Those poor trees
Exactly my thoughts
It's the same words, and that's all that matters.
Based, imagine buying into big tech, soon you’ll have those kindles launch suck pump pipes that could enter the mouth and the anus region, and flashing lights immediately allowing the using to become epileptic
the world is covered in trees and they grow extremely fucking fast. compare this to the millions of years needed for dead organic material to be buried deep enough to be converted to oil and the finite amount of lithium in the ground and not to mention the industrial pollution caused by its mining when to get a tree, all you need is an axe. deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions are basically nothing, they only get talked about to distract you from the fact that our oceans are completely filled with microplastics which remain in salt harvested from the ocean, which is used in every single fucking form of food we have except natural organic crops, which instead are covered in pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, etc.
the fact that you even posted this thread is a reflection of your mindless consumerism, your shallow interest in literature: things that make up your vapid personality.
ebooks are objectively superior in every way. not only are the devices cheap in comparison to your literature equivalent of collecting anime figurines of a hobby, its stigma and discrete nature makes it much harder to flaunt your shallow idea of what high-brow books are. for ereaders, aside from the initial purchase, books are essentially free with websites such as library genesis and gutenberg. in fact, piracy need not even be an issue; the vast majority of books written after the early 20th century are not worth reading.
ebooks are the ultimate pleb filter.
op is so insecure he feels the need to let others know that he thinks he is better than them. knowing his inferiority and plebeian nature, he posts this massive COPE of a thread.
I completely agree but I have no other option. I have a poorly paid job and a family to look after. I can't afford to pay for 5-6 books a month for the aesthetics of it when I can use Soulseek or B-ok and read pretty much any book for free on my Kindle.
b...but muh consumerism!
how am I supposed to induce dopamine in my happiness receptors if I can't reward myself with material goods?
(by the way, I have a ton of physical books and don't have an ereader, although I'm considering it because I'm a minimalist). Should I? I'll keep my large format art books and maybe some favourites.
Pic related.
>persona bad!
>me confident free-thinker, me no care what people think!
is that ikea? i think i have the same shelf in black.
Left: women
Right: men
yeah it is. I'm thinking of getting the same one again in black as i've run out of space on this one.
having both is nice
sometimes i enjoy holding a book, other times i enjoy not lugging around anna karenina or 2666 or IJ. part of it is that i dont want others to know what i'm reading, as well--i dont want to come off as a pseud
billy shelf, i have two
yep thats it, i remember now.
>technology bad
hey, iv'e been at the right one! Amazing building, very impressive from the outside, unfortunately I could not enter the building at the time
lmao even subsaharan africa and the indigenous americans developed complex societal structures and searched for enlightenment despite being totally isolated from the western sphere.
it would have been interesting to see what conclusions they would have reached if they stayed isolated
While I agree on an emotional level regarding the tactile sensation, the sounds, the scents of a paper book are by far better, an e-book wins out by leaps and bounds on a measure of practicality.
For instance, if I'm away on holiday for a month, how many books do I take? 3? 4? No, I can just take this one thing with a whole library of books to choose from. In the end, practicality will always win out for me. At least one can always apply a nice cover for the e-book.
I have both.
You've missed the point. Completely.
Participating in a discussion about which kinds of consumerism are better than others displays your NPC mentality. People buy what they want, it makes little difference what flavor of consumerism you adopt, you're still part of the herd. The only person who could legitimately say they are not a consumerist in this situation is an individual who only uses the library.
I don't own an e-reader b/c I suspect that, if it's anything like my Steam library, I'll download a lot of books and never read them. At least physical books there's a physical space they're taking up to compel me to read
>consumerism, man - he typed on his computer, making use of his internet connection, participating in a discussion of about consumerism
I love it when sheep who howl instead of bleat think they're wolves.
Also I find it easier to flip back and forth among multiple pages in physical reference books. But having full text search is super useful. Of course the best thing is just digitize your own extensive notes.
Ok, you got me. The best part of an e-reader is pirating everything.
them why normies are freaking out with the amazonas burning out? lol
virtue signaling
Now this is truly BASED and REDPILLED
because they're stupid. in the 19th century between 60 and 80% of new england forests were cleared for farmland, and just look at new england now.
I only buy a book if I can't find a free epub of it anywhere
What are you talking about? that's a masque, they weren't isolated they had connections with Arabs.
Join the try then buy master race. Break the dichotomy
Whatever nerd. Mine has a leather stand so I can just chill and read without holding it. So I can finger your gf and drink coffee while reading Highlights are easy and non intrusive. Hold a word to instantly find it's meaning, etymology. Instant Wikipedia article on anything. Don't have to look like autist carrying a thousand books
I think you did.
Yeah have fun taking all that soul with you when you move faggot.
As though he will ever move out of his mother's basement.
The more trees they cut down for paper the more they plant
Fuck trees lol
In the end I feel like I remember more reading physical books. If that wasn’t the case I would do e reader.
bookcase billys are the shit
This and only this. Physical books are for insecure pseuds who need something to show. The erudite man only needs the text
You know the French built that in 1907, right?
In the quest for wisdom, the medium is irrelevant
But does your pile of wood have a machine spirit?
The Amazon absorbs around one quater of the world's Carbon Dioxide. Once they've been destroyed, which they will, global warming will accelerate far faster than it currently is.
tl;dr - humanity is fucked.
imagine buying paper books just because of how it makes you appear to others, picking the worse option for no reason other than to impress others
To be honest, I completely agree. Yet, I absolutely adore/love the aesthetics of physical books and cannot see myself ever switching to an electronic device.
pls go back to Yea Forums
They figured that, had they not opposed colonial rule, Brazil would be better managed. This, of course, is extremely racist. The multiracial Utopia of Brazil cannot be poorly managed, after all.
hey, i've been at the left one!
that's just a nicer version of my dad's childhood home. i'm not kidding lmao
Let's look at this objectively.
>Can store thousands of books. Easy to carry. Everything is stored at one place
> Expensive, but a One time purchase
> Better for the eyes than your regular smartphone ( don't know how much of this is propaganda)
> Not sure if it hurts your eyes.
> Pretty expensive, if you add up all your books.
> Comfy
>Doesn't affect your eyes.
>Wear and tear issue.
>fetishizing books for how they look and feel
Why are there so many vapid bugmen on Yea Forums? I thought this was an intellectual board?
I'm convinced that the people who shit on e-readers don't actually read and only have physical books to show off. If you read 2 books a week there just won't be enough space to store all those books.
> Expensive, but a One time purchase
> expensive
Are you technologically illiterate or just a retard?
The only legitimate way to transfer knowledge. The written word makes you dumb.
What do you mean?
E-books are free if you're technologically literate
but a kindle isn't you dope, he was obviously talking about the kindle not the books since he put "one time purchase" is your comprehension that low?
Ah, I was talking about e-book devices (kindle, Kobo). I don't know about the west, but in my country they are as expensive as a high end smart phone.
>why yes, i do prefer ebooks, how did you know?
>how did you know?
because you're a nigger
>op is so insecure he feels the need to let others know that he thinks he is better than them. knowing his inferiority and plebeian nature, he posts this massive COPE of a thread.
ironic, cuiz why do you reply to someone so obviously vapid in your perception? ah because you need us to know you don't agree and why
I've done this several times, it's not that bad.
>muh commodity fetishism
>why yes, I do prefer the feel and aesthetic of physical books, how did you know?
>posts wojak
>has the audacity to call others ''vapid bugmen''
never change, Yea Forums
what's the joke here?
Does E-book reader really not affect your eyes?
no, look into how e ink works you're viewing ink with 0 bluelight
books are probably one of the best things you could make from a tree though or do are you gay
No but it will affect your sleep cycle if you read right before bed.
you can toggle the lights meaning it'll emit no bluelight and won't effect your sleep cycle in the slightest, stop spreading misinformation
>too maney too maney booku. onry 300 book user they croggu rand firr.
I'm not a hipster faggot and use what's works best for me and not what others think is.
Dirty mess
I'm very autistic about how to display books, and one of my shelves is making my life a living hell because the books don't look good together.
the whole point of e-readers is that they don't affect your eyes if you don't use backlight you ginormous retard
no u
The Amazon's not being felled for paper to make books. It's being burned for cattle ranching and onions growing.
The kinds of trees you farm to make paper are basically replenishable given time. Depending on species, inside 20-50 years you have new trees of a size to cut down. If you have large enough tree farms to meet demand, recycle enough pulp, that's sustainable forever.
Places lie the Amazon or the old growth temperate rainforest getting logged in Canada take 500+ years to produce. There are organisms in there that need old trees, that need specific trees, plants, and microclimates that you can't replace inside 20 years even if you decided you wanted to put it back. The forest is not replaceable in human lifetime.
The problem with losing the forest is it makes oxygen, captures carbon dioxide, and the roots keep topsoil from being washed away. From a selfish perspective lots of medicines come from plants and microbes that grow in the amazon and nowhere else. You're throwing away the cure to who knows what so amerifats can have their onions and their burger meat.
It's not even a normie thing to care about the Amazon. It's a normie thing to care about it now, right now, specifically when it's in the news.
This has been going on for decades. To normies it's the apocalypse. To Brazilian ranchers, it's August 2019.
thats such an awful example of a building with soul
e-readers are for niggers and poorfags
if you don't have an e-reader you can't pull it up quickly and search for the quote that will absolutely btfo whoever you're responding to. crucial for Yea Forums
Who the fuck cares about this shit? All that matters is that you read the fucking book, not how you're reading the book. Do you prefer using an e-reader? Use an e-reader. Do you prefer reading a physical book? Read it like that. Nobody fucking cares.
A hut made from the same ground it stands upon and with the finest sticks embedded. Quite impressive. Perhaps superior to lackluster architecture requiring copious amounts of unnecessary mathematics and planning.