How can anybody realistically look at this image and think capitalism is a good thing.
How can anybody realistically look at this image and think capitalism is a good thing
Other urls found in this thread:
>the urss passes 70 years doing cultural black OPS to degenerate western society and cause the revolution
>they have complete success
>Their nephews blame capitalism one generation later.
Every time.
Imagine being this brainwashed
i dont mind at all if some hot girls get rich from their appearance and personality. Capitalism is hurtful because it's so powerful that it overrides everything else and breaks apart our little human communities, while making our relations to each other commodified products instead of genuine interactions. It's not just capitalism, it's the entire web of modern reality, technology, 'democracy', the spectacle, progressivism, the spenglerian end of our Culture.
It's kind of complicated, and you're not going to get it by yelling at a wave like a madman.
As if lonely losers don't exist under any alternative.
They don't associate this with capital. To the layman, it doesn't follow how the idea of private ownership of the means of production leads to this specifically, and the current hyperreality in general.
They may have college degrees but they certainly haven't been educated, which in itself can be attributed to capital. I'm not saying that educating people to be Marxists would end capitalism and make things better, I'm saying it's easier for Capital to do it's thing when things are like this.
Prostitution is more prevalent in communism, not less.
Do you even want the state / dear leader to own female's bodies? Give me a fucking break.
You've typed out possibly the most legitimately retarded post I've ever read, OP, and I have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to look more like?
It makes the unwise less able to breed and propagate their poor genes and thought patterns onto their sprogs.
There will only be a few of these women, with 1:1 replacement; their getting rich off the feebleminded is an unfortunate side effect.
I fail to see a problem with the picture. Capitalism is just easier to hate because its here solidified into a person.
Sin Dey and l'Séten are far worse.
Are you denying that the KGB was organizing culture war operations in America? That they enflamed racial tensions? That they infiltrated academia?
Though luck. They admitted such themselves.
Cringe and bluepilled as fuck. Why would someone so retarded even be on Yea Forums, or are you just here to shitpost?
No u.
It's all You deserve.
Only when all Americans are gassed will we have peace.
That's textbook scapegoating, the world (particularly through the scope of US-RU) operates as a peer system. The system is the only properly critical element as compared to it's component nations/institutions/etc.
Based. Fuck American """whites""". They deserve the worst this world has to offer. They've far strayed too far from God's light.
>the urss passes 70 years doing cultural black OPS to degenerate western society and cause the revolution
Daily reminder USSR was against degeneracy and instead promoted healthy socialist values like women's rights, where women didn't have to worry about employment yet still could afford children. There are even studies shown in the 80s which results are that Soviet couples got together because of love, instead of "beta bux, chad fucks".
This has nothing to do with anything We were saying.
Arguably True, yet commies manage to be much worse and are the cause at least of part of the amerilard 56% problem; which is the point.
contd. [I just thought of something else]
What would cause 2400 people to give an average of $60-$70 each? (the distribution would more closely be in line with the 80-20 rule, with a few people providing the lions share of her revenue)
Don't you dare say they're horny. There are far easier and far cheaper ways to have parasocial relationships with pretty women. Some of them will even masturbate with you.
Consider another angle. What happens when her beauty becomes hard? If she's smart she's investing 90% of that, frankly obscene, monthly income into index funds, diversified stocks, and so on. A little in gold, a little in crypto, a few government bonds, a few companies she trusts to grow (I hear Adobe's in a good spot). Essentially she's going to be set for life for doing, compared to a CEO or entrepeneur, for example, very little work.
So you've got someone who's doing discernably no useful labor accruing a large amount of capital. You could say she's doing emotional and intellectual labor in having grown her brand and posting on her IG everyday, as well as the labor of her makeup and wardrobe. But other than being interesting as a cultural phenomenon, does she add anything of value to culture? Then why does the market value her so? What is she providing that can't be provided by anyone else, for far far cheaper?
>Daily reminder USSR was against degeneracy
Factually false. 80% of URSS officiale were jews, pro gay, pro Everything.
There's a clear causality line between them and modern lefties despite "marxists" still insistono that those last are actually "liberal".
>Prostitution is more prevalent in communism, not less.
Prostitution is not the problem. A prostitute earning 150k a month is a problem.
Also, the reasons why prostitution prevailed in communistic systems are historical and not inherent in communism (prostitution was just as intense in Russia before the revolution).
>Do you even want the state / dear leader to own female's bodies?
This shows an incredible misunderstanding of what anti-capitalism is. To begin with "fuck capitalism", doesn't translate into "I love communism", you absolute bonobo. There are more economic systems than 2.
Second, you assume communism is inherently authoritarian which is untrue.
The system you described wouldn't even be communistic: in communism ownership is public.
In communism you don't lose the right to everything. People keep the rights to their own body.
I habe bad news for you: you're the retard here. This is a legitimate criticism of capitalism, that has been done in a similar form by serious philosophers. You may not agree with it, but pretending its "the most legitimately retarded post I've ever read" just shows how uneducated you are.
desu idk why I am arguing with someone who probably hasn't read a single book on the subject he is arguing about.
(from 19:54)
Thanks for proving you are illiterate. Stalin criminalized homosexuality and could be considered anti Semitic. GDR was open to gays, much more so than the west in fact.
>stealing did This he did that!
While being a faggot georgian jew.
And spreading degeneracy.
These things are known user. people confesse di them.
Why exactly shouldn't a person be allowed to sell her used bathwater to the public?
None of you whining fags can give a single reason besides the fact that it makes you butthurt.
This is a consequence of the Internet/modern communication technology, not of capitalism.
Who the fuck are you to define what labour is useful and what isn't?
>the only alternative to late capitalism is full blown communism
That's why we shouldn't include red scare americucks in the discourse
>Thirsty virgins equals muh capitalism
How's eight grade going?
American (((whites))) are slavs, spanish, italians, greeks and other brown haired people. So larping nonwhites
Yes, if you want to waste your life and money that is your right, no man has the authority to enforce their ideas on what is moral or worthwhile.
The mind of /pol/yp everyone.
>labor theory of value
Suppose my job was to pull a lever. Up and down, every day. Unbeknowst to me the lever isn't actually linked to anything but a richiede excentric wants it to be pulled. All day every day.
My work has value to the Rich excentric who pays me.
You write the best poetry of the history of humanity in your blog.
Nobody pays You shit.
Reconcilie This with the labor theory of value.
Those goddamn URSSers steaming our bodily fluids!! Urssssss
>Who the fuck are you to
The stupidest thing I have read this week desu
Imagine using PHILOSOPHY in a political discussion
Nice to see not everyone is a brainwashed retard here
Not even trying desu
Men going crazy over women and getting handed pretty much everything is nothing new.
Helena would have sold her bathwater too and Troy would have fallen just the same.
This could happen in every monetary system and quite frankly don't see where the problem lies.
What exactly is wrong with Bell getting money?
>Stalin literally genocided homosexuals only for this dumb cunt to say 'USSR was homo friendly'
Kill yourself you historically illiterate subhuman
Just to be clear, labor theory of value as it is understood nowadays is an oversimplification of Marx's though (check out Das Kapital vol. 3).
Your observation is one of my biggest issues with capitalism and democracy. The incentives don't promote maximum good. Pseudo-rational agents acting in their own interest don't maximize the utility function of the entire community. Hence the need for coordination, hence the need for centralized economy.
>Italians, aka Romans weren't white
Shes a qt
And how would you stop (horny) people from paying her?
Always The same bait and switch bullshit. You argue with liberals? Soviets were the vanguards of gay rights, You argue with anyone else? Soviets were based they killed faggots lol.
The point of contentino is: DID THEY OR DID THEY NOT fund psiops in the West through academia and youth movements to spread degeneracy?
Yes They did. It's outside of reasonable doubt that they did. They said it themselves.
>le misunderstanding!
The right wing understands Marx better than the marxists. See Mises's
>This could happen in every monetary system
tf are you talking about? This wouldn't happen in most authoritarian states and by definition wouldn't happen under communism.
>What exactly is wrong with Bell getting money?
The fact that if she got a normal salary, we could literally save dozens of lives every year from the surplus. Or if you're that kind of person, we could distribute that money among people who deserve it much more (e.g. Academics that have progressed their field by a lot, and are woefully underpaid because capitalism only incentivizes short-term good).
>What exactly is wrong with Bell getting money?
She doesnt deserve it
>>Italians, aka Romans weren't white
They arent
This is an unimportant post, attacking a point I only made to be pedantic.
>The right wing understands Marx better than the marxists
This is plain out untrue, and moreover, stupid. I have read the entirety of Marx's writings, and the mainstream right has no idea about what Marxism is, not to mention any sort of deep understanding of it.
>le misunderstanding!
This ironic statement is 10 times more common than any actual argument against Marxism. It's generally made by people who haven't read Marx at all, making it actually ironic, but on a deeper level than the people making such posts think.
I am not a communist btw. Not even a marxist. I don't even like it. I just find it moronic how people would rather spend hours discussing this online, instead of pirating a book (I mean we are on a literature board, you'd think people would be more inclined to reading).
>prime jail bait earn 150k a month and live rent free in OPs head
>all thanks to capitalism
How can I not?
It's much broader than just "capitalism", though.
It's related to liberalism, modernity, democracy, technology... Technology in particular is what turns this into a problem. Without the internet she wouldn't exist.
>What exactly is wrong with Bell getting money?
It sets a bad example. It makes other women turn to whoring, instead of doing something more useful for society.
OP could find much better examples, though, like those affecting young men, who seek easy money through degenerate but well paying jobs instead of becoming doctors, scientists, intellectuals, revolutionaries...
>Helena would have sold her bathwater too and Troy would have fallen just the same
kek, I'm stealing this for my Iliad fan fiction
2000+ people disagree with you and they give their money to her. It's their free will to do so.
>Save lives from the surplus
Since she is a Britbong some of that dosh (I dunno how much, maybe 30%) will be taken by the state as tax and distributed to exactly what you say.
Also, young virile women getting mad attention by men is nothing inherent to capitalism. Of course it wouldn't be Paetron throwing money at her directly but even in your white ethno-state or whatever she would get a superior treatment and people on the internet would be mad.
You're an unimportant person completely divorced from intelectual honesty.
Poor capitalists got unwillingly compromised by socialism brainwashing and now they can pursue making money without caring about hindrances like tradition and morality
>somebody has good thing
>leftists are bitter and angry
She's making money off lower class plebs; good for her.
It's just that your information distribution has a Jewish lens, you'll never be free if you can't let it go.
s o y is the male killer, the little death.
>2000+ people disagree with you
Giving her money doesn't imply thinking she deserves it. Learn precision and stop filling in the gaps. Learn game theory as well.
>will be taken by the state as tax and distributed to exactly what you say
A man is starving so we will give him one loaf of bread a month.
>Also, young virile women getting mad attention by men is nothing inherent to capitalism
No one disagreed with this. Earning 150k a month by prostitution IS inherent to capitalism though.
>even in your ... she would get a superior treatment
No. Above baseline probably, but not above that of people generating more societal good than her.
>people on the internet would be mad
Yes, and you're missing the point.
The point is, the free market is terrible at deciding who deserves what. Again, learn game theory/decision theory. This would be obvious to anyone who has read an introductory text. The actions of individuals in combination are not equal to the beliefs of the society at large. Taxes are a half-measure. People who generate more societal good, are smarter, and work harder all at once earn substantially less than her.
>I have no idea what to say, so I am just gonna type a one-liner insult.
Even assuming I am a terrible person and you're correct, you are actively making this board a worse place.
>somebody has good thing
Which makes a bunch of other people have a bad thing. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it is not there. The question is about who deserves to have a good thing.
Because it's all voluntary, sadly.
Nobody is forcing those imbeciles to get ve that thot money, they choose to do so.
>the free market is terrible at deciding who deserves what.
Its been proven again and again that the state isn't much better or even worse in that regard because it is slow and people which make up the sate make their own decisions that aren't always perfectly rational or act in their own self interest.
And if Taxes are just a half-measure then with what would we end up? Full blown communism again? What would be the solution here? I honestly don't know. Benevolent AI overlord that can assess someones worth and gives out resources on that basis?
What does this have to do with capitalism?
>proven again and again that the state isn't much better
Kinda like how Cuba is doing the best in the region by far, despite being the only country in the region with sanctions? Or are you referencing that one country which got total sanctions right after it was devastated by war that followed after a revolution that followed an incredibly poor monarchist regime?
Even if you assume that the economy does poorly, the distribution of goods is better. I am not sure what you are basing your assumption on.
>with what would we end up?
Many of the top economists support running the country like a company, but the profit is societal good instead of just monetary profit.
Discrete levels of luxury, as assigned depending on some metric that measures how impactfull your work is (salary mandated by the state) would be great.
We don't need an AI to be able to roughly measure someone's worth. There are ways to estimate that with a magic called "statistics" and "foresight". inb4 people are imperfect: mathematicians can come up with metrics whose imperfections are minor enough not to matter that much. Kinda how quality-adjusted life-years are largely accepted.
Jesus Christ you fucking people really are a special breed aren't you
Is a shithole
>Full blown communism again?
Is really not though.
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
remember the jews were behind the ussr and the allies during ww2. first thing they did to germany after the war was import degeneracy from usa
Wow, I don't even know how you can miss a point so hard
What if instead of communism or higher taxes for entertainers we would approach the problem from the demand side?
Meaning that people who give her money would be identified and sent to re-education camps, roughly speaking?
>le drumpf fans maymaaaaay!
You're boring.
I know perfectly What to say and I said it. You dismissed it leftingly (as is: in the manner regularly used by commies).
Dont wait for the militia to come and take you, hang yourself before they get you. It'll be easier That way.
>Or are you referencing that one country
I was more or less talking about my country Germany where the government has some bright ideas about what the people want and should have so they start funding projects big time. When those project go south because of whatever reason they keep getting funded instead of being canceled. Money is available without any big restriction since the tax-payer has to pay eventually.
That's why I have very big reservations to these state controlled interventions. It keeps happening again and again.
>real communism hasn't been tried yet
Don't you even dare talk to me you stupid faggot.
>>le drumpf fans maymaaaaay!
>You're boring.
I wasn't implying Trumpfags per se, but rather mostly normies and schizophreniacs that have made this board worse and worse since 2014, but thanks for replying and ousting yourself.
Schizos are on /x/. Get it straight.
>>real communism hasn't been tried yet
>Don't you even dare talk to me you stupid faggot.
Why? Because despite it being a meme/strawman phrase it's the truth and you can't bare to accept it? Also it HAS been tried, but never achieved. Real libertarian capitalism hasn't been achieved either fyi. I wonder why it's hard for you mutts to accept these facts, is it the red scare and your constant propaganda and it just results in complete dissonance in your skull?
>Which makes a bunch of other people have a bad thing.
What's that?
Money isn't zero-sum, money is faith-based.
Which is a board on Yea Forums. Anyway no, they're fucking everything. Even Yea Forums is shit now.
Look at him recoil and seethe. Truly They are nothing when their memes are disarmed.
Fair points
Notice how people are writing some reasonable posts and you just come here to write a 2-word insult. That is pointless. Go to /pol/.
>I know perfectly What to say
Apparently the perfect argument is no longer an argument, but a cliche meme that serves no purpose, but to increase the polarization between political groups.
>You dismissed it leftingly
Again, I couldn't dismiss your argument, because you made no argument
I genuinely hope you end your pointless existence that objectively contributes nothing to society, or this board.
Resources are limited and that is literally the point of economics.
>it's the truth
Darling. It's not. You attempted it again and again and collapsed and/or had to genocide someone each Time. It's time to admit You listened to an absolute retard jew.
What if I told you that you guys are saying the same thing?
Because I attempted to argue But You leftards are immune to actual argument.
Luckily You're not immune to castor oil.
sigh, /pol/tard leave, this place isn't for you.
Distribution of money to the people and state-funded projects are totally different things that have little to do with each other. I dislike most such project and think they are misguided. But distribution of resources by merit is an easy-enough thing to implement in an objective manner, so a lot of the problems with state projects don't apply (because those problems arise inherently because of subjectivity).
>real communism hasn't been tried yet
I mean by definition it is true. I think it wouldn't work that well, and I don't want it. Doesn't change the fact that that statement is true.
"True" communism is an empty shell that needs to be filled with additional ideas. Hence leninism, stalinism, and maoism. It's not an achievable idea unless every person wholly wanted to try it out.
The pursuit of Utopia is what leads to Dystopia. Utopian ideals will never be accomplished because Totalitarianism is required to force them into place.
Money isn't a resource to anybody but the one making it.
>I attempted to argue
No you didn't. I made an argument and you responded with a meme.
Now can you stop typing these broken-english insults and leave the board? You clearly have nothing of value to say. It's like a monkey in parliament. Even if your points were correct; how do you not realize that your posts are garbage? You can't type a single sentence without /pol/-level of nonsense, and you're unaware that punctuation exists.
not that poster but you are an idiot
It's an ape moving tool, a scam. A glittery toy, thrown at the goy.
One can hope that she will age like milk
stupid stupidity
.jpgs and .pngs don't age that much, and deepfakes will mean there may be porn of her youth deep into your 80s.
The worst thing is that there is literally unlimited free porn of any kind and with much hotter girls and yet they pay this bitch anyway.
I'm not the idiot who believes the scam. Money is worth the faith put into it. I'm just too secular for it and its rituals.
stupid strawman stupid logic stupid argument stupid poist-missing stupid stupid stupid
The more pertinent one is Contrapoints making AT MINIMUM $ 233,000 a year producing """""""""""""""""anti-capitalist"""""""""""""""" propaganda with the full backing of all social media companies as well as the traditional capitalist media. The grift and lying are shameless.
“public ownership”
you faggots cant possibly actually read
come on man
there is no logic in your words
“public ownership of a human body”
think about this
what do these words mean
fuck man come on
same as pic related
Did I hurt your fee-fees? Oh boo hoo.
>point missing
Money is not a depleting resource. Heck, I wish it was, it would mean people would lose their faith in a false god.
Nobody was forced at gunpoint to give their pseudo-resources to Belle. Nobody. They wanted it. Seriously, you're going to oppose a system that lets people get what they want? Go ahead!
The irony when you imply you can read and then clearly misread my post
idiot retard stupid stupidman pointmisser fee-fee hurter stupid narrowman
>a system that lets people get what they want
yes unironically
stupidman read hobbes
Let them have what they want. Eventually they will get what they deserve; it's in the fabric of reality.
There can be no system that gives me what I want. Reactionary leftism can only take what remains.
not Yea Forums
Slavs, spanish, italians and brown haired people in general aren't white
Why are Americans this stupid?
Delphine has the potential to be as funny as Sam Hyde
Because /pol/ is funnier than papers written by genetics and evolutionary biology researchers
Who cares how the working man chooses to spend his wages? If not to Belle, it would just go to strippers because people who work for a living love spending time/attention on pretty girls. This is precapital and it will be postcapital.
If anything they're getting a discount cause strippers are expensive.
It makes me realize that democracy is a bad thing, not capitalism.
As if there aren't whores in socialist economies. Degeneracy isn't a product of free market economics, it's a product of our human nature. Western societies failure to enforce social norms is not an incitement on the most efficient, wealth producing, and poverty alleviating economic system of thought that we currently know of because if we replace it with some socialist system that same degeneracy will still exist. I would actually argue that socialism would make it worse since it's conducive towards building some very important virtues like charity.
It's not just capitalism, the problem lies in the conditioning of last few generations. Everyone is materialistically driven and conditioned to think sex is the most important thing in the world.
>how can you look at drowning people and say water is a good thing
This is a result of Capitalism in itself. Whatever. Believe what you want to believe.
>somebody makes money from people
I also wonder, out of all the off-topic threads, why do the mods specifically always leave up the anti-capitalist ones? Do the jannies happen to be trannies?
I can't believe how many people actually do have a problem with this image.
I thought Yea Forums was a thinking board, not a place full of bitter manchildren who are envious of others.