Post paintings that were mentioned in books you've read

Post paintings that were mentioned in books you've read
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This one is from the Brothers Karamazov

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Dostoyevsky - Demons
I personally love this one

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Where is this painting mentionned in the book?

I meant the one from Brother karamazov

All Yea Forumsizens should know the artist and book

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Samuel Beckett - Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable

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It's when the narrator tries to explain how Smerdyakov looked like when he stopped and stared at things like a lunatic, so he mentions this painting

Proust mentioned this one and a ton of other Whistlers. This particular one is of Robert de Montesquieu who happened to serve both as the model for Jean des Esseintes in Huysmans's novel À rebours and the Baron de Charlus in Proust's In Search of Lost Time

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L’apparition by Gustavo Moreau, discusses at length in Huysman’s A Rebours

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Appears in Lolita, the painting is a depiction of a scene from Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata

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I've been avoiding Lolita for a while, is it good or is it just 'muh pedo desires matters'?

It’s really good. I enjoyed it for the sake of his writing style, which is very ornate and romantic (in the classical definition). Here is the first chapter/page.

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Has been mentioned in numerous books over the last 500 years.

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including The Idiot

This painting was mentioned in War and Peace. I think it was when Napoleon got the portrait of his wife and son before the Borodino battle

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The Dresden Madonna, mentioned in Demons.

Attached: RAFAEL_-_Madonna_Sixtina_(Gemäldegalerie_Alter_Meister,_Dresden,_1513-14._Óleo_sobre_lienzo,_265 (300x411, 33K)

Why is chin so elongated?

Saint Sebastian, as mentioned in Confessions of a Mask.

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In wich part? I think I missed it

One thing I enjoyed about the Doors of Perception was all the paintings and painters he talked about. The backstory behind this painting is super entertaining, it's a bit much to type into here but if you have a minute I suggest reading the wikipedia article about the original painter
and the one of Boticelli's recreation
which explains what all the people in the painting represent.

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In 'The Face of the Third Reich' Fest says that this was young Hitler's favourite painting.

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