Marxist and Feminist Philosophy as liberal subversion of the Political

I am currently going through my Political Science major at university, and I am surrounded by professors and students alike who are enamored with Marxism, Post-structuralism, feminism, communism, critical theory, and a whole host of leftist garbage. I find that every time they begin to deconstruct, criticize, and remove all meaning from traditional thought and practice it becomes clear to me that they are simply operating in a subversive manner towards a political opponent. Their critiques are not productive, they do not get them anywhere, they do not even have practical uses. They simply critique and destroy for the sake of doing so, and when they are forced to adhere to their own rules they slip and squirm away. They will deconstruct their opponents politics while advancing their own, lying about their intentions the entire time.

Ever since reading Schmitt's Concept of the Political I am picking up on the intentions of my professors and peers much more clearly; they are hell bent on destroying the european, western tradition at all costs. If I call them out on their critiques being political they refuse to admit it, but yet they will continue to rail on straight white men and the western tradition.

Secondly, how is Marxism, critical theory, and post-structuralism taken seriously? How is this garbage not immediately dismissed? I already know that the responses to this will be that I'm a brainlet who just needs to read Marx and Foucault, but really, their philosophizing is akin to mental masturbation. These philosophies have a distinctly political nature to them, and yet their followers pretend as if they are not engaged in a political battle but a liberal one of debate and reason. Dealing with them is becoming increasingly infuriating. Their dishonesty and perversion becomes more apparent by the day, how the fuck do you get through university with these people along side you?

Attached: leftistsdebate.png (872x472, 217K)

You're doing Political Science and the most you know about the things you apparently hate is what any average /pol/lack knows? What exactly do you want to know? Tell me what exact problems with post-modernism or marxism you have.

Drop out

You're mixing entirely different things together, extremely lowbrow action.
>they are hell bent on destroying the european, western tradition at all costs
This one is a classic. Marxism and everything else that you don't like and have mentioned literally is part of the Western tradition whether you like it or not.
>I already know that the responses to this will be that I'm a brainlet who just needs to read Marx and Foucault
It could be the truth. And yes, you should read.
>Hitler quote
Maybe quit studying altogether full stop.
Seriously though, is this bait or are you for real? It reads like a caricature.

If everything is part of the Western tradition, as you seem to suggest, then the concept of western tradition is rendered useless and doesn't mean anything.

It's all there is to know.

Western thought is universal thought, both geographically and historically. Yes, it doesn't mean anything, but why would it be rendered useless? Tradition is simply a continuation of practices and institutions, it has no worth on its own. Traditionalism is the ideology that prescribes its value.

You /pol/tards are about a thousand times more gullible than the average SJW quasi-Marxist student, so I wouldn't be so sure of your position. Read more.

just go full retard on them with your hitler quotes until they expel you. you get to keep your money and they get to have a fun anecdote. it's not like you have any capacity to learn anything there since you've already dismissed the entire curriculum as jewish lies or whatever.

this lmao

bro you just posted cringe

This is bait. Reported and saged.

No it isn't. Whenever right wingers make criticisms of marxism, post-modernism, or anything else its usually either conspiratorial or just general sweeping criticisms that don't go into particulars. What part of marxism or post-modernism, and which school or concept they have don't you like? I'm no fan of post-modernism either, but I know enough to critisize exactly what I don't like about it rather than just calling the whole thing "subversive" or other generic words.


>pretend as if they're engaged in a liberal one of debate and reason
That just shows that today's students and z-list academics are not really on the side of those leftist authors they pretend to read, but are just meatpuppets of woke neoliberal capitalism, the real modern force that is assailing and destroying the world, and a fortiori, the west. Any real leftist hates liberal debate, and any poststructuralist ought to be as anti-reason as any staunch reactionary traditionalist. In fact, many have learned something from Schmitt.

>tu quoque! tu quoque!
No. There's litteraly nothing more.
No. "we" know the left, the left refuses to address us. in the end they will be defeated by the things they didn't dare approach.

>That just shows that today's students and z-list academics are not really on the side of those leftist authors they pretend to read, but are just meatpuppets of woke neoliberal capitalism
you see This? I can't even say that Gramsci wanted to wage a culture war against the West without being called a cospiracy theorist, he can litteraly say that neomarxists aren't actually neomarxists when they do things he objects to But neoliberals and This is the consensus of This board and the extend of the modern left's intellectual honesty.
There's Nothing here.

Here's your (You), buddy. Just ask for it, it's no problem.

Why do you keep capitalising random words you fucking schizophreniac?

Well there's no point in addressing you. If you're going to say things like "its a conspiracy" or "they argue in bad faith and they're jewish", why do you expect a respectable response? Ironically, in Hitler's quote he's doing exactly the thing he accuses "jews" of doing.

i don't know about "everything" but all the things you whine about were developed by europeans out of the thought of previous europeans in a chain going back to ancient greece. you don't get to arbitrarily exclude feminism or communism from the western tradition when fucking plato was already speculating about a revolutionary reordering of society that would introduce gender equality and ban private property. these ideas were part of the western tradition longer than christianity.

i sincerely hope that you're just some high-school dropout fantasizing about what it would be like to go to college and own the marxist professors with facts and logic because the reality of educated westerners having no concept of what "the west" even is and championing "tradition" without bothering to learn any of it first is more convincing evidence for the impending collapse of the western civilization than any of your postmodern boogeymen.


>jelly metaphor


I Will fuvking Capitalize whatever the Fuck I Want, Commie Shit.
I just Discovered than only You Commies get Triggered By This, because You have No Real Argument so You have to Stoop to Criticize Capitalization to Put a couple of Words In Edgewise.
It's Not Going to Stop.

No Argument. I Won.

you know what really triggers me? people holding their breath for 10 minutes straight.

I did it yesterday. Disprove It.

i believe you. it explains your posting.

You are the only one not addressing other people as explained here. Again and again your hypocrisy and projection is laid bare for all to see.

You still Lost to me. Humiliating isn't it.
Now go fuck yourself.

What exactly is your problem with post-modernism and marxism? If you're going to say "jews" or just generic things like "it wants to destroy western civilization" then I can't help you.

i am extremely humiliated by the fact that i told you to go get brain damage and you responded with "i already did yesterday".

You should be humiliated by the fact You Lost to someone with brain damage. Obviously yours is worse than mine Since You can't read.
Or argue, actually.


Fuck off. You're the only one ranting about fucking jews. I was clear enought here: But You el y address anybody else's ideas beyond ad hominem. You never did and shall never do and will go extinct for this reason.

>food analogy
why are americans like this?

I wasn't talking to you here , I was speaking to OP. As for that comment, Gramsci never said he wanted to wage a culture war against "the west". His work focused on capitalist hegemony.

i didn't lose anything. i wrote a post and you didn't respond. i'm still waiting, it's this one: you ran away from the conversation and now you insist you won. you're exactly like uncle adolf's jew, who "had no recollection of the day before (...) except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day". i've noticed before that you people read all that shit less as a warning and more for instruction.


the brainlet politics board is two blocks down buddy

Gramsci was an idealist and a voluntarist. He was closer to Gentile than to Marx.

The left may be largely retarded but you are too so maybe you should fuck?
Man I just have to disagree with everything Trump says because orange man bad.

This is the quality of right wing arguments. Why on Earth do you think anyone owes you a response when this is the level of discourse? Why don't you just run off back to /pol/ and post your fucking pepes.

What's with right-wingers trying to co-opt random commies? Is it intellectual bankruptcy?

Worthless, shit thread.

What? This is an instance of petty bourgeois idealist hacks co-opting Marx, not of right-wingers co-opting commies.

I've noticed it a lot too. I think it is easier for them to co-opt thinkers than admit that non-reactionary thinkers may have some good ideas.

yeah its definetly not all boards shat up by born in 2002 twinks

>this marxist that was imprisoned and effectively killed by italian fascists is actually closer to the ideological founder of italian fascism than to marxism
the whole point of comparing gramsci to gentile is to render the former palatable to this board's right-wingers by creating an association with italian fascism.

define "post-modernism"

define "define"

>Marxism, Post-structuralism, communism, critical theory
>liberal battles of debate and reason

pick one

move along people, op got buttblasted and ran away hours ago, he's not going to respond

> I already know that the responses to this will be that I'm a brainlet who just needs to read Marx and Foucault
Correct, also Shelling, Fichte, Hegel, Gramsci, Lukasc, Adorno, Kojève and Mussolini. Your comrades and profs are shill, but you're basically suffering from the "one book syndrome". Marxism is a pretty big strand of thought and it is the natural consequence of Hegel (Marx is also the most important heir of Hegel). What you're seeing at your college is a small and uninspired subset of it (if that).

You just used the word, so you tell me.

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So there is a deliberately self-sabotaging element in the western tradition. Fine. Is that more accurate for you? The problem remains the same. Quibbling over semantics is nothing but obscurantism and faggotry.

What is “self”, then?