Post paintings that were mentioned in books you've read
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This one is from the Brothers Karamazov
Post paintings that were mentioned in books you've read
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Dostoyevsky - Demons
I personally love this one
Where is this painting mentionned in the book?
I meant the one from Brother karamazov
All Yea Forumsizens should know the artist and book
Samuel Beckett - Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable
It's when the narrator tries to explain how Smerdyakov looked like when he stopped and stared at things like a lunatic, so he mentions this painting
Proust mentioned this one and a ton of other Whistlers. This particular one is of Robert de Montesquieu who happened to serve both as the model for Jean des Esseintes in Huysmans's novel À rebours and the Baron de Charlus in Proust's In Search of Lost Time
L’apparition by Gustavo Moreau, discusses at length in Huysman’s A Rebours
Appears in Lolita, the painting is a depiction of a scene from Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata
I've been avoiding Lolita for a while, is it good or is it just 'muh pedo desires matters'?
It’s really good. I enjoyed it for the sake of his writing style, which is very ornate and romantic (in the classical definition). Here is the first chapter/page.
Has been mentioned in numerous books over the last 500 years.
including The Idiot
This painting was mentioned in War and Peace. I think it was when Napoleon got the portrait of his wife and son before the Borodino battle
The Dresden Madonna, mentioned in Demons.
Why is chin so elongated?
Saint Sebastian, as mentioned in Confessions of a Mask.
In wich part? I think I missed it
One thing I enjoyed about the Doors of Perception was all the paintings and painters he talked about. The backstory behind this painting is super entertaining, it's a bit much to type into here but if you have a minute I suggest reading the wikipedia article about the original painter
and the one of Boticelli's recreation
which explains what all the people in the painting represent.
In 'The Face of the Third Reich' Fest says that this was young Hitler's favourite painting.