Does anybody actually talk about the content of books here anymore? Like a full depthful conversation of the content that was actually inside of a book? On the rare occasion you guys do actually discuss the contents of a book(instead of posting on bait threads and talking about modern politics, communism, capitalism, incels and other dumb things) you guys seem to not at all understand what the author was saying. Do you guys actually read the books, or do you only read the summary that is posted online? I don't know if this board has taken a severe drop in quality, or if I have gotten more wise.
Does anybody actually talk about the content of books here anymore...
Many of you guys seem to be more concerned with sex, self-gratification and self-entitlement than anything else. I would be shocked to meet a true intellectual on this board who isn't concerned with such cheap things.
It's like you guys are totally unable to respond to any thread that requires a thoughtful response and need at least 3 buzzwords in a post to pique your interest.
How about this? Kaczynski! Incels! Females! Sex! Girlfriend! Americans! Niggers! Bugmen! Leftists! Communism! Capitalism! Marx!
Now I think I need to attach a basedboy wojak and I'll be set.
I just hid 118 posts that definitely do not have anything of substance in them. Now I have to sort through the remnants and hopefully find substance.
Even when you find a thread that might have substance it gets spammed with shit like this. People on here are unable to counterargue without using the meme of the month. Last month it was "YOU'RE AN NPC!" This month it's "YOU'RE A BASEDBOY!" Even if the person you call a basedboy is wrong, you are just contributing to shit-flinging and low quality discussion.
This board is filled with cynical normies. They're jaded and cynical, but normies nonetheless. I've never had an intelligent conversation on this board, not even once. Today alone I reported four off-topic threads.
Looked at every thread individually. this was the only one of any enjoyment to me. Sad that the best thread on the entire board is still a bit of a shitpost.
You're leaving out what they're replying to. In my experience, people only shitpost over you like that if you shitposted first. If you put in some effort, 90% of the time you'll get a decent thread going.
i only read books to get laid.
i. don't. give. a. fuckkkk.
The people on here accuse me of being from reddit for expecting a rational, non-meme, non-inflammatory counterargument from them. It's all strawman arguments and personal attacks even when both sides are taking the argument seriously. These people don't make the most minor efforts to appear impartial or objective, they are only interested in shit-flinging or maintaining the belief system that they chose before they assessed the reality of the belief.
A few weeks ago(maybe months) I did have a legitimate debate of substance with another user, which I do remember and appreciate, but you cannot deny that the substantial conversations on here are incredibly rare.
go complain about it to r/atheism
Where do you think you are? Yea Forums was always pretty shit for this sort of thing, but post 2016 it's become outright unusable.
You guys seem to have missed the part where I said this.
>Even if the person you call a basedboy is wrong, you are just contributing to shit-flinging and low quality discussion.
You guys would belong on reddit more than I do. You are desperate for (you)s in the same way redditors are desperate for karma.
>high traffic, low word count, anonymous, public discussion has low quality
holy shit...
That's what you get from years and years of heuristic dialectic instead of debate. Shaming the opponent and proving he's wrong more than searching if they're right is what people do.
This being said, shitposting is something you can do while being serious. Overuse of memes is an issue but you forget that it's summer.
Normalfaggot here. Today I reported at least ten off topic threads but ignored objectively acceptable other ones due to not being a bugman.
>based rather than s o y
You know, the filter only gets newfaggots.
>this thread will totally bring up the board quality
Sounds like you're literally anal retentive. Answer me honestly, how often do you suffer from constiptation? This board isn't bad enough to hide 100ish threads. Things like the /r9k/ are of which spill over into this board due to that fact.
Redditor newfaggots that are mad and projecting have been doing that for years. They got called redditors, they call everyone they get argue with a redditor right back.
back to r+ddit with you then
you give a "fuckkkk" about getting laid
That was deserved, faggot reddit.
Science is the ultimate shitpost
Here OP, have another post that isn't directly about a book: Been wanting to mention this at some point, now is as good a time as any (though the content of the OP's post undermines it a bit). I commute past a dead tree on a daily basis; it reminds me of the one in the Goya etching. especially reminds me of the sculpture "Great Deeds Against the Dead, by the Chapman Brothers, also after the Goya etching (the children's swing strengthens the association.
The Chapman brothers' nihilistic artwork is featured in several art books, a kind of literature.