What are some books to comprehend a woman's mind?

What are some books to comprehend a woman's mind?

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Just go outside, faggot. Fleeing into books isn't going to help you understanding people. Wimin are as simple as men, and this is something you have to learn by experience.

You'll be disappointed in minds in general. Pay attention to other things.

Like what

Redpill shit.

I'm curious too but I think the big problem for many men such as myself is that we apply to them our model of what we think they should be. Some sort of moralocentrism if you will.
I've been more at peace with myself since I stopped expecting women to behave correctly or have virtues.

Compare them to a child or a cat, wandering around and coming to eat and act as if it cared about you whilst in reality it only wants care from you.
Don't expect anything and you'll be fine. You won't be angry nor disappointed.
Listen to them, try to get in their shoes if you want, but don't expect them to do the same.

Pic related is a joke, don't take it seriously. Chaos makes sense. Women don't.

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Anything on the noble art of woman hating. Schopenhauer, through Otto Wei Nigger up to modern incels like Houellebecq.

Kant critique of pure reason

Rollo tomassi "the rational male"

Follow up on OP's pic related article

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You fucking incels are pathetic. Her reason for divorce is perfectly understandable.

Imagine if you had a gf (almost too hard to do, I know) and she kept fulfilling every role in the relationship that your masculinity required as a healthy outlet of expression. With nothing left for you to do, you would feel totally obsolete and become dissatisfied.

This is what he did to her, and she is absolutely making the right choice in leaving him. Not that you incels would understand the subtle dynamics involved in sexual partnerships.

That is literally every man's dream you retarded roastie. Only a woman would leave a relationship that is working perfectly.

Her only role is to be a faithful hole (almost too hard to do, i know).

I bet some spergs really don't get it, so let me explain... normal people tend to want a partner, not a drone following everything they say.

>working perfectly
You should have sex, my man.

If women were capable of doing anything beyond themselves they would probably empathize with the sacrifices men constantly make and have to make in their lives.

>read all day to enrich the soul
>still wants a breathing onahole as a wife

Feelings, sensuality, children, home.

>I hate it when the plan comes together
Yeah I hate it too. I am a billionaire, have thousands of women, everywhere I walk I find a new diamond on the ground.
Really sucks.

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Nonsense. You don't get to choose what people want. Even the amalgam of any person's fetishes extends far beyond your accusation.

Notice how it's always a deflection? Go outside, have sex, etc. Avoiding the issue and asserting your supposed lack of experience, your unappealing qualities to women.
But that in itself is a giveway.
There is an inherent suggestion there that you only see the negative in women, have only experienced the worst they have to offer because of your own flaws. Even when they are trying not to answer the questions, they do. It is clear that women are a void, a husk that reacts to everything around them and desires a man to never scrutinise or understand them, because they want be led, controlled, not analysed and understood.
>Wimin are as simple as men, and this is something you have to learn by experience.
A clear female-deflection, a dead-giveaway. They have no desire or interest in the centuries upon-centuries of human experience to be found in philosophy and literature, it's all about the anecdotal present.
This is why women who dominate as readers and writers now cannot help but infuse everything with the social paradigm of now, they cannot look back and learn, they must tell the past that actually there were the unenlightened. That's why people like rupi kaur exist, to correct the record of "male dominated" perception based on the present feelings of the now.
There is no substance.


>when the last time you touched a vagina was when you slid out of your mom's

this is your mind on inceldom

>Notice how it's always a deflection?
No, mine was a warning. You'll be disappointed. I merely spread out the blame, albeit correctly, but mostly to avoid public scorn and autofilter.

>It is clear that women are a void
That's not true. They are full of things you ignore or lack interest in. Such as: the social sphere, pretty flowery homes etc.
The voids are all people who have ruined their lives and have messy apartments.

I bet you are a virgin

Let me enlighten you as I was the same type of boyfriend for a year.
I pleased her, paid attention, cooked her stuff she liked, asked her what she wanted to do, didn't get angry, etc etc

She told me she felt smothered and that stressed her out. Not because it was everything she wanted, because she liked it, but because she felt she couldn't do the same.
Some men like myself out the other as a priority. Women don't do that. They are the important thing in the relationship, you're just someone who shares it.

That's btw what that book says when they say "be the price" and "you're just the next on the list".
You shouldn't be something she has, more something she want to have. Eternally. As soon as she get it, you're done.
And don't expect her to keep you.

It ended with said girl but I didn't mind pleasing her. Her pleasure was my pleasure, really. But she couldn't do the same, and that's what stressed her. The balance was unequal. It shouldn't be.
If you can find a girl dedicated to you, you can be dedicated to her. But they're rare. Women are selfish and egoistic. You'll always be second.

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How will Arabs let this happen

Women are stuck in the immediate future and the present. They hate looking back and imagine a different past.
Men enjoy it and that's how they perfected stuff by looking at it and wondering what went wrong.

Explains why women are often progressist for the sake of progress, talk about change and evolution and how conservatism or looking back is bad.

Just my two cents.

>Being loved is emotional labor your wife will divorce you for.
>Hating and beating your wife works in the long term, but is also illegal.

What do?

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>incel making an argument about the superiority of women
What timeline is this?

>that book says when they say "be the price" and "you're just the next on the list".
Woah i don't remember reading that in Kant's critique of pure reason

Is future anxiety and never learning from one's mistakes really superior?

It shouldn't be illegal, everybody knows that women enjoy being dominated and submitted both physically and mentally.
>i he beats you he loves you

There's a bit more to it - I think women have innate need to "pussify" their SO, and it's the process of doing so they derive satisfaction from. The power to turn a dude who takes no shit from anyone into a shaking sack of servility using only her emotional blackmail and pussy proves her worth as a woman.

It's a mentality of malicious compliance in master-slave dialectic. The slave needs the master, but also seeks for clever ways to come out on the top in the end.

You don't learn from mistakes by wallowing in the past, learning is acting. Whether something works or doesn't work is apparent right away, if it doesn't, you start doing things differently. If it does, you keep doing whatever you were doing.

I meant
That made me laugh though.

Dumb guy over here!

Wallowing is pathological state (depression), same as being too concerned about the future (anxiety). Women get anxiety as they're unable to plan ahead using past experience, men get depression when they overanalyze the past too much due to a long streak of failures.

So by being servile on my own and without being pushed to be, I spoiled her keikaku ?

Insightful posts, thank you

I agree with this entirely; the problem is that society expects me to treat these creatures as my fellow man, with all his respective rights and dues. I enjoy women for what they are, but I can’t do that when my boss is an incapable, emotional, vindictive, eternal teenager known only as woman, can I?

Well, anxiety isn't as shitty as depression. Wimin win even in worst case scenario according to your own logic.

Though can't say that out of the hundreds of women I know even 70% are as great as you make them out to be. The wallowing in the past is far more common. With men it felt closer to 50-50, and most were generally more open to move or at very least plan ahead.

Yep. There seems to be a fine balance in order to stretch it over long periods. Because if the rock is too immovable for too long, he'll be abandoned too for being "emotionally unavailable". The most stable marriages I've seen work like rollercoasters, where the man is able to erase his pussyfication once in a while. This creates a bump - "crisis" from the female POV, but it can restart the process anew.

Wave the carrot, but do not pull it too far, nor bring it too close.

You seem to be quite sure of yourself.
Allow me to illustrate my point.

>The Superiority of Women, by user. 2019 AD.

As we walked, shoulder to shoulder towards the bridge, I sensed unease, a je-ne-sais-quoi of doubt and regret. The bridge was there, but its structure appeared to me as too thin. Too unsure to cross. Strengthening the parapet was an option. I shared my thoughts.
- "Have sex, incel.", she interjected
I was a bit dubious about such recommendation in our present situation, but I took note of it, acknowledging her comment by a slight nod.
As we continued to walk, the wind blowing through the handrails made the whole structure sway. The girders crackling, I suggested we made a halt and searched to another path or some materials to repair what seemed to me to be a cause of certain death. I might have been too cautious, but her answer convinced me that she didn't share the same state of mind.
- "Learning is acting, if we start falling, we will start doing things differently". She marked a pause during which she adjusted her hair and rubbed her tummy. I dared not respond, as I was expecting her answer to be punctuated by something more constructive by her eyes.
- "Incel, I bet you're a virgin". She persifllated.
Satisfied, I remembered Lucy and her thighs in highschool, the afternoon after the hostage situation. The teachers gave us all the rest of the day, while the police did their thing. I remember the president came that day. I didn't meet him, I went at Lucy's. It was our first time. It wasn't hers but it was mine. And it was pretty great. I don't think I ever came close to enjoying sex as much as that time. Probably the adrenalin of the day.
Five meters into the bridge, it cracked. We fell to our deaths. I remembered Lucy's thighs and hair smelling like blackberries while I felt myself slid inside her. That was a good last thought. That and the fact that we should have repaired the bridge.
I turned my head and saw the cause of our deaths, looking at me angrily. As if I was responsible. Or maybe was it just because she knew she was wrong. That going forward wasn't always a good idea. She hated me. And I thought about blackberries and Lucy's boobs. I smiled for the first time in a decade.

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Sorry I was busy shitposting that text.
So being a rock, pussy or not is a bad thing ? You need to be instable and sometimes ignore her or despise her and sometimes loving ?
Or maybe it can be simulated. Be nice and sometimes act as if she pissed me off or took her baits and make her believe she will be the one calming me down after making me angry ?
A lot of work. Why can't we have nice things and nice people enjoying a nice environment.
This is why we can't have nice things. Women want complicated. They're shadocks.

Man, I can't tell where the parody ends and how much of it is intended to be a joke ... so if that was the intention, well done.

If the goal was to present the perspectives in actions, it's lacking consistency. Our protagonist would've either jump of the bridge following his depression after wallowing in the past about Lucy never wanting him (ideally around the time she walked on it with Chad) or protest against building a new bridge as the old one stood there for centuries and if it was good enough for his grandparents, it clearly would suffice for the kids of the future.

Good question, I wrote as it came, no real consticency, but the idea was that caution is mother of safety and that blindly going forward without stopping and enjoying your comfyness or your memories was a bad idea. Protagonist wouldn't be against building a new bridge but it would be better if the bridge was made robust, artistic and not only based on functionality.
As for Lucy leaving with Chad, I was pi- I mean the protagonist was pissed about it but that made him learn about the pain and the fact you shouldn't revolve your entire existence around a girl. That was 14 years ago though, water under the bridge and all.

>water under the bridge and all.

fucking mega lul


good post. roasties are seething

how do you manage to not take shit from women at your job?
do you just go no care mode and overlook their spiel and stay retardedly polite thereby kinda dismissing the whole thing and sticking to strictly professional exchange?!
seems to be a decent option - they might realize their overstepping as a personal problem and get humbled since you didnt take their bait.

Exactly that. I ignore them. You just go "yeah good idea/good point" and continue what I was doing.

Women at the workplace are unironically useless and shallow. Appearances and "mood" is everything and productivity and actual work don't mean shit to them.

Perfect example
Everything is about appearances, lies, being a woman at the workplace (instead of an employee), make-believe and straight out lies.

The Manipulated Man

based polack

there must be a better way still, cant turn the other cheek everytime - i feel like im losing the interaction which tho is probably exclusively a personal issue

Slightly insult them by casually pointing out their uselessness (but don't be too stingy), then praise em when they're somewhat less useless. Compare em to other women and exploit the ruthless rivalry in female hiearchy. Restrict the praise to job performance, never pull looks into it.

Based and Stoicpilled

are there any books to get a woman out of the vile npc template or is the only solution for the "npc woman" contamination suicide

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If you want to get fired for harassment by "mansplaining" or "brobropriating" and other stuff we get in our mailbox from HR, feel free.
Ignoring them is the good compromise between obeying them and hitting them until you're bleeding and your breathing feels like spikes in your chest.

Decent bait, as can be seen by now

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The women don't make sense meme is hilarious, because they have an underlying psychological scaffolding just like men do. For men the imperatives are to protect/fight, hunt and reproduce. Those translate into most drives men have.
For women the imperative is to ensure that the best genes get passed on (they are the biological judges of nature), and nurture the child.
With that in mind you can distill the values which men and women rank highest.
For men it's loyalty and for women it's respect. Once a woman doesn't respect you, it's over.
There only a few "rules" to having a woman by your side:
Being respectful =/= being a doormat.
Being polite is fine, being stepped on is not.
Being vulnerable =/= being weak.
You can tell her about SOME of your troubles, but not whine. Like I said, once a woman doesn't respect you, it's over.
Being dominant =/= being a bully or asshole.
Asserting yourself doesn't mean you have to yell at her or just stick to your guns no matter what, or being contrarian for the sake of control. When you're right don't "give" her the win just because you're tired, or she out-nags you.
Being dominant in this context means just being firm.
Being attentive =/= being codependent.
The article in the OP's pic is actually real. You can pay attention to her without being a needy little bitch. Romantic gestures are nice, but should be sparse. Like too much sugar. Helping around the house is nice, but not too often (there was a study that showed that men who do chores around the house have less sex and in pictures shown to women, they found men working outdoors sexiest, and men vacuuming least sexy).

The tl;dr version is: If you want to attract a woman, don't be one.

You make relationships sound boring and tedious. Tell me; aside from sex, what’s the best part about a relationship?

Intimacy wise, it's like keeping a smarter pet. Some people really spoil and have shitty pets, and some have dogs who are well trained and with mutual respect.

If you win a lottery, you have a friend you can have some intellectual commonality with, but this is extremely rare as most women really fail at single-mindedness to get it off the ground. There are some attributes you can respect women for - multitasking, detail oriented, that sort of stuff most men actually suck at.

relationships are a joke. In the past they were there to forge alliances and for the kids. The former is largely irrelevant but the latter is important. Most people enter relationships to have kids

Fifty shades of grey

>You make relationships sound boring and tedious
Because your brain on Romanticism(tm) has been bathed into unrealistic expectations of actual relationships, which should be more like partnerships/friendships than a romance novel.
It's the reason arranged marriages have lower divorced rates than romantically motivated ones. Because the parents look for the best match for their child - economically, socially, culturally - with an objective eye, while current day romantic ideals are absolute lunacy like "My soul-mate will complete me" and "everything I'm missing, I'm gonna find in that ONE person" or "I can be COMPLETELY myself around that person".
The best part of a relationship is companionship. A lifelong friend which you share a bond with and raise a family with. To help and be helped by that person, to rely and be relied on, to go through the suffering of life together.
The sex part dies out, inevitably. But if you have intimacy and connection (which is actual love, not the butterflies in the stomach, which is actually anxiety) that lasts.

>my soul-mate will complete me
What’s worse in your opinion, thinking that there are soul mates or thinking another person will grant you a feeling of “completion”?

>spending time with a girl who can’t hold a high-level conversation
Sounds like torment.

Soul-mating exists insofar as a psychological trick (mirroring inverted images of their anxieties). By definition it can't last, as it's all about faking something you're not in order to temporarily plumb holes in other's ego.

>thinking that there are soul mates or thinking another person will grant you a feeling of “completion”?
It's kind of the same thing. Relying on 1 person to "complete" is a fallacy that might sound nice in Disney movies but is a road to disaster in real life because it's unachievable.
You need multiple people in your life, for different reasons and to satisfy different needs. (Your family for support and a sense of belonging, your coworkers for a sense of competition, your friends for a sense of fun and leisure etc).
Also (and especially as a man, since it's been proven we're more object focused than people-focused, which is the reverse for women) you need interests. Hobbies. Accomplishments, by whatever metric you measure them. You need professional pride, a place to vent your violent urges (which are natural) like a fighting sport, or just a sport in general etc.
So the idea that your life - which may never feel complete - will be made "whole" by one person is harmful even. Since it deludes people into wanting something they can never have.

>spending time with a girl who can’t hold a high-level conversation
>Sounds like torment.
Not the guy you replied to, but you have to adjust your expectations. If your woman is lower in intelligence than you (which she most likely will be, not because of women overall, but because women tend to choose men who are smarter than them and cannot stand men dumber than them - for long term relationships I mean), you should find subjects you can converse with and get your pseud fix with other big-brained individuals.

>but because women tend to choose men who are smarter than them and cannot stand men dumber than them - for long term relationships I mean

There's an odd exception to this dynamic, really smart women (120+ iq) who typically work in some highly technical field often go for a dumbo Chad. They're smart enough to manipulate him to stay loyal. They have no need for smarter man at home, when they're constantly surrounded by even smarter (but not attractive) nerds at work.

In my old corporate wage slave pit, we had 3 women like that (out of 200+ team). They all fit the same pattern - at home, there was classic chad fratboy watching football games, fixing the car and drinking beer, and not being particularly stimulating intellectually at all.

I know what you mean. I've met women like those too, and while it's anecdotal evidence, those women are kinda fucked.
They manipulate chads easily, of course, but they are ultimately unsatisfied with them, and VERY rarely you'll see a high iq woman married to one of those.
The simplest explanation is that women are hardwired to have a "strong" partner. A male. As dumb as it sounds. Just intellect is not enough, and when I mentioned above that most women prefer men smarter than them, it goes back to the biological imperative of women wanting to spread better genes, and thus seek the best mate - which is often smarter/better than them. You can look how dramatic the sexual dimorphism is in nature where the females look like absolute crap, and the males look incredible (birds are usually the best example of this).
That's why women want men who are smarter, stronger, more aggressive than they are.
That's why those high iq women you mentioned are a bit fucked because finding a suitable mate is very hard for them to do, so they go for 8/10, giving up IQ for the other characteristics.

Based, both of you anons. What do you two do for work? Do you like it?

Move to Alaska where the law won't touch you.

Disagree, women and men alike should be expected to have morals/virtues

if they should be like a partnership, surely the best way to go about initiating one is to be straight forward about your perception of the common goal or at least your side of it, surely any potential partner of worth would arrive at this basic prerequisite. Unless of course it's not about that but just playing the game for some sick evolutionary power trip

Another anecdote from that place: One of those 3 was actually kinda hitting on me. What struck me most though that her dumbo bf was somewhat similar to me (same hair, same eyes, vaguely same face). Except am scrawny skinnyfat like most of the nerds, he's chad framed hulk. Maybe just paranoia, or she was seriously considering cucking him. I kinda walked away on this, so nothing came out of it. 4 months later she was pregnant. Maybe just me imagining things - but it was both flattering, and scary at the same time.

Generic tech nerd bullshit (In the megacorp, i was NOC/devops in there, essentially computer cable whore).

Should being the operative word.
But reality disagrees. I stick to reality. Living in my hopes and fantasies didn't work well.

>evolutionary power trip
Can’t I just rape women like Ghengis Kahn? Most of them would probably end up trying to date me, and I’d spread my genes far and wide, hither and thither.

>I bet some spergs really don't get it, so let me explain... normal people tend to want a partner, not a drone following everything they say.
Some stuff may be lost in translation or whatever, but it sounds like she wants to emulate unhealthy behaviours that maybe she grew up with. Not all that uncommon.

Not to say there isn't truth in what you're saying but I think you're also being a little naive.