Are there any good books on the obesity epidemic? I fucking hate fat people and desperately want to advocate for some sort of solution to the problem. Seriously it's gross.
Are there any good books on the obesity epidemic...
You won't get very far hating fat people. Having compassion for the afflicted is key to understanding how they ended up that way. Read about the correlation between low income and obesity, food deserts, and a book called salt sugar and fat. The food industry has a vested interest in maximising profits and and shifting the blame to sedentary life style. Hyperpalatable food is the problem.
calling them fat plays into their worldview. call them gluttons.
afflicted by the sin of gluttony, maybe. not that they don't deserve compassion, but don't pretend it isn't their fault. i'm a cumbrain, but i'm not here saying that that's someone else;s fault. i chose to become a cumbrain.
>My obesity is not my fault!
>It's the food, it's too tasty!
I don't wish death on them or anything just that they lose some weight. Is that really too much? What books will lead me to answers to unfat people?
the communist manifesto. but seriously, i often ruminate on how much God must despise gluttony, so much so that he makes its effects plain and visible to everyone at all times. where the lustful cumbrain or the greedy jew can hide their sins behind a mask, the glutton has no such refuge. for the glutton, to be seen is to be seen as a glutton, invoking a primal revulsion in all those whom he meets.
nice eloquent response.
It's not the only problem but it's a big one. Try eating an entire bag of apples or carrots, you stop after a few. But a bag of chips? Whole different story. Now put that person in an environment that doesn't have a supermarket where they can't buy fruit and vegetables and the only affordable option is fast food. They're pretty much doomed.
>sin of gluttony
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.
like i said, i've thought about this a lot. as a cumbrain, i wonder why God didn't make MY sins visible to everyone in the same way.perhaps it's more visible than i realize. perhaps the "nofap aura" isn't so unreal. subtle body language and signs that God afflicts on a cumbrain suddenly relinquished could have a noticeable effect, not unlike when a glutton stops his sin and loses his excess fat, and notices that people suddenly treat him with basic human dignity.
>lustful cumbrain or the greedy jew
>nice eloquent response
Sometimes I forget where I am and need to reevaluate my hope for an intelligent conversation.
Big brother by lionel shriver
t. lustful cumbrain or greedy jew
All that diet shit is peanuts, you'll be unhealthy but it's not the root cause of obesity. That is exactly what the people on top want us to direct the blame at and avoid the deeply seeded problem that'll be extremely difficult to change, our built environment. Cities are designed to create fat rolls. Poor countries with access to cheap junk food aren't full of the obese simply because they walk everywhere. So many issues stem from how are cities have been built it's absurd
It disgusts me how many fat retards there on this board that try to justify their toxic behaviors and blame it on society and other people. Think like that and you'll always stay the same. I was a fat mother fucker and reached my goal in 6 to 7 months of straight clean dieting and exercise it's not too hard if you want to change yourself lolololol.
>correlation between low income and obesity
I knew all those charity ads of starving black kids were bullshit.
Back to plebbit with you, landwhale. Fat people are fat because they eat like shit and eat way too much, not because of shit like food deserts. I live in Chicago, and there are a lot of food desserts here, but even then, all you have to do is bike or drive a few miles to a grocery store with better food. No one is forcing these people to eat pounds of cheese instead of vegetables. Even if the media pushes things like soda, people still have free will. It is their choice to eat like shit and never exercise. They could bike to work. They could go on a walk instead of watching Netflix and staying online after work all day. Stop playing the victim card, SJW faggot.
>deeply seeded
I'm in good shape. I am also capable of empathy. Social justice is a positive thing. Grow up you narcissistic troll.
>bike or drive a few miles to a grocery store with better food
Yeah a single mother of 5 would have no difficulty doing that after working her two jobs. You're totally right. Fat people are just lazy. All social issues stem from the incompetence of the individual and external causes have no influence whatsoever. Thanks for your wisdom.
>All social issues stem from the incompetence of the individual and external causes have no influence whatsoever
Looks like you finally got it :)
>Think of the single mothers!
Some bimbo getting fat because she fucked dozens of strangers, and I need to empathize?
Yes, do you think she would have done that if she had been raised properly? It's a vicious cycle.
It's amazing that people believe this. Sometimes I'm almost certain that a conservative's head would simply explode if they took an introductory sociology class. "What do you mean disadvantaged kids come from homes with no books and their parents don't speak to them which permanently stunts their language abilities..? Surely it's the child's fault... I mean... it has to be... *explosion noises*
ngl thats kinda cringe bro
Thanks for your insightful contribution brainlet.
Except the greatest causes of disadvantaged kids is the broken home and the single mother, things which loose sexual mores have exploded in recent years.
>Sometimes I'm almost certain that a conservative's head would simply explode if they took an introductory sociology class.
Take an anthropology class. Or read Schopie. The social mind, the culture itself, is a great factor in shaping the mind of a person.
The constant drive for empathy and pity by Egalitarianism and modern Liberalism has made it passe to judge single mothers and similar cases. They're not heroes. What some of them do is an abuse of their children, in fact. But since it's oh so wrong to judge, these people don't get the shame they deserve.
>"What do you mean disadvantaged kids come from homes with no books and their parents don't speak to them which permanently stunts their language abilities..? Surely it's the child's fault... I mean... it has to be... *explosion noises*
Who says it's the child's fault? It's the parents fault, and they deserve to be shamed by society. Half of my family lives in this squalid condition (single motherhood, broken homes, children to the grandparent, drinking and using, etc.), and they fuss and whine whenever shown a better way. Their behavior is disgusting, and an abuse of their children. The only good things their children have going for them is from the people who don't live their lives like that.
are you 18?
This guy denied the existence of social factors contributing to disadvantage. If that's true then he has to blame the child.
my diary, desu
ok reddit fag
>Except the greatest causes of disadvantaged kids is the broken home and the single mother, things which loose sexual mores have exploded in recent years.
No. You can have plenty of sex. Christian morality is outdated. It's about education around contraception and life planning.
>The social mind, the culture itself, is a great factor in shaping the mind of a person.
We're in agreement here.
>The constant drive for empathy and pity by Egalitarianism and modern Liberalism has made it passe to judge single mothers and similar cases.
They're in no way beyond reproach, what they did was irresponsible, however they probably made that decision due to a lack of education and life opportunities. I'm in no way condoning their behavior but rather providing an explanation for it.
>They're not heroes. What some of them do is an abuse of their children, in fact. But since it's oh so wrong to judge, these people don't get the shame they deserve.
We shouldn't be shaming people. I doubt they see themselves as heros, nor does anyone else. Again, it's a vicious cycle. If they hadn't grown up in a culture where that was the norm it wouldn't be an acceptable option to them.
How about providing a counter argument. Oh that's right, you're incapable.
anything on keto. melts the pounds off ya. i lost 70 pounds on it
>they probably made that decision due to a lack of education and life opportunities.
It has nothing to do with this nebulous "education" factor. It's because the sordidness of their lifestyle hasn't been properly instilled in them through shame.
Shame itself isn't bad, and is a natural part of society and culture. The only thing that's different are the kinds of things being shamed, like being racist or prejudice or prudish.
How is that literacy and information is at an all time high, yet single motherhood is also up? It has to do with the fact that mores were forcefully changed by a handful of intellectuals, leaders, and media men.
Imagine believing this dumb shit, in some fake line of "progress" that doesn't exist. Hedonistic societies have existed before. Mores have no technological component. Even most cultures don't become more complicated with an increase of information. Tribal peoples with no writing have cultures as equally as complex and with as many rules, stories, and morals as modern societies. See the Aborigines, American Indians, etc. The idea that an understanding of mores, morals, or standards can be furthered through time is absurd. There's no universal or scientific standard.
70% of food subsidizes go to three crops: corn, wheat and onions. These are used to make processed junk cheap. Remove the subsidies. Place them on broccoli and such instead. A bag of Cheetos shouldn't cost less than a bag of broccoli.
Also teach people how to cook in school. Make it mandatory. Make it healthy. Better than other shit we're teaching.
Was unironically referring to the actual crop goddamnit.
there is a reason the soviets either shot them or sent them to Siberia instead of asking them nicely
Fuck kikes
>are there any good books on the obesity epidemic
Is this copypasta? I could have sworn I saw this exact thread 3 weeks ago
>It's because the sordidness of their lifestyle hasn't been properly instilled in them through shame.
Do you really want a culture oriented toward shame? Wouldn't it be better if they were deterred by the prospect of wanting a better life for themselves and their children?
>How is that literacy and information is at an all time high, yet single motherhood is also up? It has to do with the fact that mores were forcefully changed by a handful of intellectuals, leaders, and media men.
Look at the data dude. Do you really think well educated uppermiddle suburbanites are popping out 5 kids because of intellectuals and media influence? No way. It's people raised in a culture of ignorance and poverty that see such a thing as par for the course.
>Hedonistic societies have existed before. Mores have no technological component. Even most cultures don't become more complicated with an increase of information. Tribal peoples with no writing have cultures as equally as complex and with as many rules, stories, and morals as modern societies. See the Aborigines, American Indians, etc. The idea that an understanding of mores, morals, or standards can be furthered through time is absurd. There's no universal or scientific standard.
Lol I can't even begin to respond to this. It's like watching a computer program malfunction because you provided it with input that it wasn't designed to understand. But I'll try anyway.
>The idea that an understanding of mores, morals, or standards can be furthered through time is absurd. There's no universal or scientific standard.
All you need to do is accept a broadly utilitarian perspective under which suffering is bad and flourishing is desirable. Then you can work toward a society in which as many people as possible flourishing and suffering is kept to a minimum. There is such thing as moral progress on this account. We are moving ever closer to an ideal society.
>corn, wheat and onions
Based. Take it one step further and teach nutrition. Even doctors are uninformed on the subject.
Man imagine getting raped constantly and having all those bastards through no fault of your own
Yeah, this definitely explains why more people are fatasses with gaggles of illegitimate children than X years ago, when none of those things existed.
Yeah, you can tell this is true because as contraceptive use has increased, there are fewer broken families.
OP here, I'm not fat and i've always taken good care of myself, so i'm more than aware of literature about personal fitness and nutrition. Judging from this thread there aren't many(or any?) books that address tackling this issue as a large societal problem.