How is an anarchist society supposed to function?
How is an anarchist society supposed to function?
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What a retarded statement, do anarchists really belive that?
>anarchism is simply the free association of likeminded individuals, the voluntary enlightened way of living where we co-operate together without infringin-
Those who are physically stronger or those who are smart enough to controll the masses with their words shall rule the weak and stupid.
As things have always been.
And if you want freedom a desert island is what you should strive for.
I'm an apocalyptic anarchist. Right now we have too many people with vested interests in getting as much power as they can which makes it impossible for us to transition peacefully into an anarchist society. Only after a nuclear war where 99% of the human population is wiped out can we achieve anarchism. Might sound like I'm larping, but there's nothing I'd love more than to live in a fallout-style post-apocalyptic world where I have to fight off bandits and meet people and scavenge for food to survive.
Orgies dude. Like bonobos.
But ugly subhumans such as you, wouldn't be included.
Only orgies with Chads and all women.
It doesn't. It collapses and turns into some kind of Hobbesian nightmare.
Technological advancements ,made over last few millennia + tribalistic caveman brain without society to structure and restrain it = not a pretty sight
It would be fun, you can't deny it user.
Just thing about fallout new vegas.
Anarchy can only exist in small hunter gatherer communities, as there is no base economy or established heirarchy - everyone contributes. Crimes are settles by vote of everyone as there is no judicial system and laws are very primitive regarding the most basic crimes - murder, theft, rape and assault. As soon as a commumity expands beyond the point where hunting and gathering is no longer sustainable, basic governments form. At first it is a socialist government - resources are pooled and communities help the sick and old. Eventually the commumity expands and more occupations arrive, and a form of currency is established to accomodate for the influx of new resources and services. At that point a capitalist society rises and governments become more prominent and their hold more constrictive. True anarchy cannot happen on a large scale because, in large enough groups, we always establish boundaries and laws which by default creates even a rudimentary government. Resouces cannot be pooled on a large scale as not everyone shares the same goal, and people will start wanting extra commodities for providing food, clothing etc. To embrace true anarchy is to embrace AnPrim
You already live in an anarchist society, but just on a lower rung. Every person is an anarchist in his own actions.
That's not how bonoboes do it dude.
Really makes u think....
>no established heirarchy
Stopped reading here
Guess what faggot, we aren't bonoboes.
Isn't this quote about liberalism?
That's pretty much the same thing, just in different degrees.
You know what true freedom?
It is to go around pillaging villages, killing other men, stealing their stuff and raping their women with a smile on your face.
But what does a slave know of freedom.
>crimes are settled by democratic votes and mob rule
Makes sense, anarchists are retarded
You know what true freedom is??
It's to go around doing good, doing good to other men, helping the sick, speaking soothing words to the young and old, and being at ease in all situations, not disturbed by the ebb and flow of material situations.
But what does a sinner know of freedom?
All who sin are slaves to sin.
What you consider sin is just freedom, and your virtue is your self cucking and enslavement.
If you've ever seen a person in an intense rage you know they aren't really free. Same goes for lust, greed, gluttony and all manner of sin.
Being controlled by a strong emotion is still more liberating, than being mind fucked by social norms literally designed to control you.
I'm not him, but it really isn't.
Social norms that lead to you cultivating virtue will lead to you have more freedom and being happier.
Indulging on your desires will lead to you being controlled by them even more, never being satisfied, always wanting more and more.
>It would be fun, you can't deny it user.
>Just thing about fallout new vegas.
if you go by some meetings I've been to, a lot of boring conversations discussing whose job it is to weed the community garden and the safest way to disrespect the police
We're not that far off. You seem angry, lets rub clitorides or penii or whatever we have until you calm down broheim ;^)
I'm not him, but it really isn't.
Social norms that lead to you cultivating virtue will bring you more freedom and a happier life. You have as many masters as you have vices.
Not having social norms is not "having freedom", it is "not having guidance".
You've never been to an orgy, it is not for beautiful people in almost 100% of cases.
Might is right is the essence of it, even if you don't like it.
Doing good is much more liberating to your soul than just blindly following emotions like a dog.
Doing "good" means nothing more than working for the self interest of others.
And your own, no need to separate the two, there is no tensions between helping others and helping yourself.
>orgies are had by attractive people
Far from it
>it’d be so cool like this video game
Then why would you want to participate in one?
Because you want a lot of penis and/or vagina but you are ugly.
Oh really? I though that we lived in a world of limited resources where when one gets what he needs someone else is screwed up.
I don't think I'd mind as long as everyone is washed
that's the sticking point for me
But people want to fuck with attractive people.
It is like saying that if you are hungry you could just eat a lot of shit.
I don't think it is like saying that
McDonalds is a thing dude.
You are both right. What freedom means is different to each individual. People want to be free to do different things. Some people want to rape others want to help their friends out. They are both freedoms. Whoever survives is right.
Voluntary hierarchies. Not all that different from what we have now, but competion between government-like corporations would lead to a broader range of options
What prevents someone from creating a military organisation and conquering everybody?
>inb4 be me have gun
Yeah try shooting them when they have tanks and airplanes and people who actually know how to use guns.
>confusing freedumbs with freedom
>also preaching relativism
Yikes and Yikepilled
someone grease up the paddle we got an ancap boys
Can you post an argument instead of insipid memes? It would be good for both of us to expand our knowledge by envisioning different perspectives. What is the difference? Why is relativism wrong? I know you are smarter than this. Apply yourself.
Both Marx and Bakunin agreed that the Paris commune looked basically like their end goals. So look into that.
A society void of the state would look like anarcho capitalism. Imagine blade runner but not futuristic
>What prevents someone from creating a military organisation and conquering everybody?
>Yeah try shooting them when they have tanks and airplanes and people who actually know how to use guns.
is this an argument?
Then you will have the equivalent of a state again, just without a constitution to limit it's abuse and power, you fucking retard.
>Then you will have the equivalent of a state again, just without a constitution to limit it's abuse and power
except there is nothing to stop that in any other form of anarchy lmao
>you fucking retard.
lol mad
>except there is nothing to stop that in any other form of anarchy lmao
There is no point in any form of anarchy if it ends up becoming a state eventually, the only benefit seems to be a blood bath if you enjoy that.
so you're just openly saying "let's do feudalism again", cool alright
the thing that stops it in other forms of anarchism is communal autonomy and confederation to deal with external threats
an anarchist society isn't completely formless, it's just stateless
lol, imagine an anarchist taking responsibility for their own life
>Anarchy can only exist in small hunter gatherer communities
lol, imagine believing that small hunter gatherer communities don't have very strict social norms that are enforced with violence
but then we already live in anarchy
>communal autonomy and confederation to deal with external threats
What prevents such institutions from becoming eventually some form of state?
Go ask Rojava
No anarchy is defined as a lack of state.
Not the fact that the strong fuck over the rules of the state and take what they want.
their association is democratic and voluntary. they're free to leave the confederation at any time, but by virtue of remaining they agree that it's power should be used only for existential defense instead of coercion of citizens
essentially, there are still rules you have to play by, but they're decentralized and mutually beneficial as opposed to being an edict from on high
>There is no point in any form of anarchy if it ends up becoming a state eventually, the only benefit seems to be a blood bath if you enjoy that.
sounds like you're just calling the state anything you don't like.
the type of society that would emerge from the abolition of the state is starkly different from today's globohomo neoliberalism
you mean the social democracy literally supported by the army of the United Stated of America? kek, next you will tell me that "color revolutions" were a spontaneous bottom-up phenomenon
>so you're just openly saying "let's do feudalism again", cool alright
can't go back in time bruh. And no I'm not advocating for warlordism I'm just saying it'd be easier than today.
>the thing that stops it in other forms of anarchism is communal autonomy and confederation to deal with external threats
these can exist as well.
>an anarchist society isn't completely formless, it's just stateless
yeah thats what I said originally.
but the state is the only thing from the strong conquering the weak
It wouldn't.
>Voluntary hierarchies
>government-like corporations
Corporations are legal entities created by governments.
>they're free to leave the confederation at any time, but by virtue of remaining they agree that it's power should be used only for existential defense
So they can leave even during a time of military aggression on the part of a different community?
And if you set some temporary rules in time of war, what prevents the degenerating back in to some form of state?
Anything where there are laws and taxes is a state.
just calling it meaningless doesn't make it so
>Corporations are legal entities created by governments.
>Anything where there are laws and taxes is a state.
Laws and taxes will be replaced with terms of service and subscriptions. Microsoft is not a state
You're deploying magic phrases and sidestepping the role of government in your anarchism.
Microsoft is a limited liability corporation that sells mostly products with no marginal value.
Didn't know this school of thought existed. So kinda like anarcho-posadism? Or am I wrong in categorizing it that way?
>replaced with terms of service and subscriptions
If i have to obey to laws and someone tries to take my money, they are faggots and i consider them a state.
not necessary, all things are not limited to if he gets it i dont get it type of deal, and not everyone wants the same thing.
Orgies are for unattractive old men who coerce their wives into doing it too
If you ever have seen a swingers/orgy/sex club in North America it is 100% the case that everyone there is an ugly boomer