Why is it that when arguing with anons half the time they'll have a shitty, illogical argument...

Why is it that when arguing with anons half the time they'll have a shitty, illogical argument, get shut down on each point, completely ignore the fact that their point got btfo, carry on arguing like a retard, and when they have no leg to stand on completely resort to shitposting? I've noticed it a lot. They claim they're just (((baiting))) after it all but you can tell they're that fucking dense and lacking of self awareness
I tried asking Yea Forums but realised how the people there mostly fit this category and were gonna give the same shitty responses

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This is the literature board

When I argue on here, I’m really just trying to vent rather than to win. I think most of my opponents believe me to be a schizophrenic by the time we’re done.

I imagine others have similar reasons. Arguing n here is the cone of the few social activities they really have.

People don't argue to explore their views or learn, they argue to chalk up another win.

shut the fuck up, I made you look like an absolute moron. I won, you are my bitch.

I guess it shields their ego a bit when they go "haha I was just trolling bro I can't believe you seriously argued with me", but I don't know why anyone would care on an anonymous imageboard.

So you got btfo so hard in a thread that you decided to make a whole new thread just to bitch about it?

People take outrageous positions, not sure if its fun for them or what.

Yes and it's for intellect rather than double digit iq retards, plenty of such I experienced on Yea Forums, I originally went there because I felt it was a general enquiry with no actual context but after being bombarded with trolls I thought I'd take it here rather than /sci/

Cuz they’re big babies

And when pointing out to them that they're doing this clearly because they have nothing better to do then they dodge it and go back in circles, you have to agree it's pathetic.

A better question is why do you feel the need to debate shit with strangers online.

You think I don't accept ever losing arguments? I'm not that fucking egotistical dude it's just easy to spot this kind of poor reasoning

What? Are you going to admit you are wrong and adjust or change your position? pussy

I don't, they almost always initiate them and make those exact steps

I dont understand why you tripfag. Like you never add any content of value, so why do you want people to know it's you? I would be ashamed

Better to do that than go into denial to avoid the harsh reality of your pathetic life (theirs)

this site has gotten too retarded for actual discussion, everyone thinks with memes

Probably so butthurt people can bitch about it.

it's the phoneposters. they use the site like a chatroom and are motivated by shitty phone typing interface to post as few words as possible.

the result: every other post on Yea Forums is some equivalent of "Lol ok" or "Have sex" or "Umm no"

Fucking this, it's like those girls you get on discord servers, instead of taking into account that it's a platform for people to talk to each other while playing games and shit they treat it like fucking snapchat and use it to get attention

And most of the time they don't even actually play vidyas at all

Confucius say: If there is woman in your Discord, your Discord is Reddit.

First, 100% you are taking about yourself.

Anyhow, because most people never admit they're wrong. Perhaps this anecdote will help:
I used to ride the #250 bus which went to the main downtown stop then 2 more stops before end of the line, where I got off. People would get on the bus downtown thinking it was the #25. The sign up top did not say #25. The bus driver would warn them this probably isn't the bus you want. The bus would immediately turn the wrong way. But it wouldn't be until the end of the line that they would notice, get indignant and yell at the bus driver, then get off the bus and bitch some more about how it was something/someone else's fault.

In conclusion, make sure it isn't you, then remember most people are fragile, self- deceptive idiots.

>tfw make intentionally shitty arguments in a shitty post
>then make another post calling out these shitty arguments
>then get (You)s from agreeing anons

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>it's the phoneposters
This is a meme in itself. Don't delude yourself. I post from my phone when I'm away from my laptop and I think the people who believe that posting basedjak or saying "YOU'RE AN NPC!" is a valid retort are utterly retarded.

For what it's worth, when I argue, it's pretty much for funsies. I don't expect to win or lose, but I do get to see the strength of my argument, and what other anons around me have to say (which I expect to get shit like "dilate" and "have sex", but occasionally I get actual arguments).

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>t. guenonfag buttmad about his own spamposting
A thread did for this, it's all so tiresome, etc.

Thank fuck I left/got banned from them 1-2 years ago then
>First, 100% you are taking about yourself.
No, I'm not, I have to deal with these fucks on my own threads most of the time, plenty of people have tried using the projection fallacy against me and it's just not the case
>In conclusion, make sure it isn't you, then remember most people are fragile, self- deceptive idiots.
It isn't me, I have self awareness and can accept my flaws in life, and I agree on the fragile part, merely pointing out how pathetic they are results in them immediately changing the subject. Don't think because I didn't greentext your story that I didn't read it btw, there just wasn't anything in need of addressing.
Wrong again, as I've said already these kind of people are the ones to start arguments over petty shit and behave in this manner, how many times are people gonna use the projection fallacy on me for questioning this logic?

Your anger suggest otherwise. But if you just wanted to make a thread to bitch, rather than improve your argumentation, take it to Yea Forums.

I wanted to question their logic, and the reasoning behind it, I've already taken it to Yea Forums. I just got those exact same people as well as just trolls. Also how does my """anger""" of said logical flaw suggest it is apparent within myself?

I argue to keep myself linguistically limber.
What is the essence of an outrageous position? Do outrageous positions truly exist? How do you know that any given position is outrageous globally speaking outside of your own person outrage?
Actually, I'm a phoneposter and painstakingly type in paragraphs and paragraphs. I am undifferentiable from any other poster in regards to length, grammar, effort, etc.; your own post is more "phonepostery" than my own...are you one of those awful, pernicious phoneposters?
literally stfu & kys lmao retard cunt drosophila scavenger whore pest haha

>I have to deal with these fucks
Anger indicated by the phase and the vulgarity. Anger is often a sign of defense mechanisms, and during an argument cognitive dissonance.
Also you didn't link the thread. So no one can analyze the argument; you are just bitching.