Why does he talk about the importance of being a strong alpha male when he's a skinny twink with a Kermit the frog voice?
Why does he talk about the importance of being a strong alpha male when he's a skinny twink with a Kermit the frog...
Wash your penis.
He doesn't talk about being an alpha man, just being a responsible mature and reasonable adult.
He does talk about being an alpha man. Remember the lobsters.
He talks about hierarchy and productivity, but it is a wagecuck hierarchy not a natural or sexual one.
Look at his age. He's obviously very alpha, just his voice isn't. His ideals are, his net worth is. You are a shallow man
Not as alpha as based Zizek
He looks like a homeless man, and his constant sniffing make it seem like he had a cocaine addiction.
>His ideals are
His ideals are you should be a good little slave for Israel and take your meds
He blew Peterstein the absolute fuck out in their debate
Beating petey in a debate isn't much of an accomplishment.
He cites the study with the chimps and how the ones that are too independent and demanding get removed from the group pretty often. His idea of an alpha is clearly Brad, not Chad.
he HAS a cocaine addiction
Has he admitted this?
What is the difference between Chad and Brad?
Also, i always thought that Chad is just the typical mindless but attractive tall guy who plays sports.
That's Brad. Chad is attractive AND smart.
Honestly you guys should stop larping and understand that this guy is literally telling you how to stop being miserable little shits like you are. He is a trained psychologist, he knows a lot about psychological well-being that anyone here. If you won't go to a psychiatrist, then he is the best you got for saving yourself.
But about his religious studies... that's debatable. It could be good, but it's more likely he is a midwit regarding it.
My life is shit due to actual health issues, not a lack of motivation.
he doesn't know shit about being happy, he's literally on antidepressants
He's a wreck himself. Not as bad as the people who look up to him but still
Why did crippled Nietzsche. By which I mean, why not.
He literally had an existential meltdown from drinking apple juice or something lmao
how do you reckon he feels about his daughter being an instagram thot and diet guru/faith healer?
Alpha has nothing to do with one's physical traits. It is a mindset.
Go away you are embarrassing
>dude take your meds and go to work and be a good goy for the Jews
>"alpha mindset"
Is Peterson a closet Jew? Look at his curly hair.
Compare to Zizek's silky smooth European hair.
No, he doesn't do cocaine
That´s the sign of alfa man, he doesn´t give a fuck what you thinks and yet dominates. That was obvious from the debate.
>Honestly you guys should stop larping and understand that this guy is literally telling you how to stop being miserable little shits like you are
He's literally telling people shit L Ron Hubbard has in his life advice for people, and with less grace. It's unsurprising he's making money off it; people that fucked up are not good with personal finances and ripe for exploitation.
What book is this
12 rules for life
Wait a minute why is he referring to himself in the third person? He says "Jordan"
Oh no, he has Jewish friends, which is bad because every Jewish person in the world is evil!
For real though if you seriously believe this please go back to /pol/
He isn't. It's the book's introduction, written by a friend of his.
Looks like it's the foreword, user, could be penned by a fan/associate/etc as they often are.
Is there something similar in dianetics?
Who do you think has the higher IQ
its from the foreward written by this guy
Way to happiness I think is the condensed version, though it might be another booklet. Dianetics is the book it's based on, anyway, but I think he added on bits as the years went on which might not be in dianetics. It's shit like brush your teeth and have a firm handshake and all the other usual self help bullshit. I guess you could defend Peterson on stealing only a doubt digit amount of talking points from Dale Carnegie, where Hubbard stole so many more.
I want to punch him in his Jew nose.
Good bait. You got me.
>Remember the lobsters.
This is not a difficult book to read. For you to interpret the lobster passage as emphasizing the need for physical domination and using it as a basis for sexual hierarchy, you must be projecting your own sad, strange ideas about the world onto it. Did you even read the rest of the chapter?
clean your room
i want to gas him in his jew nose
"I'll leave that to the Fruedians"
u wot?
>He's obviously very alpha
>Just his voice isn't
>take your meds
It's paradoxical that he stopped all his medication with his meat only diet, yet he still advice other people to take big pharma pills.
Zizek is B level Marxist, yet even the brainlets must have seen that he is on a competely other level than Jordan, not only in economics, but also in philosophy, history, etc...
Still, thank for Jordan to have accepted (and organized somehow) the debate.
It's pretty obvious Zizek has coke addiction.
That's not a twink.
Peterson. Zizek wont let him test.
Not at all.
Peterson arguably destroyed him.
You just answered your own question
What hentai is that womb from?
>It's paradoxical that he stopped all his medication with his meat only diet, yet he still advice other people to take big pharma pills.
Because he is a rational person who doesn't think in absolutes, especially when dealing with organic subjects. I don't know why you think that he should espouse his strange diet as a panacea.
>yet even the brainlets must have seen that he is on a competely other level than Jordan
Peterson is a clinician, not a philosopher. Zizek may wear the belt when it comes to masturbatory, indulgent thinking, but Peterson's words are practical and have evidential merit. His philosophy and politics are derived from biases he's developed in his work as a psychologist, and as such are somewhat simple and ill-formed. He's an individualist because his career has been trying to help his clients improve themselves. To compare the two men is to compare apples and oranges, because one is a philosopher and the other is a psychologist, though the two are not mutually exclusive otherwise. You should not concern yourself with Peterson's political and philosophical positions except in the case that institutions have apparent origins in evolutionary psychology.
Chads aren't alphas though.
No idea, unfortunately. I'm not much of a purveyor of explicit materials