>be raised Catholic
>be pro-Vatican II liberal basedboy cuck insert /pol/ trigger word here Catholic
>finally get around to reading the bible (priest always covers portions of the bible every week anyway)
>less than 100 pages in
>dude I'm afraid people will kill me out of jealousy for my wife, so I'll just tell them she's my sister so instead of killing me they'll just try to fuck her lmao
>dude but she really is my half-sister lmao
>every time Abraham and Isaac pull this shit, the other guy always responds "dude I didn't want to commit adultery why didn't you just tell me from the beginning, what the fuck"
>Lot getting raped by his two daughters
What in the actual fuck?
Be raised Catholic
Other urls found in this thread:
The more serious you study Christianity the less it makes sense
Oh looks like people 5000 years ago had different mores than today who would have thought.
Seethe more
You probably haven't even read the Cathechism. Just keep reading the Bible, and stop thinking like a Prot or a Vatican II retard. Many people in the Old Testament are completely immoral. They would prostitute their daughters, kill their first born, etc... That's why God gave them the law. Just keep reading, read the Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church, the lives of the Saint. Understand the Cathechism and pray the Rosary.
What's implicitly said in these passages is that had they said the truth from the beginning, they would be dead. It is only after they have accepted Abraham and Isaac into the community that they feel bound to honor his life. Further, it they are presented as righteous, but not brave; the lies are still a fault, but compared to all other men, they are praiseworthy. This cuts to a central moral lesson of the work which is that righteousness is implicit in the action and in some part independent of knowledge. While being lied to can minimize your guilt, it cannot change a wrong thing into a right thing. Today, you probably take this for granted, but this was actually a revolutionary moral principle. Because you live in a world shaped by Christian morality, you will likely only notice those things in the Bible which seem to contradict your post-Enlightenment secular ethic, and will be completely oblivious to the radical moral teaching which seems so normal to you.
>read the Catechism
You literally only have to read that if you want to become a priest yourself, and I don't want to do that.
I'm going to read Confessions and Discourse on Method next (or in the middle since I'm reading the Bible slowly a little bit each day). I'm not going to have time to read Summa Theologica this year, or probably ever since I've got a lot to read.
But God killed firstborn children...
>You literally only have to read that if you want to become a priest yourself
You truly are a liberal Catholic. Traditionally, EVERYONE read the Catechism at Sunday school. I don't know what you are implying by this post.
This is because the Scripture delivers the stories of these people (namely Abraham and Lot) as being real, rather than symbolic myths. Even so, Abraham symbolizes the believer, even in his faults.
So a guy being married to his half sister is nonsense? A bronze age man thinking he may be murdered by powerful leaders for his wife is nonsense? Things like that still happen today.
I think we treat the Scripture wrongly by ascribing each and every word as needing to be a profoundly impacting dagger of wisdom. Context is an important part of any literature. The Old Testament, in Christian theology, is about establishing context and history for Christ.
You forgot about Lot tricking out his daughters to a ravenous crowd of sexual miscreants
>The Bible says people are sinful and do things that are wrong
>Someone in the Bible does something sinful or wrong
Why do retards always think this is somehow some sort of revelation?
Did you know people commit murder and bear false witness in the Bible too!?
Not only that but, you aren't even including the context.
Lol what a fucking idiot. The point is that these are supposed to be Holy men culled from the multitude by God.
One man without sin and that is Christ. What part of that is hard to understand ?
The part where how the fuck are Lot, Samson and Moses paragons of virtue?
>Holy men
There has only ever been one Holy man, retard.
Read Romans 23 and on.
You literally missed the whole point of Christianity.
sounds interesting, what version of the bible should i read?
..and them being such homosexuals that they refused.
I also forgot Ham raping his dad Noah.
I'm a non-rich American who went to public school.
I'm implying by that post that I'm not likely to read multiple thousand page books on Catholic theology because I still have to read The Tale of Genji, Journey to the West, Don Quixote, War and Peace, In Search of Lost Time, and other such books. I'm more interested in fiction than non-fiction, but I realize I should at least read the Bible and some of the shorter theological works.
The absolute state of Catholics
>That's why God gave them the law.
was it immoral behavior before or only after the law was given?
>that's why god gave them the law
according to paul, they wouldn't have been sinners without the law
you forgot Exodus 4:24-26
>okay Ya, gonna go to Egypt with my wife :)
>great, sounds like a plan! anyway, why don't I just kill you? you know, for the lulz
>nah, how about I have my wife mutilate my son's penis and put the cut off bits on my penis? *starts chanting backwards* TRULY YOU ARE MY BRIDEGROOM OF BLOOD BY CIRCUMCISION
>oh shit, that's pretty wack, you can live
can someone PLEASE explain?
correction, his wife started chanting backwards
in any case, I would still appreciate an explanation
To address the problems:
Abraham and Isaac didnt have faith God would back up promises, or just be a good god to them; both incidents were years before these two had enough faith to believe God was good and *their* God.
Also, they were surrounded by foreigners. If they pissed off the wrong ones, they get killed and their wives still get raped. They might as well try to get out of it alive.
Also, take note Sarah was in the 70-80 range at this point. And a king wants her for his harem. If the narrative is factual, she must have been 10/10 at age 70, the kind of beauty that incites lawless men to kill their husbands out of jealous spite.
>Dude i didnt want to commit adultery
Abraham would not have known that. And notice: after the truth is out, the king makes a royal order for no one in his kingdom to molest either of them the threat was real enough.
>Lot getting raped by his two daughters
Recall the angels visiting sodom: all the men of the city gathered at night and demanded their boipussi. This is a movie prison shower scene x 100. The city was a sinkhole of evil so phenomenal God came down to see the stank for himself. If you grew up in this city, the values will permeate; it's not avoidable. And notice they had to get Lot drunk first: they knew it was wrong and he would resist.
So theology degrees and seminaries are full of people clowning around all day?
Come on.
What *do you study?
Foolishness to those that are perishing, sure.
>This is a movie prison shower scene x 100. The city was a sinkhole of evil so phenomenal God came down to see the stank for himself.
10/10 description, too bad the rest of your comment was a 1/10 interpretation
Yeah dude Abraham is meant to be a cunt, he's not a patriarch or chosen by God or anything.
>leave martin luther to me
>be raised Catholic
>be pro-bugman libshit cumbrain drone
>read 100 pages of the bible
>Why good character do bad thing?!
you're reading a text you can't understand at this time, seek help from theologians, priests and church fathers who know what they are talking about.
then become orthodox.
How can you understand something so profound and multi-dimensional if you have no one to teach you the proper context, history and meanings of words?
based user, recognizes Christianity is not something merely to be read but participated in
>you're reading something you can't understand, so instead of reading it and other secondary sources until you can, go get recalibrated by your priest like the NPC you are
what terrible advice
>read secondary sources
I already implied that when I said to seek help from church fathers, church fathers wrote their exegesis long long ago...
But don't stop there, Christ started a church so we have a living tradition you can ask priests and theologians for help too, who are part of an apostolic tradition, why not? He didn't just give us a book and leave us alone.
Read Judges
>Jews abandon god
>calamity befalls them
>God sends a prophet to get them in line
>repeat this 67 times
The whole point of the Old Testament is that the Jews were shit and didn’t behave how they should. They are sinful, immoral, eager to abandon God because people were filled with original
Sin. The New Testament and the coming of Jesus changed that
Bible is an inconsistent mess
You clearly are a cradle pseudo-Catholic since you don't even know what Sunday School is. It is after mass for religious education. Litearlly every Church has it. It is not a replacement to normal schooling. I went to public school as well. I don't know why you are implying Sunday School to be for rich people.
Also, the Catechism is meant to be used as a source to learn doctrine, not something to read front to back like a novel.
>No examples
Typical atheshit. :3
Given that everyone who comes out of there swears it's faggier than a gay bar and with twice the sex, I'd say yes, they are.
And furthermore, what makes you think universities period are some kind of serious business? Duns Scotus was murdered by his students because his tests were too hard, do you have any idea what "higher education" has been like since fucking forever?
Plenty of seminaries are literally just for theology and not for any ministry training. The places you describe are already going under since young homosexuals have completely cast off religion.
t. your ass
Inconsistent mess. Example: Bible.
Are you retarded? Paul says the law exists because of sin, no longer necessary thanks to Christ
>Whatever the precise meaning of the phrase "spouse of blood," circumcision is the key to understanding it as well as the entire incident. One may conclude, therefore, that God was angry with Moses for having failed to keep the divine command given to Abraham in Gn 17:10–12 and circumcise his son. Moses' life is spared when his wife circumcises their son.
based baby batterers
Read the New Testament first. The Old Testament is a bunch of stories that could have happened, the New Testament is fairly reliable history but more importantly philosophy.
Duns Scotus was the tard who first floated the idea of Mary being sinless despite the Lord having expressly said not to worship His mother.
> long prayers to be seen of men
Summa is literally the textbook on theology. Read it first or don't bother except as a historical note.
Oh, I see, so because we have baptism, we don't abandon God and trust in our worldly riches.
>The more serious you study ancient Judaism the less it makes sense
Look at you, thinking the actions of the knight of faith are comprehensible to those not in an absolute relation to the absolute. Fuckin lol