How would y'all describe these wings?

How would y'all describe these wings?
Flecked with brown?

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Like the sides of a toilet bowl after a drunken cheese binge

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Speckled brown.

The owl's snowy wings were whiteness spangled with black.

Like a nigger wiped his ass with them

The owls wings, extended out in full flight, the owl himself with a piercing gaze like a hunter closing in, and his feathers being snow white with the spotted tints of an earthy brown; that bird, that beaked hero, how doth he swoopeth!

But that's just what I would throw out there on my 7th draft of the third sentence of a second chapter of a novella or something - dont want to really use it any other way. Very tuned to particular use.

On second glance, an edit:
The owl's snowy wings were whiteness spangled black.

you mean black-spangled whiteness

just say it was an owl, no one cares what it looks like

Bespotted by a fecal tinge!

pleb detected. cant even appreciate good owl related prose smdh

No, that is unpoetic and too close to the "star-spangled" idiom. Both are just as grammatical.

I'm hypnotized by the eyes desu

The wings of the owl, strikingly white but with speckles of all shades of brown was reminiscent of a freshly toasted marshmallow.

the hell is wrong with this thing

Brownly flecked feathery sails scooping great wafts of freezing wind


tree bark snowed over


Snow White feathers tipped with brown resembling freckles

Sparse muddy isles to pellet alabaster sea

We turn, not to look. Dusk turns shapes into silhouettes. Man adrift in a ocean of fear. At the day's end we look for grain to see nothing but fleeting shadow and a reflection of the rising moon. A raptor aloft in an ocean of his own. Is it justice to take the life of a thief? Not justice, but life. Such ugliness is beauty to an idolater's eye. Sparse muddy isles to pellet alabaster sea.

Metal as fuck


>owl pellets


i like this

can't tell if this actually good or just trying too hard

never gonna make it
and whiteness is clunky and redundant if you describe them as snowy

The owl's plumage was white dotted with brown, reminiscent of the dying leaves of Autumn past scattered across new snow.

terse assonance > hamfisted imagery

>snow is white! white thing look snowy!
You can't just form a cliched comparison like that without at least trying to expand upon it, unless you wish to doom yourself to writing YA Fic.

Peppered. Speckled. Bespotted. Freckled. Dappled.

Read his (edited) sentence aloud and then read your sentence aloud. If you can't hear the difference, I pity you. Consider also that he's probably partly throwing in "snowy" in allusion to the species of owl, Bubo scandiacus.

le 56% owl

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better but still meh
trying too hard
cliche x 2

yeah basically this

It's "how doth he swoop!" or better still "how he swoops!", you total pseud.

No taste.

The owl had some wicked nice feathers. They were whiter than a white fridge but with some gay little brown dots, so like a fridge with some shitty little dots I guess.

which one was yours?


casey affleck on Yea Forums?

despite the inaccuracy how is anyone supposed to interpret that as being anything other than a shitpost
