Why isn't the superfluous man talked about more in contemporary culture?
Why isn't the superfluous man talked about more in contemporary culture?
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because he's so ubiquitous as to be effectively invisible
Because we deny his existence, so that capital can sell adventures, character traits and experiences to everyone.
After 150 years of doing that, everyone got bored.
I don't know why but he reminds me of Tyler Durden
post it
Interesting. Do continue.
It could be because he looks similar.
No one itt has read Lermontov
it's actually Nick Cave
I have
Grushnitsky is literally me
this would be a lot funnier if the guy/robot reading it didn't sound like such a dork
it would be better if someone just narrated the whole thing. doesn't make much sense to speak his thoughts out loud but omit the rest
that sounds like fucking Jordan Peterson lmao
It IS Jordie you fuck, he was posting here a few days ago.
He's so based. We were blessed to have his presence.
he was? link to the thread?
Timothy Olyphant
How can you describe an entire human being as superfluous?
It's a short story available online in browser. All of us have read it.
obviously it is just a good impersonation you fool
It's software
but still, I don't think it works with jordan peterson. the entire post should be read by someone who sounds fitting for noir-type content
you say talked about. i was talking about the superfluous man two days ago in fact. with some college pleb, i was trying to explain to him some of the aspects of the book he was to read for his pleb class, confederacy of dunces. his attentions trailed off, as expected, because he was a fucking pleb. anyway, my suggestion is that you should find new people to talk to if the people you talk to don't discuss these subjects.