So Yea Forums, I'm assuming you are all virgins. How do you feel about sex in literature, it is a very present topic after all.
I sometimes get an erection and I feel love, but can I truly understand romance just from reading?
So Yea Forums, I'm assuming you are all virgins. How do you feel about sex in literature, it is a very present topic after all.
I sometimes get an erection and I feel love, but can I truly understand romance just from reading?
The Yea Forums virgin running meme truly became a horror when the term inc*l was first coined, and it's just so sad and banal, because as a matter of fact, less than 30% of Yea Forums are virgins
Median age of this board is 23, for God's sake, the average 23 year old man has slept with 4-5 women
As a non virgin it makes me pp hard
>Median age of this board is 23, for God's sake, the average 23 year old man has slept with 4-5 women
Do you think people pretending to read books on an anime forum represent the general population?
But is it normal to get hardons? I've read The Man in the Dunes recently and there clearly is sexual tension in the air, at the beginning it is all I could think about, that woman, who cares about being entrapped, there is a woman there.
Is this just because I am a virgin?
The sex scene in The Three Stigmata of Palmer Brown was fantastic
What kind of queer reads romance novels?
lit used to actively gang up on r9k and b fags. its you anime faggots that come here and project
>tfw give up on sex and what to live a pure nofap lifestyle
>decide to read the Bible and become a godly pious man
>it's full of sex and chads and stacies
there is no escape
This, I've had sex with a dozen or so women. Admittedly, I haven't had sex in over a year, so in a certain sense I'm post-sex, but I'm not a virgin!
If it's degenerate like it's with the beats, then it's obnoxious, but otherwise it's quite nice.
I've studied r e d d i t and am not OP. /r/incel was primarily /r/inceltear users, so when it got shut down they flooded the manosphere including the /r9k/. From the /r9k/ it's such a shitshow they run around other boards rather than just stay there due to the fact that /r9k/ was never even meant to be the loser board so the entire site must be basically the manosphere as per the tits or gtfo rules and no women rules and such. It's their way of counter trolling due to being too stupid to understand what this place was actually about.
Right now OP is low key trolling. It's not a meme.
>as a non-super-hero how can you STAND to read books about such fantastical things!
It's called self insertion you fag-breath normalfaggot baiter. The whole point of reading is to escape the normalfaggot world.
STOP shitting up the Internet with bait. I have now saged you.
Is that so? Then you deserve to be shitposted against by them I guess. Maybe all three should merge. Maybe we should only have like ten boards if you're going to not let people be quarantined like a retard that loves kicking hornet nests.
People fap to that. Nothing wrong with it. I used to fap to the word vagina, pussy, dick, fellatio, etc, whilst in junior high.
But what is after sex, is there something after human desires, if so, what is it and can I reach it without having sex? I wish to free myself from worldly suffering yet even something like Siddhartha ends up involving it.
Look up the word ego and ponder.
After doing so deflate it rather than wish to poof it bigger with ''''achievements''''.
ganged up when they post on lit, retard. they used to be rare on lit, they were banned at sight. kicking a hornets nest means you posting this in r9k not here.
If you are legitimately good at reading then you should have the consciousness required to eventually get laid, if you so desire. Anybody who can't get laid is either a complete brainlet or they are cowards and keep making excuses.
Banned on sight. You'd never know it having just got here. I used to use the /r9k/ but got tired of hiding literally over 9k threads. Then 8 chan died and such so I figured I better stock up on books, so here I am for inspiration so I don't even have to post anymore. I am not comfortable with the collection yet. It'll take time, but blogging aside I imagine that's why too many are here is for the fact that I am too. The hive moves in such a way.
Or maybe the moderation just doens't fucking care about you due to being normalfaggots. They're too busy fucking their girlfriends.
You eventually get so depressed that you don't even have the urge to masturbate.
Oh user if only you knew how bad things really are.
I don't get what being a virgis has to do with understanding romance, being in love does not require having sex.
(Don't have sex)
>can I truly understand romance just from reading?
had sex this morning, and the night before, and several times last week. I cannot relate to my virgin teenage self because he had a poor grasp on the concept of relationships, sex, and romance with others.
Well it was mostly due to your age not the experience of putting peepee in male or female holes.
That's why you only read philosophy and you leave all the fiction garbage away.
I'm bothered by representations of sex in general because they remind me of my virginity and make me want to kill myself
If you give me your name and address I can fly over and pork you
I'm straight and I doubt you'd find me attractive.
I'm a sexy lady (male) and I have no standards and I can bottom if you want ;)
Not him but I'd totally pork you user
Kys for the love of god
What part of "straight" did you not get? Also, as far as I'm aware no one has ever found me attractive. I sincerely doubt your standards are low enough.
What's your name and address? When should I book my flight?
Are you jealous sweetie? You can join in on the orgy if you'd like :)
I'm a virgin but I'm already bored of sex.
Ol' Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont.
Keep on being a prude and refusing to loosen up and you'll never get laid sweetie ;)
I know my virginity is no one's fault but my own, there's no need to rub it in.
Literally just start lifting and get tan lmao
Working on the former! and I'm a shitskin already!
I'm only 18 but I've never been inside a woman's body
Literally me. Porn killed all my interest in sex, now I only dream about holding hands and walking in the forest and going on dates together and so on.
This but actual relationships ruined my interest in relationships so now I just jack off
sometimes I read something that reminds me of the first girl I had sex with and it makes me extremely angry
I don't get this highschool tier of cope.
>T-they didn't fuck some slut, they must be losers
Most people who spout this virgin and incel bullshit are people who groveled and whiteknighted non-stop until they got with a 6 once and now are in some way "above" those who didn't.
If you don't have children, you are a failure.
>inb4 hurrhurr sex isn't just about copulation
And a relationship isn't just about sex, retard. If you are unable to start a family, you're a failure.
Based test-tube baby
>can I truly understand romance just from reading?
Reading about romance was highly illuminating for me, as the usual high school stuff was a rather poor model and near impossible to make sense of. Together with some real life experience (ie getting cucked bunch of times) it makes you expect very little of women, and essentially give up.
As for virgins and/or celibate, it's been always pretty high Yea Forums wide, correlating with the general anime/other autism hobbies.
1. Everyone only pretends to read books. The ones who actually read books aren't talking about it.
>I sometimes get an erection and I feel love
lol this is strangely endearing. op is the based kind of autist.
to answer your question, the most lauded literature are the ones that can emulate the sensations of real life experience. so yes you can sample the feeling of being in love because sexual relationships are not the sole source of intimacy with humans, it means you love the artist and his sensibilities and the time you spent reading is your relationship. and on the contrary having a lot of sex does not exactly guarantee you 'love'. romance is kind of a weird topic because some would argue the very meaning of romance is dead in this age of speed dating. most would apply it to young love or the naive highschool relationship animes like to rip about. ultimately if you do find love, it is multiples more ecstatic than the erection you had from reading. simply touching hands or looking at each other is like your whole body as the erect penis being blowjobbed by heavens air around you. have sex, op. you can do it
I'm not a virgin