic Nietzschean herd mentality.

I love some of that shit though. The levels of cringe in some of the DS9 trannie episodess are incredible.

One must be 70% söy instead of water to really think like this tho.

Then you must not have watched many episodes, especially of DS9.

Pic related is from an episode where a main character goes back in time and sees her mother, who she thought died much earlier in a mine, serving as a comfort woman to the invaders.

It turns out the mother stayed with the invaders to ensure her family's safety and the dad lied about her dying, to save their children from knowledge of that horror. There's some other twists I won't spoil either.

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Ok, but if they are content, then what is the problem? I agree that it is a surface level contentment, like Kierkegaard’s lesser aestheticist, but if they are content in their triteness, why is that a bad thing?

his post was good and yours is shit

what makes you think they are content? they have to read books with titles like "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" and take anxiety or depression medication.

Ah yes, DS9...

Also TNG is great for Riker encouraging sex tourism and being a total sleeze.

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>this is so basic. is this what passes for "analysis" now?
this is so basic. is this what passes for "criticism" now?

I like how (((they))) always depict a blond haired blue eyed aryan behaving cravenly in these cartoons. They could have chosen any other phenotype, particularly one that isn't representative of 2% of the population.

Also what a bullshit justification for escapism. That's not why people fling themselves into pop culture. They do it because of nostalgia, a desire to be entertained, because they can talk about it with others who like it. People do things for positive reasons not always to avoid negative stimuli.

That episode is what we in Yea Forums call "pleb filter". Just like pic related.

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>his post was good
you mean, what he posted, verbatim, wasn't your very first thought upon reading the comic? the points he raised in his "analysis" had to be pointed out to you? if so, you're lacking in a lot of departments buddy.

cape harder, pseud.

So this is what Nick Land looks like these days, jeez

>you mean, what he posted, verbatim, wasn't your very first thought upon reading the comic?
You have a personality disorder. The kind where you hear an idea and then make believe it's your own.

I thoroughly enjoyed this post.

i'm still waiting for your thoughts on the comic, which will of course be a real lesson for all of us if you ever find a second to formulate them in your busy lifestyle of fronting desperately like a little bitch

>not that user
>read post
>You have a personality disorder. The kind where you hear an idea and then make believe it's your own.
>Huh, sounds like schizophrenia. Is that disorder a personality disorder though?
>begin typing into google: "Which disorders..."
>"...can be caused by inbreeding," is the first suggestion
based white people dominating the suggestion algorithm

Pathological narcissism will do it. Personality disorder more or less means you think you're in the right rather than having a problem. Good post btw, enjoyable.

>I’d rather stay in my cave mommy

Hecking hilarious

are you really so incapable of critical thought that the possibility eludes you of two separate anons independently coming to the same, surface-level reading of a fucking 4channel comic?

Has an Adorno porno ever been made?

There really is something incredibly Orwellian about watching a grown man devolve into ecstasy and then tears roll down his face over a piece of bread and circuses entertainment. It feels like something that could've been described in 1984, or in a more lucid and contemporary Memoirs Found in a Bathtub. It evokes a feeling of mild, familiar horror that you suddenly realize has been all around you in your life since before you can remember.

Yes, one of the few examples of a philosopher right about literally everything.

Is this supposed to be satire?

Are you retarded?

It's self-portrait you schizophrenic autist. The grand joo/rahowa narrative is exactly the same kind of juvenile escapism, complete with autismal story-book morality and a delusional view of human behaviors.

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So I'm going to assume this is the same user with the personality disorder (i.e. inb4 "I'm a different person" shenanigans).

Further up you were making out like nearly anybody would read this the same way, now you're appealing to probabilities over large numbers (two people having the same idea isn't unusual). You've moved the goalposts to normalise your original reaction, however this new attempt does not make sense with the context of the earlier post.

If you're uncomfortable with my earlier armchair psychology, I'm fine with saying you're just an asshole and most people you interact with probably think you're an asshole.


It is contentment at the cost of fulfillment. And the contentment itself is necessarily fleeting, as it is created only to enforce a consumptive feedback loop. In that sense it also curtails freedom, as it attempts to constrain your choices to certain types of happiness and certain types of behavior.

wouldn't really want the phrase "America's Dairyland" written below my name

No, it's completely earnest.

Oh shit dude oh fuck you got me how did you do that?

Jesus fucking Christ.

jesus fuck, you're so mad that someone called out that a basic analysis you probably thought was "deep" or some shit was actually extremely superficial, I'm guessing because it made you realize how inadequate your own thinking abilities are which made you upset. Grow the fuck up and learn to think better, you dumb loser.

Are there any studies or critiques that would equate to what you consume from a literature/music/movie/general art as a diet of sorts? The idea that if you only consume a singular type of media, that it can become detrimental to your mental and, possibly as by product, physical health?

I only ask because I've noticed how stilted and odd certain people's conversation patterns tend to be. They talk like they're on their favorite sitcom, they quip like the characters in their favorite movies, they repeat the lyrics of popular songs on Pavlovian cue.

But then when you ask them about the meaning or potential substance behind any of those things, they either shrug it off, recoil, or become hyper-defendant. And yet these are the same people who are bemoaning how no one can have a real conversation, how no one can connect with each other, how for some reason, they can't find anyone to have a true relationship with, because everyone seems so "fake".

I listened to an interview with the Russo brothers the other day, because I was genuinely interested to see what they saw in the movies they've made.

They kept hammering home the SHAKESPEREAN THEMES present within the Marvel movies they've made; how the character arcs genuinely tug at the heart strings, how the audience is swept along in the emotion of it all.

I don't know if it's just them regurgitating what the higher-ups have told them to, or if they authentically believe that what they've made has some higher purpose. I was in the theater during Endgame--people bawled their eyes out. It gave me the creeps.

I know that mass entertainment has been around forever. I know that Shakespeare, in his day and age, was exactly that--his plays, even like Marvel movies, have severe shifts in tone. Dramatic scenes are often under or inter-cut with sudden comedic turns. Hell, even though it's not Shakespeare, Faustus has the same pattern. All because the playwrights knew that the masses would get bored with high drama that had nothing to do with their lives, so they threw in comedic scenes right after dramatic ones, scenes that essentially summed up the content of the prior dramatic bits, though watered down, to keep ticket sales up.

I'm just worried that's what's become of media. It's all this watered-down "comedic" drivel that people are being TOLD is heavy and high stuff. And because they're being TOLD that, they believe it; and because they believe it, they defend it, because to admit that it's not what they've been told would mean admitting the ticket price and the two hours was a waste of time.

I'm not saying there aren't people who do the same with high art. You can escape into philosophy and great literature and cinema and music in the same way, if you're only doing it to sate ego and not perform any analysis or critique it in any way.

But does anyone else find this phenomenon scary? I don't think it's the end of the world. It just makes the place a whole lot more frustrating.

The only Marvel movie I would call Shakespearean would be Black Panther. And they mucked it up with a bad script, mediocre acting, and godawful CGI.

Capeshit is really only good at the spectacle, not being thoughtful.

Yes, it is I who is mad and not you.

So do you think audiences are being trained in the present moment to believe that spectacle is a substitute, or just IS, thoughtful? Or is that how it's always been?

It goes back to bread and circuses. Most people just want something to distract them from the drudgery/horrors of everyday life.

Studios capitalize by making huge fucking films with lots of loud noises and bright pictures that the plebs can watch while shoveling overpriced popcorn into their gullets for 2 hours and 5 minutes.

I s'pose that's a fair assessment. It just makes me sad.

>you mean, what he posted, verbatim, wasn't your very first thought upon reading the comic?
nice bait desu

as a matter of fact, no, the comic made me contemplate recent depressive thoughts i have had about fiction and humour, and how they are coping mechanisms and their use is indicative of maladjustment, and life would be better without them. i also thought about how the guy turns from the red chaos to the blue tardis like he is going from the redpill to the bluepill. it also occurred to me that it was an extremely cringe and reddit image.

>the points he raised in his "analysis" had to be pointed out to you?
good point, people aren't allowed to say anything i've thought before, otherwise i should ridicule them.

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With fiction you know for sure that the thing is not real, everymoment, conscious or inconscious you know it. You are detached from conflict. You are relieve because ultimately you are out of the picture, you are an invulnerable spectator. You are amused but never touched.

This place is a piss of shit. Everybody should know better. Anyone who denies it is taking this board as their own "pop-culture fandom".

It scares me a lot. I wish I had some means to compare it to other places and times, because I know I don't feel like I fit here, but I probably wouldn't fit in any of the other places I imagine myself being happy in either.

Reminder that being fat is a prerequisite for taking major issue with "consumerism"

I really don't think the situation will change much if people start listening to Bach instead of Rihanna. The only way to change things, as marx said, is to seize the means of production. I'm pretty sure this guy was a proto-CIA shill, I know Marcuse was. Don't bother with this cultural marxist bullshit, read actual marx.

So is having to pay for other people's triple bypasses while listening to FOOTBAAAAAALL sirens on your own fucking front porch

What does this mean
I run five miles a day and I hate consumerism

Holy fucking based.

It means Baudrillard was a coping lard-ass and so are you

I guess the part about leaving the people perpetually content is kind of true. But it sure is convenient that those who will decide which art is "technically and intellectually difficult" will be academics like Adorno himself.

In fact, I think in a world where art is so prevalent and there is so much of it to potentially appreciate. Being quickly digestible is an advantage, and I don't see how that necessarily "degrades" a work of art. Not everything as to be as complex and multi-layered as "The Divine Comedy."

Why would I waste, like some academics, years of my life interpreting it when in that time I could be listening to good albums, watching good movies, or reading poetry whose substance doesn't require me to research trough 20 layers of syllogism to get an interesting aesthetic experience.

>In fact, I think in a world where art is so prevalent and there is so much of it to potentially appreciate. Being quickly digestible is an advantage, and I don't see how that necessarily "degrades" a work of art. Not everything as to be as complex and multi-layered as "The Divine Comedy."
It's an advantage to the corporation creating it and the consumer, but not to art itself.

Consider that more people, alive or dead, have heard a song like Despacito or Uptown Funk than anything from Bach. Yet Bach will still be remembered in 100 years while those will be forgotten.

Being "quickly digestible" also means quickly replaceable and forgotten.

So in the end all this retard cares about is the bourgeois concept of "art for art's sake?"

Not just for art's sake, no. Listening to the works of Bach (or viewing the works of any other skilled artist) might inspire you to your own creative pursuits, whether in the arts or otherwise, great emotions, acts, etc.

A song like Despacito or Gangnam Style you'll listen to and then promptly forget 5 minutes later. They don't inspire anything. If anything, they're "consumption for consumption's sake".

There's plenty of pop music that has inspired people to creative pursuits, just look at the punk scene. The vast majority of classical music was merely created for the mere consumption by degenerate aristocrats and pretentious bourgeoisie anyway, the amount of people that actually were inspired to create anything from listening to it would be just as low as today I would think.

I've only watched one Avengers movie, which was the original Avengers. I can't remember what happened but it was very boring. I've consumed many hours of garbage television, but there's something about this capeshit that is so mind-numbing. It is second-order cinema, in that it resembles a more authentic film in the same way that film resembles real life. It displays emotional cues that should correspond to some real feeling, or at least some internal structure of the plot and fictional setting, but there is nothing behind these displays. It reminds me of a small dog I used to have, along with a larger and smarter one. One day, the larger dog died, and it became apparent that the small dog did not understand any of our words, or even know her own name. She had just followed the cues of the big dog. Capeshit fans are like my poor, stupid little dog.

I'd equate it to a diet. Most kids, if you asked them, would probably rather have a Big Mac or ice cream for a meal than any vegetable. It makes surface sense--the first two taste much better and are much more immediately enjoyable, for kids.

But if you just fed your kid fast food and processed shit, they'll become acclimated to that being the standard. Any time someone pushes a fruit or something else in front of them, they'll push it away. "This tastes better, why would I want to eat that garbage?"

I think it's the same with art. It's fine to have a bowl of ice cream once in a while, and there's nothing wrong with a Big Mac every so often. Just like, in moderation, there's nothing wrong with seeing the odd Marvel or Star Wars movie.

But if that's ALL you're consuming, if that's the base of your media diet, your ability to digest other kinds of material, whether it's film, literature, music, paintings, whatever, VASTLY goes down.

I know people who'll bingewatch the Marvel movies ad nauseum; they'll consume every last bit of merch and "criticism," which are just video essays pointing out easter eggs and plotholes, the visual equivalent of Lays potato chips. Mindless, unfulfilling, dreck.

This wouldn't be an issue if people were content, truly content and happy, with it--but they're clearly not. They're operating on a rote basis, waiting for the next colorful, overstuffed film to come out, sitting down and shoveling shit in their face, visually and physically, for two hours. And for all the hype, all their excitement, all their hope, they walk out saying, "I guess I liked it."

People CAN be challenged. I don't think the masses are as braindead as they or anyone else thinks. But they've just been conditioned to accept what's put in front of them, shovel it in, and then move on. And then they walk away and wonder why they can't talk to anyone. They wonder why they're coming away from these ONCE IN A GENERATION CINEMATIC EXPERIENCES feeling empty, cheated, even violated.

Audiences are suffering from morbid obesity in more than one way. Just because something might require a little extra effort, like sitting down for a few hours and reading an older book or watching a movie before 2010 or listening to an album not pushed on them by the Top 40, does not make it worth any less of their time.

I'm not asking for everyone to go and read Dostoevsky or watch a Gus Van Sant film or whatever--but a little moderation, a little getting up out of your chair, putting down the Big Mac and picking up an apple, wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for today's people.

Our lives are horrible this is why their are a lot of nerds, and geeks from A to Z.

Adorno agrees with you you fucking retard

Are there any shorts that are acceptable for men to wear?


Panem et Circenses

basketball shorts, but only if you're at the gym