I am thinking about cheating with my girlfriend in a romantic way, recommend me books with this vibe.
I am thinking about cheating with my girlfriend in a romantic way, recommend me books with this vibe
How would you make it romantic?
Cheating with? Or on your girlfriend?
ps. Based Shinobu poster
I have been constantly dreaming about this friend of mine for more than a year, she is a great illusion for me and a person that I have been falling in love little by little and, while I do not wish to end my current relationship, I have been going on secret dates, so I want to at least kiss her once, to either fall apart or continue being very good friends with an interest in one another.
Cheating on my girlfriend with a girl which I did not see for over a year and now she has arrived back. Ps. Shinobu all the way
What would you do if your gf realised this and broke up with you?
I dated a girl who did something similar, spun this whole thing about needing some space to sort out her dad's birthday or something. She then told me over the phone that she'd essentially ditched the dad and spent the entire day with her ex. She broke down when I told her it was over.
What I'm getting at is it sounds like you're dependent on her in some way, be aware that this is a dangerous game in many many different way.
What he means is don't get caught, he's just spinning it such a way as to make you feel guilty about it
Once again you confuse the uttering of the obvious with insightful revelation D&E.
That's not quite what I'm saying either, nor is guilt involved. People cheat for all sorts of reasons, it may be something to be judgmental over, maybe not. But there is danger there.
Bro it’s the easiest thing. Your girls know about you you fucking tramp, whether they know each other or not. Just make sure you leverage correctly. Don’t make either feel like they’re replaceable, that’s it. Also beware that this “friend” isn’t trying to actually replace your gf, you don’t want to be a year into a friendship with some psycho whore homewrecking lame ass fucktard stupid ass zombie bitch. That is a serious waste of time and will drain you. If she’s a friend she will care about you and want the best for you, she’ll be honest and nice to you. She won’t hurt you. If she sounds like that, he’ll yeah kiss her, show her how much you appreciate her. Obviously don’t tell your girl but even if she found out she will understand after you apologize, take it easy. The cards are set to be dealed.
I am becoming aware of the consequences that this may have on the long run, since I have been in this relationship for over 2 years. However my desire to become closer (not in a sexual way, which I am not seeking) with this other person derives from the fact that I am deeply interested in doing the things that would bring me self realization, this friend has been on my mind over more than a year, and leaving that issue unresolved would be a regret that I would be better without.
I do realize that if my girlfriend did this to me I would feel betrayed, devastated at some point, and even insecure about my worth as a man, but I am debating whether it's better to just play the safe game or run this bet.
This is actually what I am thinking about, I do not with to engage in a serious relationship with my friend, but I want to show her that I do appreciate her being in my life, as she has been a person who respects me and always wanted the best for me, I am also okay with her following her own passion, since she is not publicly closed to me, but I do want to show her and myself the way that I feel.
You are greedy. Someone loves you and you lust for another. I'll paint you a picture. You fuck up the cheating and your girlfriend finds out and dumps you. Now you are alone and you wait years for someone else to come along. Someone might but it could put you into a pit of never finding love again. If you love your gf, then stop right now. I do not believe you will though. You seek to find justification here.
That I am greedy I may agree, that I am going to do it and am seeking justification I am not so sure. I do agree that this may become the worst choice in my entire life, but I am merely searching for meaningful dialogue regarding the action in general.
That guy is a raving fearmonger OP, and probably the idiot who kept screaming "there is an danger lol" at you, which is also the vaguest and most unhelpful thing anyone has said in this thread.
Ignore the advice of anyone itt on this specific issue who tells you that the desires you have are in any way negative or unhealthy. Similarly, ignore the nonsense of being beaten over the head with the concept of love. If you love someone don't hurt them unnecessarily. That's it, that's the only obligation you have to them.
Where cheating is concerned all this means is that you have an obligation to not get caught, because this is the thing that will hurt them, and probably hurt you in turn.
The only thing that goober user is halfway right about is looking for justification. You probably wouldn't be posting a thread like this or looking for dialogue on this if you were had enough strength of character and conscience as an individual to do what we're talking about in the first place, so you should probably avoid doing it, like most people.
Unbearable Lightness of Being deals with this subject
>you have an obligation to not get caught
You are such a dickhead. user can do whatever he wants and I'm just showing him his foolishness. The fact that you think chesting isn't a problem in itself shows your lack of loyalty and character. I couldn't care less about your faggot opinion of my response.
>the only obligation you have to them
Wow, go fuck yourself. I hope you get treated like you treat others.
>obnoxious tripfag is also an immoral piece of shit
But then, is it immoral to have romantic feelings for anyone except my partner? And if it is (using the universal morality), what are the ramifications of this and why do I feel it?
Just found that book, I will catch a glimpse into it after catching up on some Max Stirner
It is best to understand if these feelings are sincere or if you are simply fantasizing too much. If you don't love your girlfriend, then leave her. I feel as if you want to keep her as a backup in case your advances for this other girl fail.
It's not immoral to have emotions you cannot control. You feel something, cool, it's what you do with that feeling that matters.
no such thing. you're talking about adultery, which you're already committing anyway, so it doesn't even really matter, cumbrain.
>The fact that you think chesting isn't a problem in itself shows your lack of loyalty and character.
Of course it's not a problem in itself, the problem is in the consequences of the act, dumb dumb. And if there are no consequences that cannot be reconciled comfortably with one's conscience or consequences that are revealed to the other party, then there's no fucking problem.
And as far as this bullshit moralistic talk of loyalty goes, this is also a non-issue.You can spend all your psychological energy pissing your pants over whether your partner is "loyal" to you or not in the hypothetical or judge by their immediate and extended behaviour towards you.
A woman cheats on her terminally ill and badly crippled husband, never tells him and he never finds out, but is still always there for him until he passes away. Loyalty is not an issue there, the husband gets the love he needs and the woman reconciles her desire with the emotional investment of her relationship. And what strength of character it takes in a person to be able to do that in spite of all the moral and societal norms against you, and to take that with you to your grave! Some people would crumble under it, most people don't have the good conscience to not guilt themselves over something like that.
It may be true that I am fantasizing at an abnormal level, but since there is no way to prove this, I think that I will just continue meeting this person without the intentions of romantic advancement so that I can truly understand myself before doing something that I would regret.
Because I do love my girlfriend and she is my priority at all levels; however that does not stop me from desiring affection from this other person.
But would it not be worse to have these feelings and then them turning into regret and resentment on my current girlfriend?
Cuck mentality.
Take it from me, who cheated on my ex years ago who still hasn't found out - the guilt is not worth it. Ask yourself why you really want to do it in the first place.
It is always something to be judgmental over you stupid cumbrain degenerate. If you can’t honor your relationship, don’t be a coward and cheat. Break up and find somebody else.
You’re basically a male roastie and it’s fucking pathetic.
>wanting to cheat on your partner and not get caught, but not wanting them to do the same to you, which is perfectly consistent and coherent
>cuck mentality
Betamax cuck detected
There is literally nothing wrong with treating women as disposable objects, women by their nature auto-dispose.
Are you North European or a Med?
There's a funny divide between the Young Werther neuroticism of Nords and the free for all fuckfest of Meds when it comes to infidelity and pair bonding.
Get your head outta your ass, if you're cheating you're a degen. Dump your girlfriend or don't cheat. Nothing poetic about being a dickhead you pompous faggot
This is your girlfriend user,
we need to talk
Your beliefs are unfounded trash. The supposition that anyone could love somebody in that position and then commit such an act is absurd. You are literally playing make believe like a child, and if you play those games in your life it will manifest in dangerous ways. That is assuming your life isn't already shit. Which it probably is.
You sound like a lesbian or a 21 year old onions I can't tell the difference, fuck off with your high school tier emotions or better yet control them.
>emotions you can't control
OP admitted he went on secret dates, these emotions were controllable and he stoked that emotional flame over time.
You're already not being loyal to this woman. Let me tell you something, monogamy is not for everyone. That being said both parties should be aware of that when they are in a committed relationship. You can't say the woman you are currently committed to is your priority and plan/act this out.
21 year old onions*