Why did midwits take to this so hard in the last few years? Did Jordan Peterson or someone shill it on his show?

Why did midwits take to this so hard in the last few years? Did Jordan Peterson or someone shill it on his show?

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Are you baiting? I'm asking why in the last few years has this book become a rallying point for midwits, not suggesting that stoicism is a new philosophy.

It’s practical applicable advice presented in an easy to read fashion. Also a lot of it is common sense stuff but actualized and developed. It appeals to the self-help and the “bro” crowd. The type of people who call themselves warriors for going to the gym 3 times a week and read articles about optimal beard growth. I find that a lot of people either don’t bother to properly understand him or just skim quotes here and there and think the book is telling them to be “tough” and “manly”.

all aphoristic writing is midwit-tier desu

It just was in the air. Youtube starts recommending stoic animations, stoic bloggers get reposted on larger services, et cetera. Stoic books got reprints/new translations. It's all happening now, so when Marcus Aurelius or Seneca or whoever resurrect later, there is no demand for them.

It happens every few years, it's a constant cycle.

Meditations is introductory-core for getting into reading. The self-help crowd read it before their interest in books fizzles out and they move onto their next short-lived hobby. It is an eternal pattern.

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It hasn't, or at least not in the past few years. It's by a famous general, and is a famous philosophy. What you're seeing is subjective psychological issues with you.

>What you're seeing is subjective psychological issues with you.
How is noticing that a book is garnering popularity among people who are otherwise functionally illiterate indicative of me having a psychological issue?

Might be stoicism is gaining popularity due to the increasing noise and distractions in the modern day and Meditations is what is usually recommended first

Because the Amerikkkan empire is crumbling and they need to pump an ideology of duty.

Is stoicism is the post 08 cope?

Depends on what you mean by "Stoicism"
>only reading Meditations if that and getting all your knowledge from self help books or "inspirational" out of context quotes
>Reading Epictetus and Seneca (I.E. the actual philosophy)

Ryan Holiday shilling

>this guy rolls up and does your nighttime routine for 28 days
what do?

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Your pic related is actually a great translation of the book. Love me some Marky "Be Cool, bruh" Aurls

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He suffers the same fate as Eastern philosophers. Getting quoted completely out of context in some retarded self-help, IDGAF book or blog or whatever.

>real philosophy
>when it boils down to "just be apathetic lmao"

>Why did midwits take to this so hard in the last few years?
The internet has produced a tidlewave of pop historians who have a particular interest in Roman history. Also, it plays into the wave of self-improvement for young men (not to say that any of this is a bad thing by the way)

Marcus Aurelius is an ancient text for people too retarded to read ancient texts.


You can tell a self help book is good, by how many curse words are in the title

>t. is perturbed by what doesn't depends on him
It is a philosophy of action (both external and contemplation) deriding all passive life as mere supply of material of representations. If that's what you mean by apathetic, it is indeed the patrician life.

>mere supply of material of representations

What does this mean?

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with stoicism.

Seneca is next. I can see his quotes more often nowadays

There isn’t, but it’s completely misunderstood by the self-help crowd. A recurrencing theme in The Meditations as well as other stoic writers like Epictetus is living in accordance with nature. Some seem to interpret stoicism as hardening your heart and suppressing your emotions, but in reality it’s got more to do with controlling your emotions and living life peacefully without worrying too much about life’s cosmic questions.

>Being this pseud

how the FUCK does a cat wear a ball cap?

That shit would just fall off his head.

Not user, but he probably means epictetus argues for being emotional only about your own actions (including thinking among your actions) and not about the state of the external world which is only an 'occasion' to act.
When you see something external passively pleasant or unpleasant, how you react to them is more important than the external thing.
It's the central theme of epictetus. It's already sort of there in Plato and Aristotle and early stoics but epictetus expands on it.