Is Nordic model the best model we ever had?

Is Nordic model the best model we ever had?

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the best model is the caste system

the nordic model was just nordic people being extremely functional.

this. the nordic model is ethnic and cultural hegemony, but we cant view it like that so we ascribe it to economics

exactly. Try the same model (or any model) in a BEAUTIFUL DIVERSE society full of niggers and arabs and see how far that gets you

Kinda. They were functional for sure, but the Nordic Model was really them living of their savings generated before its implementation. It was good for a few decades but they have done nothing to replenish their seed grain and are now paying the costs.

They stopped having kids and started taking in immigrants like the rest of the west, of course it's falling apart. If you literally dont replace the dying generations with new ones your society obviously wont work properly, and the immigrants are very far from being Nordic and acting like them.

ask again in 20 years


>twenty years later
>Nordic model still going strong
>post thread again
>"ask again in 20 years"

see you in 20 years then :')

its self evident

They benefited from strong socialist programs, but also from being left the fuck alone. Venezuela wanted to do similarly, but the US wants all their resources, so they circle them like flies, but again leave special friends in the EU alone.
Capitalism is capitalism though and it’s nearly done with the US and is landing in China. Where it goes from there will hardly matter, as the globe is sputtering out of cheap high octane energy for us stupid apes. More people in Africa are buying cars, I hear from a gleeful BBC reporter. Oh yay.

Oh jeez, who could’ve guessed Niggers aren’t bad for your society EXCEPT LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO LIVES IN THE SOUTH

Attached: 24C5DBC5-DBB4-4E54-943A-814391150758.png (786x593, 120K)

Bombings don't even make the news in al-suedistan anymore...

Yes nords are gods

No, we started dropping in all major polls, having been at the very top, when we started adopting big-government programs. Believe it or not, but Sweden used to have very low taxes (relatively, of course) up until the early 60's. After that things started going down hill...

One important difference between Venezuela and Norway is that Venezuela spent all their oil money, shrinking their competing industry and making them very sensitive to oil prices (Dutch disease) . Norway invests it for the pension fund and there are restrictions for the politicians.

>people still post this fake chart
even the guy who made the original came forward and admitted it wasn't really based on any hard evidence

For an ethnically hemogenous society? Yea, probably.

Mutual trust is a lot higher in Nordic countries.


Any model works if you are filthy rich. Even communism could work in a country like France, despite its blatant shortcomings

Not literature

You're doing God's work user. Keep it up.

As a Dane its pretty good. We pay a lot of taxes. But not half of our income, like many on here claim. If you are smart, you can easily reduce your tax level to 30 ish.

This. A country like Denmark has literally no natural reources has to utilize being smart and hard work. The nordic model is a spirit. Cant be implmented anywhere near unstructured people like say Italy, that is a inefficient and lazy.