Itt post INFP literature and philosophy

itt post INFP literature and philosophy.

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Based INFP dreamer and cosmic horror go hand in hand

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This shit is just astrology for autistic guys

The guy on the far bottom right looks a lot like stefan molyneux

That is Alfred North Whitehead friend

Can we stop with these

Melville was INFJ
Bernhard and James were NT types
Whitehead was either INFJ or INTJ

Huh, looks like stefan molyneux


so xSxx don't exist apparently

The only one in that picture I can see as INFP is Pessoa.

They don't write


Sensors are too retarded to think for themselves.

Better than Land and Guenon threads

Astrology for teenage boys

>be intj
>most mbti threads surround intj's
>retake the test later and get infp
>most mbti threads surround infp's
What happened

>Our personalities collectively chance on the whims of Yea Forums.

Probably just your mind selectively filtering data tho.

>Sleeps under your bed at night and hears all your secrets while you talk in your sleep

+ Cioran and Woolf

Enneagram > MBTI

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You aren't being honest with yourself about how other people see you, and you certainly aren't being honest with how you perceive other people. In effect, you are constantly lying to the test and getting a wrong result. It's very easy for me to figure out if you're an intj or an infj. When doing math in school for tests, did you always write them out or did you have to do it in your head? Do you care more about how people perceive you [your credibility] or do you care more about giving people a good experience [making others feel good]? Do you think that you become more stupid around stupid people or amoral around amoral people?

Marginally. I'd rather have neither.

Just like iq

what posseses someone to make them begin a thread with
>itt post [MBTI type bullshit] lit


5 of my favourite writers apparently had my arbitrary personality type, they're just like me