Where can i start with nazi literature?

Where can i start with nazi literature?

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I’m working rn


I downloaded The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf so I could know both sides to be honest.

I hate the quadrant to begin with though and am going to be in stitches as I read both due to being a non-spooked libertarian that views the quadrant as simply up and down, libertarian/anarchist vs spooktacular bootlicking. Any wise man would aim in the center to please the crowd. It's a shit show.

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>both sides
>book written by socialist
>book written by communist
take the monarchypill retard

>be libertarian exposed to left corner vs right corn retards online
>in real life everyone centristic left vs right
>for shits and giggles read left top and right top corners
>some faggot tells a bottom center libertarian to read a top center book and take heart in it

Something something nepotism.

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you right
Leviathan is a decent read

here, now crawl back to /pol/, you cretin.

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Read Descent of Man
Then Ragnard Redbeard
Mein Kampf (I liked the Ford edition, audiobook on archivedotcom)

Extra reading,
Failure of Liberalism
Democracy, God that failed
Hope and Tragedy (Key Text)

The Nazis were failures, you can read up on why from a ( old school ) Fascist/Traditionalist perspective with pic related. Short, can be finished in an hour or so too.

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By this, do you mean literature written by members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?

Are you looking for fiction or non-fiction?

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Being and Time

Merchant of Venice

>The Nazis were failures,
What a false statement by a brainlet. they saved Europe from a full out communist take over

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That's like, an own goal. You retard.

A few feet off the ground from a length of rope.

Stalinist takeover of Europe would have been based. Read Yockey

Not enough proto-nazi books

read mein Kampf, Gottfried Feders Manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery, Goebbels diaries and Albert Speers biography. David Irvines books are good and historically accurate, I recommend Hitlers War and the book on Rommel.
You can also check some occult stuff out on theosophy / ariosophy like Lanz von Liebenfels and Blavatsky but I found that pretty terrible.

By not wanking to anime.

Actually yes, as the entire europe would learn that socialism is a fucking failure of an ideology as the soviet union crumbles under it's own incompetence

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Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you. If I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bink had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

That's lot of books about Hitler. Sometimes its hard to tell is national socialism a political ideology or just a cult of personality.
No, anime and national socialism will always walk hand in hand. Adolf loved Disney cartoons, same cartoons which later inspired Japs, thus giving birth to anime. Anime is peak of Aryan expression.

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Holy reddit...


Holy Facebook boomer...