"Freedom is the freedom say 'nigger'. If that is granted, all else follows."
"Freedom is the freedom say 'nigger'. If that is granted, all else follows."
"If you wish to find out who rules over you—simply seek to discover who you are not allowed to say 'nigger' to!" —Voltaire
The original quote was, according to wikipedia, written by an American white nationalist who got convicted of CP (although who knows if the conviction was fed shenanigans or an actual thing).
Thumbs up
>According to wikipedia
>that pic
>strict liability crimes
Who dis
Hey, I put it that it might be fed stuff. Ryan Dawson mentioned at some point that some white nationalists claimed to him that the US police put down CP charges on a bunch of white nationalists on stormfront (if memory serves) because they made a degenerate art thread.
>making sources explicit so people can judge how reliable a claim is is cringe
>being offended by words
Fuck glowie kikes. Imagine being a glow in the dark nigger.
I want to suck on her buns
Dear god, please have a penis
I don’t know honestly
I still haven’t found out who that is
no one making use of wikipedia looks at the sources and a lot of the time there's no source or the 'source' doesn't actually support the claim or that many sources, especially much more numerous and good ones, are ignored because they don't support the 'correct' conclusion. and these things are never removed or updated of course. wikipedia is dogshit for most things because of this. you also have people actively revising articles to make them in like with their ideology to the detriment of information and truthfulness. like the useless dyedhaired university sluts rewriting history to misrepresent historical women, that stuff is basically wishfulfilling fanfiction yet is repeated in the majority of mentions about these women, even becoming for elaborated.
It's just an ugly photoshopped chink
but was he wrong about the Jews?
Oh no... how terrible... photoshop...
Stop that penis... there's photoshop... that's the original...
I'm not typing one handed.
i mean the source is useless because only that angle + photoshop is worth anything
>freedom is liberty
>That pic
Still want to suck on her buns
>retards rule over us because you can't criticize them without social flak
this makes my penis the angry penis
Still want to suckle her feminine member