Books or stories where the character has phimosis and/or other penile problems?

Books or stories where the character has phimosis and/or other penile problems?

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Are you bent out of shape cause you have phimosis OP? I’m 23 and have phimosis. I’ve fucked a few girls, mostly from Tinder, but none of them cared about it. The worst I encountered was when one asked me to pull it back and I was dice lol. Still fucked tho

tldr; girls don’t care as long as you keep it hard & clean

What stage of phimosis do you have? You seem a lucky one, I've heard horror stories from guys having sex with phimosis.

I'm 26 and I wasn't able to pull it back at least since 23, I've stretched it somehow through time and now the skin rolls back behind the corona when erect. The problem is that the post phimotic condition resulted in obvious painful sensitivity which I don't think it makes me able to have sex. I'm a virgin due to this and I've also had to turn down several interested girls.

Sun Also Rises by Hemingway.

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>tfw had phimosis but never knew it till i got to have sex with a girl
>always learned to masturbate in such a way as felt good
>finally (at the age of fucking 25 lol) get into a sexy situation with a female
>she tries to give me a blowjob
>the exposed tip of my penis (the only bit that can be seen from the tight canopy) is unbearably sensitive
>everything she does either does nothing or is fucking painful
>she's like 'i'm so sorry user i don't mean to hurt you :3)
>we try sex
>shit doesn't work
>she blames herself and starts crying
>try to reassure her it's not that i think she's ugly or anything
>everything is terrible
>she stops talking to me
and that's the story of how i decided to give up hope and never got a circumcision and instead decided it was too late and resigned myself to a life of celibate misery out of cowardice

Why never even trying to stretch it or something? Also circumcision is not the only option to cure phimosis from what I know.

i have tried stretching it a lot but when it got to a point it started bleeding and never got all the way over and i freaked out and stopped
i have like a flap of skin that attaches to the main bit that plainly needs cutting off and i really should but it's it's not like i'm going to have other opportunities to have sex anyway so i'm just going with what i have until my parents die and i can kill myself guiltfree

>t's not like i'm going to have other opportunities

Why? How old are you? I recommend to go to a doctor, it's the right thing to do.

because i'm a fucking sperg
i'm 34 now
i went to a doctor once and he recommended a circumcision but they scheduled me for a day i was working and i was too autistic to tell my boss to ask for the time off (which was a blatant excuse) and backed out and backed further into my pit of hopeless suicidal resignation
it's a fucking miracle that one girl was interested in me desu i doubt any others would be even if i did skim the top off my cock

You've still gone further than me, I never even got to that point and I'm almost 27, not even a kiss or a meaningful contact with a girl. You literally had one welling to suck your dick, your 'achievement' was amazing. It's never too late.

eh, it came and went and that was almost a decade ago

I have phimosis. I'm 19 so at an age where it's acceptable to be a virgin. I don't think I've ever made intentional physical contact with my dickhead, the times that I've brushed a towel over it or something has been incredibly painful. It doesn't help that I'm squeamish either. I guess I'll be a virgin forever.

I've got phimosis at 30, the head of my chunky monkey was only exposed at 28. It does hurt depending on what contact it makes with stuff, but it hasn't been a dealbraker during sex - the girl just has to know she cannot go all out on it or she's getting hit in the face automatically

>The problem is that the post phimotic condition resulted in obvious painful sensitivity which I don't think it makes me able to have sex. I
You just have to get used to the sensitivity just expose it in water. Plus it's different touching your glans with a finger/towel or something and putting in a vagina. It won't be as sensitive/painful

My gland is totally adopted to the water to the point I can hit with both hot and cold streams of water, I always washed my penis twice a day. But the physical touch of it, especially on the area of meatus is horrible. Why should it be different in a vagina?

Also I don't know If I got a frenulum breve or something, is it normal that the skin stops behind the corona when erect?

Because vagina is specifically made for dick? Touching your glans is meant to be uncomfortable, it's meant to be sensitive. Why do you think you have a foreskin in the first place? What do you mean stop? As it gets stuck and you can't retract?

I can’t pull fully back but it isn’t so tight that I can’t get my finger in there to clean etc. I used to think it made me a monster but honestly bro they’ve probably seen worse dicks that are unclean or just fucked. Just try and find a girl who you’re chill with and who isn’t all that bothered about dicks.

This seems rather like a 'religious' outtake on physical dick problems user.

Honestly phimosis isn't even a problem unless it is actually causing you problems. I can pull back fully when flaccid, but only halfway or a bit more when erect but never experienced any problems. I tried stretching but i always lose motivation/get bored or forget because it just seems like a waste of time.

>causing you problems
like not being able to have sex?

Ever heard of pinhole phimosis?

That's when it is a problem. Depends on the severity. If you can't retract at all then you need to get it sorted.

How? All the issue is is hypersensitivity. It will go away over time if you get your glans used to exposure. I speak of sex not being as sensitive as someone who had phimosis/hypersensitivity. Glans touching vagina flesh isn't the same as rubbing it against a towel, this seems obvious even if you haven't experienced it.


Although by principle you shouldn't speak about something you haven't experienced yourself user.

my diary.

Any other books?

so basically I'm chunky monkey