The goal of humanity is to produce science and the highest art

>The goal of humanity is to produce science and the highest art.

In Critique of Judgement, while talking about teleology, Kant states this. Do you agree with him?

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he didnt say that

*philosophy* and the highest art.

I don't agree because it's a description.

"The goal of humanity should be to produce...", I would agree

Yeah that sounds v unkantian given what i know from cpr and gfm, but i find this statement odd moreso because, in a classic kantian sense, it’s a sleight of hand descriptive claim dressed in the clothing of a prescriptive claim. Insofar as the valuation of art comes from humans, with all our epistemic limitations regarding beauty, we can only ever have produced “the highest art.” consider: if we take all the masterpieces ever created and work out the aesthetic frameworks that gave rise to them, it would be weird to speakof ideals beyond that set of pieces or frameworks.

i should add, this is exactely why we value artists, not on some mystical mumbo jumbo grounds, but because they are willing to persist in the face of limitation (“constantly risking absurdity” as Ferlinghetti puts it) and create exactely at the point where the general public stops. i guess it’s nice in that such a statement simultabeously demystifies the role of the artist while also contextualizing why the ancients, like plato, thiught artistic genius came down to something like divine inspirationor strictly unchecked (read:irrational) inspiration, whereas Kant here, kind of like how he demarcates the otherwise spooky concept of noumena, is able to clearly mark a system and then a further feature beyond the system that in turn mirrors reality.

Define highest art

Yeah. It's common sense.

Where exactly does he say this?

Reminder that Kant's entire reductive philosophy was utterly destroyed by guénon with a single logical statement.

Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

tell me the secret formula to absolutely anihilate kant, mr guenon

Irc, it's not even a statement from guénon, he simply quotes Kant himself, where he admits that his entire philosophy is reductive because he's too dumb to go beyond. Quite literally. I am looking for the passage and will post it soon.

Cette philosophie en arrive ainsi à vouloir substituer la « théorie de la connaissance » à la connaissance elle-même, et c'est là, de sa part, un véritable aveu d'impuissance ; rien n'est plus caractéristique à cet égard que cette déclaration de Kant : « La plus grande et peut-être la seule utilité de toute philosophie de la raison pure est, après tout, exclusivement négative, puisqu'elle est, non un instrument pour étendre la connaissance, mais une discipline pour la limiter » De telles paroles ne reviennent-elles pas tout simplement à dire que l'unique prétention des philosophes doit être d'imposer à tous les bornes étroites de leur propre entendement ?

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>This philosophy thus succeeds in trying to substitute the "theory of knowledge" for knowledge itself, and this is, on its part, a real admission of powerlessness; nothing is more characteristic in this respect than this statement of Kant: "The greatest and perhaps the only utility of any philosophy of pure reason is, after all, exclusively negative, since it is, not an instrument for to extend knowledge, but a discipline to limit it. "Do not such words simply amount to saying that the sole pretension of philosophers must be to impose on all the narrow limits of their own understanding?

Philosophy is science.

Kant BTFO, philosophy is DEAD

Hello, Is that position of her hand a gesture of the freemasonry? Thanks for sharing the information too

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The goal of humanity is to leave me alone.

Nice quote.

what text is this from?

In disciplining it does he not free up the time wasted on false speculations so it can be used in the production of real knowledge instead?

Trips of falsehood. Philosophy is not a science, but the reverse is true.