A Communist society isn't worth a revolution

A Communist society isn't worth a revolution

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You just have to accept and love your family

You Don’t know what you’re talking about

That movie is a work of fiction user, real people are not so reasonable.

Ever the misanthrope.

Like you fucking do

Fat chance

I fucking damn well do.

Go blow a dog you pampered fuck
You’ve never been drafted into a soviet work camp, put up with a Maoist struggle session and you’ve probably never given more than a few hundred bucks a year for government programs.
Go show your tits to some discordincels again, no one needs your ill informed nonsense

This is your society, faggot.

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if i had a picture of a starving woman selling her child’s corpse as food I’d show you a communist society

the absolute state of America

superpower my ass lmao

Lmao knock him out g

And you don’t know what communism even is.

Based, tripfag BTFO.

Imagine Boomerposting this hard like you're straight out of /pol/.

Wow that’s solid burn.
I’d reference oxford but it’s probably more relevant to point out that communism actualized always means starving proletarians and a ruthless dictator
Find a better cause to champion from your laptop and swivel chair

Daily reminder butterfly is a jew

>I’d reference oxford

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>faithful protector of capitalism
>claims the enemies of capitalism are jews
Fuck you, (((Anonymous)))

Oh yes, let us consult the “Oxford”, the western capitalist standard of all information.
You limit your red scaremongering to authoritarian socialism, which was nothing more than state centralized capitalism, and quite good at pulling backward nations out of impoverished feudalism and sending them to the space age. China’s still doing it.
No tanky though. I hate capitalism.

>You limit your red scaremongering to authoritarian socialism, which was nothing more than state centralized capitalism
if communism always inevitably ends up in the same political situation, you should re-evaluate it

>claims the enemies of capitalism are jews
I mean, our culture wouldn’t be saturated with perverted narcissistic transgender faggots without jews and their “openness” to liberal ideals.

Just imagine a society that isn’t infested by the jewish roach. One free to pursue its own ideals and not the false god of Moloch.

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not literature

>hundreds of other off topic threads on the board
>thread becomes critical of jews
oy vey this is diluting the quality of my underwater basket weaving forum shut it down

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What is it about the act of regularly reading text from a bound piece of paper that seems to encourages so many to unironically adopt marxism?

I somehow squeaked through a minor in English but being forced to write essays on how every novel of note over the last 200 years has secretly been an endorsement of communism or the grievances of someone in the race/class/gender trinity totally killed my interest in fiction for several years after college.

you're an idiot

If your economics faith always ends up with the extinction of humanity, you really should reevaluate

Your beef is with the left liberals. I don’t give a fuck. All liberals, right or left, are narcissistic fucks

That’s just Athena’s mascot owl, ya dumb hick

One of these threads has a comment that it’s “not literature related”

Fuck you, you cherry picking faggot

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>is commie
>but not a tankie
Then gtfo out of here, they're the only commies who actually make any fucking sense. Conformity, patriotism, and swift visceral punishment for shirking either are the only way to bring about such a society. People like you would necessarily be put against a wall.

You just want to give free shit to people with low investment in your society to feel good about yourself.

It's the secular millennium, gotta drown out the Angst and fill the void with something.

>literally the "it's not real socialism" argument
as always, wishing you'd kill yourself but willing to settle for you running away until tomorrow to drive us all insane with inane bullshit.
also are your nipples pierced or just really puffy?

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>If your economics faith always ends up with the extinction of humanity, you really should reevaluate

What did xir mean by this?

>Athena’s mascot owl
And that’s why j*wish scrolls have been depicting moloch for thousands of years

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you still are an idiot

You are

Why do you think people use the "it's not real socialism/communism" argument? Because socialism/communism have verifiable criteria that the USSR/PRC didn't meet

>free shit
Fucking idiot. Hide your bullet in your empty head.

Literally that, for which no one has a good retort.
Read up on the facts and see.

You live under a rock?

Stop watching Jones

would that make up for the thousands of dead asians?
>capitalist standard of info
>authoritarian socialism
look at this dude
>but I'm not a liberal

srsly tho, I ought to get a life and stop dealing with you, you're such a stupid predictable fuck

The New Deal destroyed communism and fascism in America in the 1940s.
The Green New Deal with destroy communism and fascism in the 2020s.

>verifiable criteria
You mean unattainable criteria

Read a book

>Stop watching jones
Literally who?

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again- would me being an autist and showing you my stack bring any valid point?
you're defending a system that unironically murders individuals in the name of conformity.
what do you think state mandated atheism and five year plans entail? be responsible and have a fucking heart

Could you please cite the last time that capitalism caused humanity to go extinct? Or whatever economic system you were trying to zing that other user for touting?

It will be a weak watered down effort of cap and trade and solar panel entrepreneurship.
Capitalism will never encourage proper conduct amongst humans.
Even a hefty UBI (aka the doll) would only be used to shoot down all social benefit programs and later be dialed back itself. The lower classes are to be exterminated in a million different ways.
Stop ceding your powers to an elite that doesn’t even like you.

>would that make up for the thousands of dead asians?
I love when supporters of capitalism pretend to care about the value of human life. Remind me again how WWI&II went would you?
Can you back that up?

>Capitalism will never encourage proper conduct amongst humans
>The lower classes are to be exterminated in a million different ways
Shoo shoo jew

>Can you back that up?
Yes, see empiricism

Shit thanks I love capitalism now

>you're defending a system that unironically murders individuals
No I am not.

Re 21st - 22nd century of the early Anthropocene

>proper conduct amongst humans
Further than not killing everyone i see that doesn't exist.

>how WWI&II went would you?
>fascism is the fault of capitalism
The absolute state of commies

read, my friend.
identifying communism as crude dictatorship is not praising capitalism, nice try tho ;)

Even star trek is portrayed as authoritarian and heirarchical despite being a post scarcity society. The nice communism you envision only resides in the minds of rich kids who are embarrassed by their wealth and privilege.

Then what do you want? Democratic socialism?

How seething will you be if you reach 100 years old and find out that renewables, caps, carbon capture and public transportation were enough to hold off climate change while we mastered nuclear?

Neither do you, crustie.

>No I am not.
so why then, to go back to the beginning, would a communist society be worth a revolution?
why would I want to enter a war where I kill my brothers to have a society where my neighbors report me so my other brothers kill me?
don't cop out and talk about "not muh communism" or "in my perfect world-" we can observe the real world, we're smart peeople. why the fuck is it worth it to have that? or were you actually saying something other than what you said?

I want not communism

Democratic socialism isn't communism.



>I want not communism
What else is there that is not communism or capitalism besides variations of democratic socialism

Get a load of this incel. Do you even know who you're talking to? I'm the biggest bitch on this board. I'll fuck you up real bad if you insult me once more.

Democratic socialism means nothing until you apply it to an actual nation with defined demographics and culture. Garbage terminology that communism supersedes

WHO estimates 500 million will die from tobacco alone in coming decades if current trends continue. That dwarfs the bloodshed of the 20th century. Smoking is capitalism par excellence, useless shit that does absolutely nothing for you but hijacks your dopamine system to ruin your health and eventually kill you unpleasantly.


Why is entering a war that would end all future wars such a hard concept to grasp?
Additionally, a war isn't even necessary to achieve communism

You have the dreams of someone from 60 years ago

You don’t even know what that is! Stop acting like you do. Ask for some reading materials or gtfo

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Communism doesn't supersede shit

Don't you incels know that the USSR also had tobacco and cigarettes? I wish you incels would do some more research before making retarded statements like this.

Oh, so tobacco consumption was legal on in capitalist states?

how about we just get smart people to keep doing things as they will, have government stop them from doing anythig societally dangerous, and then in twenty years whatever we've got we call it "whatever we got-ism"
to a large degree I don't give a fuck, I just don't want dictatorships enabled by Yea Forums NEETS from either the right or the left. is that really that hard to comprehend?

Look at this incel trying to impersonate me. Why do you want me to look stupid? Just fuck off you retarded incel. You even dismiss nuclear energy as a pipe dream of someone 60 years ago. Fuck off.

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Found the centrist cuck. You clearly misunderstand Marx, Laura. Try read Capital volumes 1 to 3 and then maybe just maybe you'll finally have a proper understanding of Marx. If you did have a proper understanding, you would know that Marxism does not equal dictatorship.

>i just want everything to work itself out but no capitalism also no communism things will just magically work out XDD
"Whatever we got-ism" is capitalism you retard

>a war isn't even necessary to achieve communism
it was mentioned in the OP? a revolution of sorts?
but more to your point- what if one doesn't think war could end? fighting a war to end them all would be a naive waste of life
>reading materials
fine. read Revolutionary Yiddishland by Alain Brossat. you'll read actual interviews from Jews escaping the worst fascism in germany and poland to what they thought was the promised socialist paradise of russia, only to be duped into working to their death on non functioning canals.
satisfied or should we keep going?

smart people are not, in principle, enabled though
what about ll the red tape put up by government anting the biggest idustries to keep chugging along?

>read Revolutionary Yiddishland by Alain Brossat. you'll read actual interviews from Jews escaping the worst fascism in germany and poland to what they thought was the promised socialist paradise of russia, only to be duped into working to their death on non functioning canals.
Quit citing CIA propaganda, fascist cuck. Communist Poland was paradise for Jews.
Ugh, sweaty. We currently don't have capitalism. We're in late stage capitalism. The bourgies should have been overthrown decades go.

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>late stage capitalism.

Is the little neoliberal cuck crying? Do you need mommy and daddy to tell me to stop criticizing capitalism?

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They would have banned them if the info was out there, which as I remind you was suppressed for decades by the tobacco industry.

>The bourgeoise
Just say jews

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Sweaty sweaty sweaty. Don't you know that they sold cigarettes right until the collapse?

A revolution doesn't have to be bloody, political power can be transferred with little to no casualties, see the October revolution. If you want to keep this literature-related, here's a short essay that you can read and we can discuss:
And if you believe that endless war is inherent to human nature then Marxism just isn't for you I guess, that's really not a verifiable claim either though

Look at this incel. He absolutely SEETHES at the fact that Jews are better than him at nearly everything. Does the little nigger also call for diversity quotas in board rooms?

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>Stalinism/Gulag Archipelago
Are you a parody?

An actual thing. Try out reading sometime, user. You find all sorts of fascinating things
Then kys

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i wouldn't mind losing everything or humanity collapsing only so i can watch my boss and landlord getting slowly impaled to death.

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>better than Whites
I’m laffin

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>Not already white

the bloodlessness of the coup was the exception to the rule
kamenev and zinoviev told lenin before the coup to make a truly amicable agreement for seizure of power with the duma and lenin told them to do such would be a betrayal of the revolution. as a poetic and natural consequence lenins accompishments were all turned to shit by stalin as his body lay rozen to be revived by dernaged scientists
go read about it yourelf
ffs forget it, you're a parody of a parody
you always criticize the anons on here for being scummy fucks and yet prove yourself to be more stupid and arrogant with every post

>Even though they have distinct genetic haplogroups
Why are you a deceitful faggot?

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>CNN has 200 jewish employees of 4000 total employees meaning 5% jews
sounds reasonable to me, even more reasonable when you consider the American-israeli relations and even even more reasonable when you add historical context and the fact that jews came into America as already rich people unlike all other ethnicities, including whites

How many haplogroups are “white”?

>the exception to the rule
Bro this is the same fucking shit as the it's not real communism argument. You can't call the most important revolution of the 20th century that influenced EVERY following revolution an "exception"
>read about it
Read what? I'm familiar with the general history. Why should I even read anything given that you won't read a 10 page essay that I linked you, and that is immediately relevant to the topic we're talking about

>200 jewish employees
That occupy the most influential and prominent positions of the company.
>jews came into America as already rich
Oh gee, I wonder why the Germans and every other Nationalist oriented country hated jews.

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Hated em cuz they wasnt them my nigga

As long as we’ve established that the hate against jews is legitimate. Cheer m9

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I don't care about the USSR. For another example, oil companies knew in the 1980's about climate change. Capitalism is not only responsible for mass death, it is an existential threat to the human species.

Absolutely based

No the October evolution was the exception
Literally every other event in the “most important revolution” was pretty standard and gruesome
And I’m telling you to read about it cause I am reading your fuckig thing dude I thought this was a board for fucking reading? The fuck?

God you're fucking dense, congratulations, you won the argument, night Laura

whats the problem here?

Again, read what? As I said I know the general history- just screaming at me to "read" doesn't really help

A communism society isn't worth a sprained ankle.


based thot patrol out in full force today
when will we ban tripcodes

Have Sneed.

>Stop watching Jones
Those are from Turkey, got them from some wandering jews on their border inspections.

>whines about bourgeois
>You can't oppose jews! They're just better than you!
Please, it's obvious now. You just want non-jews competing against non-jews. You want open competition with jews to be too taboo for anybody to do it.

Nobody should get their information from a circumcision-trauma filter.

lmao china has adopted capitalist economic policies for the last forever
only still socialist socially
oh let me explain that for you, trans retard:
socialist economics arent actual
they are emotional ideals
so china has had to adopt actual economics (i.e. capitalism, the definition of which is: consensual trade between two individuals)
SO since the communist murder shithouse has had to adopt the ‘evil’ policy of literally allowing trade to happen, they have maintained their SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST position by heavily regulating the lives and freedom of their people
google: china social credit

what the fuck happened?