Just finished Nihilism and the Soul After Death, any takes on Fr. Seraphim Rose?
Just finished Nihilism and the Soul After Death, any takes on Fr. Seraphim Rose?
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definitely based and red-pilled, dare I say ourguy on Yea Forums
Now read the Philokalia and also Kierkegaard has some merit
Nietzsche said it best:
>When Zarathustra was alone, however, he said to his heart: "Could it be possible! This old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that God is dead!"
christcucks need to drop the larp and stop wasting paper with their inane and inadequate metaphysical archaism.
Have you read Nihilism?
It doesn't matter. The book presupposes a system of values that has already collapsed. It's fundamentally invalid.
If christcusk laity still want to get taken for rides as their religion gives its death rattle and act like these banal kicks and flinches are profound, that's fine by me. You can keep pretending for as long as you have the strength, but eventually the delusion will break. And when that happens, Nietzsche and his heirs will be there for you with teachings that are actually efficacious in the face of reality.
Isn't this dude homo?
Try reading the book first fren
What? No.
He might've had some gay urges when he was younger, based on a letter his mom found addressed to a friend of his (can't recall the details), but he gave up all sex and lust when he became a celibate monk and he correctly identified homos as abominations/sinners in need of repentance.
Who is he? I respect what he said
That's kierkegaard from either/ or
Right user?
google it, I can't be bothered
anyone who adheres to a moral eschatology to this date is either an e-christian larper or a nigger from the third world
>i can't find meaning or telos in the world therefore no one else can!
I’ll take your word for it
his parents bought him a mountain so he and his wizard friends could become hermits
he's suspected of being gay. religious gays have a habit of doing shit like this out of shame of their homosexuality. they mask that shame by pretending like they are isolating themselves for the sake of a noble cause
daniel suelo is another example of this
>homo attack of Sheraphim Rose
Quite pathetic and desperate.
Yea he is great probably gonna check othodox the religion of the future.
Great writer, too bad he died before he finished much of his work. Take the creation pill.
>t. Gadolig
His name is Seraphim Rose, of course he's not gay, he's a tranny eunch.
I don't understand what kind of person makes this post. Atheism is fun and everything when you're an edgy youth, but it's so obviously wrong to anyone with half a brain that I can't see why anyone on a literature board would take it seriously at all.
Are they "trolling"? Are these posts false-flags?
Eugene "Seraphim" Rose was a crypto-gnostic goon with nothing actually insightful to say.
How so?