What are some books about fixing America
What are some books about fixing America
I don’t know but here’s a burgerpunk chart
How do you fix a country with 40 million blacks and 60 million mestizos? You don't. Secession is the only way.
What’s burgerpunk
t. Europoor pussypants
Acknowledging that American society under neoliberalism is fundamentally dystopian.
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen
Do you think that America could have been great or was it a disaster from the beginning? After all the country was founded by liberal thinkers and free masons so I don't think we ever had much of a chance.
I haven't written this book yet, but someday I'll write it:
There should be a strong, sustained "propaganda" campaign that espouses the virtues of strong families and commitment to education.
Almost all misery in the USA is due to broken families and individuals too low skilled to get meaningful work. Immigration would also need to be slowed to a trickle compared to what it is now since the constant inflow of new people from other cultures obliterates the sense of community after a critical mass of immigrants is reached.
Read Patrick J. Deneen.
>There should be a strong, sustained "propaganda" campaign that espouses the virtues of strong families and commitment to education.
>Almost all misery in the USA is due to broken families and individuals too low skilled to get meaningful work.
I think one of the problems in America (and the Western world in general) is that education is seem as something you need just to make money.
Education should also be about making you "freer".
Reading Epictetus won't make you richer or much more productive, but it will make you a better citizen, a happier person, etc.
I don't think it's possible for any nation state to be healthy in an era where one is obligated to be critical of colonialism and imperialism. Any healthy nation will be forced to hate itself in those circumstances.
>wahhh why can't I be proud of atrocities wahhh
I silently agree. Just pointing out because you're being gangstalked apparently.
>poster count doesn't go up
samefag pls
nuke it
as much as i hate them, its not immigrants that obliterate having a sense of community, its capitalism, tv and the automobile. the concept of a village or town doesn't even exist anymore. before, a town was a small, densely packed area surrounded by forest or farmland, you could see the entire town by climbing a hill or tall tree near it. everyone worked there, you didn't drive 25 miles away every morning to a different town and spend your day their. people had to commune for entertainment at bars and restaurants and shit, and the town was so small, there would only be a few so everyone would get to know eachother. mass education is just a way of brainwashing you to be a corporate drone, too. its not a good thing unless you're a monk. religious men should be the only ones to receive an education, because godless heathens with knowledge and technology are what got us to this point. and the broken families thing is just a symptom of the deeper problem, the godlessness. you wouldn't have broken families if everyone just lived in a simple small town, but you definitely wouldn't have broken families if everyone feared the Lord and understood that divorce is an abomination.
>how can somebody post twice in a thread?!
t. retard
I'm not reading something by a fucking Irishman thanks
Any westerner even remotely critical of imperialism is a traitor to their nation and civilization. You're the most vile and destructive pest the world has ever known, and an resource used to sustain your life would be put to better use had it been destroyed. I humbly request that you stop wasting anymore on such a vile endeavor.
I wish for hell to exist so that Fanon and Said can be tortured eternally. No possible punishment, even that crafted and delivered by an omnipotent being, will ever be enough, but something is better than nothing.
All human greatness rests upon mountains of corpses. The greatest achievement our species has ever known is the weeding of the garden that is the Americas.
People get upset when you tell them that their precious "humanity" (I can't even use the term without imagining James Baldwin wringing his hands and using all of his energy to make a pouty face) does not confer any value on to them as individuals greater than that of nation states. It's one of the many cases of the will to live coming into conflict with the truths of the world.
yeah, we weeded it then we paved over it.
All of them, quoting the same post, saying the same thing, with the same writing style? Sure thing, samefag.
Pavement is better than teepees and wigwams.
>people fought and died in wars for this
There is nothing to be fixed if you take it for what it is: the biggest social experiment ever
Absolutely schizophrenic /pol/ retard.
This seems about right. The world currently operates under a paradigm of covert colonialism/imperialism where nations and/or peoples have been replaced by global corporations and financial conglomerates acting as the colonisers. Any imperialism done with national interests in mind would obviously risk trampling on the financial interests of very powerful people, so condemnation of imperialism must be constant and everywhere.
Everything I said is coherent and irrefutable. The liberal humanistic paradigm that has encompassed all of postwar politics is fundamentally evil. All postcolonial work and criticism is a conscious act of war or treason, and the governments of the west should treat it as such.
I fully agree. All cultural developments made after WWII and many made before that need to be reversed. In an ideal world most white nationalists and others suffering from racial hysteria would be sent to forced labor camps, but their state of existence isn't fundamentally treasonous.
Cry more faggot. At my old job I knew a literal 10/10 giga Chad who was a right wing /pol/ user
So is it a conspiracy or not?
I'm back living in my home village briefly after finishing my degree, and it's fucking absurd how much stronger the community is here in very fucking real tangible ways. Literally everyone commutes to jobs here but people will still stop to talk to me when I'm out walking or waiting on the bus stop and there's a whole bunch of well-attended village sporting/festival events.
When I lived in a ethnically mixed neighbourhood in college there was literally nothing of that, jut people hurrying along with their heads down trying to just get home or away. Any community events were restricted to insular immigrant in-group events like islamic study groups. Immigration most fucking definately has a noticeable effect on community, much more so than people watching TV or driving cars or what the fuck you have.
I agree with a lot of leftists points desu, they usually turn into nihilistic twits however. Why is this?
So was killing the indians a good thing actually or what is this pic supposed to imply?
>tfw socially right wing and economically left wing
>can never agree with anyone
>no one to vote for
The point is the hypocrisy obviously.
Chad means nothing to me
>In an ideal world most white nationalists and others suffering from racial hysteria would be sent to forced labor camps, but their state of existence isn't fundamentally treasonous.
I know you'd rather post memes than read, but doing so might help you post more appropriate pictures.
I don't shed any tears for people unwilling to save themselves. The seduction of the market is far too strong for most. I'm merely venting the frustrations of one who has to live through it. I really wish the so-called white genocide could take the form of an actual one. It would give me hope in whatever will come after the west has been completely destroyed.
>>no one to vote for
If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
You're equating modern "gender is a social construct!" liberals with everything that's ever been called liberal... I bet you bring up the holodomor when people say foreign corporations shouldn't run the healthcare industry too "because socialism"
Atheism leads to solipsism, which leads to psychosis and suicide
If you believe in voting, you're not socially right wing in any meaningful way.
Or economically left wing lmao
By liberal, I meant in the classical sense of democracy and capitalism. I hate modern liberalism too though.
That sort of attitude is the inevitable result of the liberal paradigm.
The classical liberal thinkers were even more retarded than modern liberals and planted the seeds of most ills haunting modern society.
>muh liberals bad
Truly an intellectual.
Yeah like capitalism for example.
Who /right wing socialist/ here
Yes, liberalism is fundamentally bad and decadent. Prioritization of the rights of the individual will inevitably lead to such behavior. The only people who believe that classical and modern liberalism are separate traditions in a any meaningful sense are crypto-fascists.
Nationalism is the result of a series of false assumptions about history, nations and peoples. What do you call somebody who is a cosmopolitan but is simultaneously conservative when it comes to other values?
nuke it
Cuckservative: How the Conservatives betrayed America by Vox Day
What behavior, schizo?
Possibly a perennialist but more likely a fucking mouthbreather.
Manipulation of the body in defiance of gender roles and requiring its recognition by society as a whole.
>muh pol bogeyman
>trying to use shallow mob bullshit to control what people are allowed to think/say
>continues antagonizing and provoking despite society clearing readying itself to purge you
Take your shitty cult and fuck off. "durr you can only believe things have meaning or experience empathy if you enslave yourself to my god!"
Bunch of leeches trying to take advantage of the destruction of society because you anticipate a power vacuum.
the irony of that title. betraying america is the most conservative thing you can do.
I've never found a good answer for this.
>leftoids hate capitalism even though it leads to the globalist multicultural society and moral and social decay that they love so much
>rightoids love capitalism even though it leads to the moral and social degeneracy that they hate so much and destroys the traditional family unit and dissolves national identity
Shouldn't it be the other way around??
>>muh pol
Exactly. Like clockwork. You bleed into every board and destroy it with your schizophrenic drama and insanity. You're completely out of touch with reality. Don't you have a shitty manifesto to write and school to shoot up or something?
Pretty much everyone who can reasonably be counted under the broad umbrella of "far right" fucking hate capitalism, tho? Burger libtards don't become right just because they held a bible once for a photoshoot.
I think some part of the right is becoming less capitalistic lately, exactly because of the social and moral decay that it is causing.
That may be true but what about your typical Republican boomers who love capitalism while at the same time crying about moral and social decay? How do they justify this?
meant for
because brainlets right-wingers think that the only alternative to capitalism is a bunch of hippies stealing muh material possessions, which is all they really care about. they don't understand that personal property wasn't invented by capitalism
They don't want to have to accept the responisbility that their generation is the one who led the charge in selling out society for cheaper TVs.
DA JOOS obviously
The left has done the same to every single element of society through their control of the means of knowledge production (i.e., academia and the media) and the infrastructure of communication. You've subverted the discourse so that certain groups can't even meaningfully participate without a flagellating themselves. Is McCarthy under your bed? Are Hitler and McVeigh hiding in your closet? Is Columbus hiding around the corner waiting to cut your nose off? You've systematically engineered the discourse so that one must answer yes to participate. Even the slightest assertion against your hegemony sends you into spastic fits.
>the left
Stopped reading there.
Seething chapocel
The broader left which organizes together in opposition to the right certainly exist. It may be highly diverse in its solutions to political problems, but those distinctions are ultimately meaningless to anyone on the outside. Broad coalitions are still entities.
Give me one good reason why a return to monarchy and feudalism wouldn't be a preferable alternative to liberal democracy.
>The broader left which organizes together in opposition to the right certainly exist
lmao no, they can't agree on anything.
muh ipads
They can agree that they are opposed to the right on the most fundamental level, and generally they agree on the fundamental moral goals. What they disagree on is what exactly the best means of achieving them are.
So basically the same as the right-wing, got it.
Monarchs have power to overrule contractual agreements, which would be bad for business. Finance especially.
>muh business
>muh finance
Pretty much. There's a reason why "small government" types tend to have little problem aligning themselves with fascists, even when both groups claim to despise each other.
I'd be thrilled to return to an aristocratic system, just pointing out the reasons certain elements during the 18th century were very happy to incite revolutions against monarchies and replacing them with limp-wristed assemblies without the power to do anything without first going through arduous processes and law-changing and what-have-you hoops.
America had a very robust start, probably the greatest geostrategic advantage in history (bordered by two oceans, with weak neighbors north and south), an entire continent full of the most abundant resources, richest fertile land, an innovative (for its time) governmental structure, and an economic system that generated more wealth than ever before.
What happened to America that made if falter is that the very factors that made it powerful from the start began to drag on it. Its isolated geographic position made its culture stagnate . Its abundant fertile lands supported too many people, who grew fat and lazy. Its governmental structure stagnated and bred internal division. Its capitalist economic system took over government, corrupted its culture, replacing it with rank consumerism and uniform corporate branding. It replaced liberty, individualism and self-determination with overwork and atomization and alienation of labor. Its openness and freedom led to chaos and incoherence.
We need a fidel castro
>an innovative (for its time) governmental structure
Ain interesting way of spelling retarded but you do you. Atomisation is the end result of "liberty" and individualism, the seeds were there from the start, the whole project was founded on cancerous ideas only promoted because a quick buck could be made from them.
The federal system incorporated some of the best ideas of the enlightenment in terms of statecraft. The federal government bounded each state with an overarching system of laws and military support, while each state was allowed a degree of autonomy that allowed it to exert local control. This division of government into subsystems connected by an overarching centralized government was ahead of its time.
>some of the best ideas of the enlightenment
Now there's an oxymoron if I ever saw one
yeah, because thats sooo much better than a sovereign leader and a united nation.
>the enlightenment was bad
Reactionary troglodyte detected. I bet you wish we were still licking the boots of the British monarchy.
It really is. Don't you have any idea how flawed that approach is? Wait until you have some inbred madman running the government, or some decadent fool. The French revolution happened for a reason.
I'm no fan of the Angloid but even that would be preferable to what we have instead.
The enlightenment was shit
Look where the British are today. Their empire still fragmented and the country is just as stagnant as the US. There are just too many variables to consider.
If Prince Stuart had retaken the thrones of England and Scotland and then smashed the unholy alliance of smugglers and mad preachers that was the "american revolution" the world would be in a much, MUCH better state today.
Wtf did they force him at gunpoint to read this?
Why? At least give an argument besides some daft belief that traditionalism is some hallowed and unquestionable good.
Cromwell was the only truly great leader the British ever had.
I would rather have the Habsburgs ruling us than our modern elites. Say what you want about the Habsburgs, but at least they had good intentions.
And a better taste for art than our modern elites.
I prefer licking the boots of the myriad power centers which exist in our society. Academia, the press, Hollywood, multinational corporations, big tech companies, special interest groups, government and NGO bureaucracies. So many flavors. Really, if you like boot licking the enlightenment was a great boon. Such a proliferation of boots!
America would have never remained loyal to the Empire. It accumulated too much power and was too removed from Europe to be beholden to the crown. The British lost the US because they didn't know how to rule it.
You missed the part where I said that what made America strong from the outset eventually led to its decline. Work on your reading comprehension.
Maybe because they also adopted the same ideology as America?
The British of today are not exactly the same as the British of 200 years ago.
>when you haven't read Eikon Basilike or Basilikon Doron
Whose fault is that? Europe devoured itself in incessant wars, bled itself dry, and following WW2 all that remained was American hegemony.
I would like to take this time to plug this book which is tangentially related but pretty interesting.
tldr The American Revolution was fucking awesome (if and only if you were a member of the coastal merchant class)
They lost because the British were in essence ruled by the Parliment since after the Glorious Revolution, and Parliment was filled with a bunch of whigs sympathetic to the revolutionary cause who kept giving concessions and trying to negotiate when they should have put their foot down right away.
>whigs sympathetic to the revolutionary cause
Then why did they fight a war with the US to keep it within the commonwealth?
Because after trying and failing to appease the rioting tardmobs so many times it becomes harder and harder to not actually have to do something about it. Fact still stands that Britain could have sent more troops right away and the whole thing would have been crushed in its infancy.
Unironically the Handmaid's Tale
How will a book of blank pages explain anything?
Think how cute they would look on HRT, so many feminine facial features that could be brought out
>it's capitalism's fault for moral and social decay
Capitalism didn't remove religious foundations in public schools, massive subsidies for minorities, open borders, etc.
Good bait
This is your brain on a community college/state university liberal arts program.
Our only hope
>university liberal arts degrees teach you reactionary thought
What the fuck, that sounds based
How to fix society:
1- Revive Cato the Elder
2- Make him Supreme Dictator
Our only hope
Cato was just the neocon of his days, revive him and you'll have him yelling about how we need to destroy Iran
He was aggressive in terms of foreign policy, but he was also pretty big on improving morals. Unlike neocons, who spend all their energy on trying to bomb some far away country for no reason at all.
Also, Carthage, unlike the countries that neocons want to bomb, had the potential to rival Rome.
It's very common now for profs to shit on the enlightenment for the usual crime of being "dead old white men."
I guess this is yet another horseshoe.
>control f marx
>control f communism
>control f commie
>control f communist
>all zero
It's like this board hates fairness.
Communism has nothing to do with fairness, read Marx you dumb fucking larper.
You have it mixed up. Those people are saying the enlightenment is bad from a liberal perspective. We're saying it's bad from a reactionary perspective, which is the same as your position except more extreme. We go even further than you in condemning modernity.
You think people in this thread are shitting on your precious classical libtards because they are dead white men?
I haven't spoken to an American outside of a professional context in over 5 years, and I feel very mentally stable. I think the less people talk and socialize with each other, the better. I am looking forward to breaking off my online friendships too when I don't need them anymore. Americans are scum.
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Varg?
>rich people that own land have too much money
>money is controlling people
>it's not even money, it's people they own
>seize the land
>everyone paid the same
>equality now
You're honestly just not intelligent enough to get the point of seizing the land. Land LORDS are corruption. Who gives them the right to own the people that live there? Fuck the king. Fuck the feudal system. That is what communism is all about. The attack of unequal power systems.
>millions starve
I fucking BEG you, go actually read Marx. Capital isn't that hard to read, just stop shitposting for a week.
After the jews decided to nope the fuck out after 50 years of success, yes.
He's just the guy that came up with the idea. Maybe I should fix any problems you have with the book if I even do read his original work. Surely others have already fixed any silly things you might think reside in his work.
>reading something by a Jew
God, Frostburg is a special kind of shit hole isn't it.
This needs some public policy crap since that's how the abomination came to be.
The conflation is intentional.
>inane racism
There's statistics and the pragmatic practice of avoiding likely bad things, then there's individual things or people that are anomalies to the statistic and therefore okay. You know that right? Generalization can be pretty cuck-worthy if you let it turn into magical thinking, fetishism, or phobia.
>he hasn't taken the magical thinking pill
stupid dumb normalfag retard
What the fuck are you smoking
Magical thinking is when someone does something OCD tier like refusing to like a new shoe but will like a new glove, neither having been worn. To began with, feet are more sanitary than hands. Magical thinking isn't logical.
Your brain, apparently.
Don't ask what your nation should do for you, ask what you should do for your nation
>dude just look away while the state turns your daughters into prostitutes and sends your sons off to die in some desert to make some defense contractor rich
Charles Murray
Christopher Lasch
>not an all women extinction button
almost based
>What are some books about fixing America
Whichever one involves nuking the entire place. I think Stephen King wrote something like this once?
>tfw America will never be this aesthetic
>not an all women except japanese women extinction button
you were so close
looks like shit with the faggot paint
Asian women have manjaws, and not in a good way like beautiful Germanic women
luckily, they're open to corrective procedures
yeah people who are blood related to one another could never possibly coexist. makes more sense for total strangers with no genetic or cultural common ground to all work at starbucks together
Let´s be honest here.
found the faggot
>>tfw America will never be this aesthetic
why do americans hate bricks?
Regarding culture: I don't think the culture stagnated due to America's isolation. It's more that at some point America became the place to be, and everyone wanted to be there. During the most recent waves of immigration, any semblance of "american" culture dissolved; there's too many things in the pot now. Nobody can tell how it tastes. So you get the interregnum we have now, where everyone is out of touch.
Perhaps the last real American artistic movement was Punk, and that died after it came aboveground as Capital precorporated punk into itself. Kurt Cobain had lost before he had even begun. Subsequent bands like Green Day were aware of their position, and paid lip service to the aesthetic motifs of punk, but were paralyzed by their very real impotence.
One might say that some of the spirit of punk lived on in the early days of Hip-Hop (but at this point, the average channer might say that since the torch has passed to an exclusively black artform, America is already doomed). Wu-Tang, NWA, etc. were fairly prescient, but eventually even they fell to capital.
Eminem had some of the most incisive critiques of modern America in his early work (from his underground stuff upto The Eminem Show). This could not be tolerated by Capital, and he was very rapidly precorporated into the system by, ironically, Dre, former member of the NWA. In the very first song of the MMLP, the first album since he blew up (read: was precorporated), he says that 'they' tell him that he can't rap about the stuff he used to. The stuff he used to rap about was dangerous to the system. It was incisive and powerful. So they made him famous. To this day Eminem struggles against the system, just as Cobain did, unable to apprehend the artist who was killed by Capital.
What about Death Grips
Haven't listened to any of their stuff. What about them?
>talking about a bunch of hedonistic gay-ass artistic movements
American culture didn't just decline because of immigrants but another reason is that shitty music that you try to pass as "high art".
This, honestly.
>Dover Thrift edition of the fucking KORAN
Well, I don't necessarily consider them high art, nor do I necessarily subscribe to the high-low art dichotomy.
But it is useful to diagnose the culture of late capitalist America through what it chooses to make popular. There seems to be a running trend of underground artistic movements being brought forcibly into the mainstream where they die and become zombified. Eminem was just a recent, obvious example.
woah i didn't know anthony fantano read books too
I have never in my life watched a fantano video
>he thinks a civilisation made by current people can be saved
you had me until the religious crap
Any books about building a nuclear device that can destroy the entire planet?
What college towns did you attend go too cause i find that to be bullshit.
What was beautiful and hopeful about this country died a long time ago
0 iq take
Americans should be banned from Yea Forums or at least when anyone brings up anything to do with political theory or anything of the sort. You're embarrassing yourself.
Nothing I said was untrue. Cultural hegemony through control of specific institutions is the left's general strategy.
He is somewhat correct. The fact that people have not at least -partially- agreed with some of the points he has said shows that he is right. :3
if they're so powerful, why can't they do shit about climate change then?
>left liberals aren't part of the left because they embarrass me
>socialists haven't been doing everything within their power to slither their way into media positions
Please be aware, I hope he is of this same mind, that climate change might be real.
It is, of course, strikingly apparent that you have eco-minded competitive capitalists like Elon Musk, who don't even need the green incentives to sell his product, so I don't see why being against the left means that some people aren't working together to fix climate change.
The mass media has ruined this aspect of ideology. For them it's much more profitable if everyone who was a -insert party here- thinks -insert mentality corresponding to party here-.
How don't you see this? What is blocking your vision? :3
Centrist capital shills aren't left or socialist
>toothless commie pedants acting like they are the boss of the lexicon
>seething /pol/faggot angry at being called out for not knowing what words mean.
true should have left it with the natural colours
>comintern will rise again if i just keep up the prescriptivist hair splitting on 4channel
just fuck a man faggot
These threads are so fucking gay. Between this and the tranny accelerationist threads, I can't believe there hasn't been a contrarian shift on this board yet.