Boston Yea Forums Meetup Group

We're having a Yea Forums meetup in Boston.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads Yea Forums books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, &c.

Envision a meaningful way to to be more than a corporate ladder-climber, or a academic degree-climber, a pick-up artist, video game enthusiast, pathological toy collector or whatever you call the moth-like behavior of sitting in front of a glowing screen for hours.

Attached: 2019 08 24.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:

seriously, are these meetups real? i still can't tell

Also, Ladies, please put some thought into your shoes if you're going to attend the meet up

Ew, no thanks, creepozoid

Are there any girls?

Can we ban trannies?

it disgusts me to know that some of you might actually live near me. it disgusts me that I’ve probably coexisted with you briefly in a market basket or star market at some point in time. i almost vomit at the thought that you’ve probably been in the same little boutique coffee shop as I have. the good thing is I control rent for many tenants in the Cambridge area and this post has inspired me to raise them out of spite. Have fun at your meet up

I’m a pseud in recovery and I just want to listen to interesting ideas. Is it worth it to go?


Attached: bostonlitmeetupspringtemplate.png (1600x1066, 3.78M)

Who tf goes to market basket and star market? Are you a non-white? Hahahaha *breathes in* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If this actually happens, post pics of the group censored from the shoulders up and with timestamp

Do it faggots

>he hasn't seen the pics
use warosu newfag

Yes, do not eat any brownies.

yes, stupid
Archive for ants.

can i bring my gf

It depends on the definition of bring.

Allah fucking damn it i read that as Bosnia Yea Forums meetup group and got really excited for a second.

No guzle for you this time br8.

Found the liberal faggot.

's'long as she ain't a pig

To my fellow ladies, dont sleep with the organizer, he is a scumbag who gave me HPV

Damnit why are the I and the P so close together on the keyboard...

Now that I’ve lived in Arizona for a year, I wonder how the Phoenix meetup went.