Is she /ourgirl/?

is she /ourgirl/?

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damn contrapoints looks like THAT

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One of the worst videos shes ever done. Bloviated, meandering. Probably should have been all of ten mins

i'm so sure she posts or at least lurks here

a) she's fucking hot and also desperate to appear hot and i think this whole video was an excuse to flaunt her feminine body for likes. i get it
b) she's spent so long looking into alt right shit that she has stockholm syndrome and is basically at the point of espousing every mra point only with an ironic 'kinda' in front of it
c) i think she's having something of a breakdown the closer she tries to analyse the specifics of transgenderism and realises they don't make sense and keeps even making jokes about that and it's fascinating

>is she /ourgirl/?
No. But he is mentally ill

I think it's nice that she cares about us men.

this is so pretentious it is incomprehensible, it is like the pretentiousness of all philosophy students condensed into a one video.
that's what happens when you don't beat your kids

Give me a quick rundown, I don't care enough to watch a political e-celeb's videos. Is she another shoe0nhead?

Contra is the most boring shit ever. At least in the past he made videos, which I can't say I always agreed with but enjoyed watching. Today it's "hot takes about trans issues" non stop.

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i want her to make a video about tranny porn
i watch a lot of tranny porn
what about that, contra?
what does that mean?
what about those tranny porn stars? how do you feel about them?

it's an interesting topic

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How is this literature related, exactly?

Stop posting about yourself in third person

this one wasn't about trans issues though.

I know. It's just that she could mix her shit up.

Honestly this is perfect propaganda for the alt-right. This whole thing is deranged hypersexual rambling, if you don't already agree with everything in the video you're going to be repulsed by this

wtf, thats real piss in those jars. i can tell.

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One of them is green user, don't be retarded

lol he sounds like he's doing an crude gay impression