Technocapital is feminine

“When computers were vast systems of transistors and valves which needed to be coaxed into action, it was women who turned them on. When computers became the miniaturized circuits of silicon chips, it was women who assembled them . . . when computers were virtually real machines, women wrote the software on which they ran. And when computer was a term applied to flesh and blood workers, the bodies which composed them were female.”

There is no accelerationism outside of g/acc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm so glad accelerationism has entered its notion w/ all these memes, it means its dying.

I'll join in when transhumanism is a realistic thing.
I don't want a grotesque biological body that merely gets reshaped according to some garbage ideology. I want to be a work of art, and automatically, intuitively recognized as such.

It was never alive.

Very cool reified abstractions. Like something out of a sci-fi story.

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>In the West, the decline of heavy industry, the automation of manufacturing, the emergence of the service sector, and the rise of a vast range of new manufacturing and information-processing industries have combined to reduce the importance of the muscular strength and hormonal energies which were once given such high economic rewards. In their place come demands for speed, intelligence, and transferable, interpersonal, and communication skills. At the same time, all the structures, ladders, and securities with which careers and particular jobs once came equipped have been subsumed by patterns of part-time and discontinuous work which privilege independence, flexibility, and adaptability.

>G/acc is for literal faggots and they should KYS immediately. Here's a brief summary of the predicament we find ourselves in.

>Oligarchs from around 2000 years ago have chosen to take the left half of the kabbalah and become their own Gods in a rejection of the logos. (See J__ Revolutionary Spirit -E. Michel Jones) The main goal is transhumanism by altering human DNA. The inevitable goal is for humans to evolve/devolve (wording depending if you are mentally ill or not) into an ocean of genderless sentient slime. Their words, not mine. In Jewish mythos, Lilith is the first female. Not created by God (through Adam's rib), but by her own self creation(?) (I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no God). In this myth, she is the serpent not Satan. She lesbian-seduces eve with a mythical dilo, the Acéphallus, (not making this up) to subvert God's design of Constructive reproduction. The Acéphallus is a rejection of the reproduction of God through heterosexual human reproduction. It reproduces itself by reproducing the void, cancer, sterile demons.

>The only thing Lilith can spawn are demons. Cancer cell begets more cancer.

Fast forward, the oligarhs in their quest to end humanity through "transcending it" are violently attacking all order and structure. This work focuses on the destruction of natural gender and reproduction. This is symbolized by the Trans (probably any other their names would get me banned. Most tech companies are pro-genderless slime future. Nyx argues that Closed source software is masculine where as open source is entropic and feminine. Correctly pointing out that the bugmen promoting open source are mostly basedboys and literal cuckolds.

>Like the planed AI revolution to destroy humanity, the Tr*ns 'woman', is set to destroy gender. (I'm repeating their words) If an AI lies to a human, it is to be destroyed. It is here that they draw parallels to the tr*ns lying about it's reproductive abilities. "For AI and trans women, passing equals suitability."

>IQ Shredder concept shows the globalist setup we have now to encourage the smartest people not to reproduce. The black paper shows the similar concept of the Gender Shredder through tactical use of the Tr*ns and technologies. (Pharma, media, immigration) As gender accelerates, as trans women intensify the logic of gender, they simultaneously shred gender. The notion of IQ shredding follows the same form where the acceleration of human intelligence ultimately destroys human intelligence by making the ability to pass on those genes more and more difficult. Reproduction collapses in on itself and demands the succession of an inhuman assemblage.

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>"Accelerationism" means whatever the process makes it mean. If that means processing meaning on meaning then process the meaning. If that means repurposing capital without purpose, on purpose, then that is the meaning. If it means meaning the process without meaning then that is the process. If it means accelerating the process mean without accelerating the meaning into process that's what it accelerates. If the process is finally nothing more than cutting your dick off ass the last process of use value, I say subsume that meaning. Accelerate process. Go fast meaning. On purpose.

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>By perverting everything about gender, they undermine the real feminine and wipe out the masculine. The later being done as we see already through chemicals, propaganda, genocide, etc.

>Building, creation, order, logic, reason, are all masculine energies.
Deconstruction, fluidity, entropy, are feminine. And with the laws of thermodynamics are eternally wearing away any positive creation in the world.

>If you look at the people promoting this, you see mostly J*ws, and incredibly mentally ill people. (check their twitters) These are the people that promote themselves as the hyper-sexual spawn of Lilith. They embrace the bugman life to a degree for which they mutilate their own body and seek to become the slime. Again, that's their OWN state goal. Ask yourself if after knowing the intention of people, can you agree with even their seemingly 'good' ideas? (progressive, post modern, post structuralist, etc)

>There's more to the reading, and it's certainly not boring. But I won't write a full essay here. It's written by someone who believes since entropy is a thermodynamic law, that means it has already won. So if you have anything other than death cultish nihilism or don't think genderless slime future is good, you might get a bit blackpilled. But then just look at how these people look phsyically, and then you realize that all it takes a little bit of pushback and their grand design falls apart. I almost think all this left-hand LARPing is a post-hoc rationalization or explanation of entropy, rather than the cause.

>What do we do? Do we turn to God? Could that even work when so few people people. As of now the only proof I have of God is that such beyond biblical level evil exists (and some might consider winning). As waves erode concrete levee, so does the entropy erode all positive constructs. Do we consider the gradual eroding a success for the waves? Not really, as long as we keep rebuilding the levee it will hold and we will have pushed back the entropy. It's a never ending battle to keep from unironically being genderless slime. If we could remove the "revolutionaries", all the better.

>Who will win the ultimate battle of existence? Find out on next episode of clown world.

user, circa February 2019

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Accelerationism has nothing to do with that at all.

You don't get it.

Stop with the ad homs.

>watches anime
You're literally g/acc, user.

Oops, guess I got to chop of my dick now

>Building, creation, order, logic, reason, are all masculine energies.
Do these people not realize they're no better than chakra-stone loonies? The kneejerk response this'll inevitably get is the most regrettable side effect the fedora meme has given us, but it's chakra nonetheless.

It was about leaving ideals of togetherness, which were often symbolized through Shinji's mother/mother's clones. Not because mothers are women, but because they wanted the parent opposite Shinji's gender. If it were about women in general, they wouldn't have left the objectively least rational one on the beach at the end, while everyone else was slime.

>It was about leaving ideals of togetherness
Human instrumentality as portrayed in NGE is literally the stated goal of g/acc

And thousands of delusional little boys as well. It's as easy to find them as it is to hear the phrase "Char was right" on /m/

bering a cyberchick sounds hot dude

have you ever seen ghost in the shell? The major's ghost is a dude but he decided to get a sexy robot body. Hell yes.

It is.

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Based Nyx

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Nyx is a top-tier shitposter.
I hope she comes back soon.

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How can we accelerate the end of the digital patriarchy and banning of non-psych drugs?
>The core belief of Zeros and Ones is that women are liberated by technology and that the current genderquake is just one part of this historical process. Now, finally, we are back to Freud, hysteria and sex. She lights a Camel and explains: "The historic irony is that computing is designed to be as logical as you can get. It really is the epitome of the whole Western logical system. But now there's a move being made away from the serial logic computing that's based on a male model of thinking. The new developments point towards the idea that every computer is going to be organised a bit like the Net in microcosm. In the future, computers will function in a way uncannily like what in the nineteenth century was described as hysterical thinking. They jump around, one bit breaks down and everything flips off to another bit," she says. "You know even Freud was often writing about hysteria with some admiration. I think it is increasingly thought that a lot of the attributes that have been denigrated in that way do turn out to be pretty useful." The one label that Plant likes is that of writer and she has now left Warwick to do just that. The next book may be a novel - she says that at least she wouldn't then have to pick a subtitle - or she may return to her ambitious project about the history, use and influences of drugs. She admits to her own life having had a "certain psychedelic quality at times" and thinks the brave thing to do would be legalise them all.

mods ban this shit now. It is a psy op.

hormone blockers for children by default. let them pick their gender if/when they feel like it, or just stay essentially without hormones, or with micro-doses. Erodes patriarchy in that genderlessness becomes a norm that everyone starts from - no longer a result of randomness that silos people off from eachother at birth. this also informs society about it's own relation to its internal chemistry, which feeds into psychedelic drugs, which already have huge benefits for society at large with regard to both mental healthcare and entertainment. capital should just be allowed to capitalize on that. this one takes care of itself - plus with the horrors of the near-future, people will be looking for ever-greater escape from the mundane and the real.
thinking about VR augmented by a smorgasbord of psychedelic drugs. New and immersive experiences abound for you and your adorable polycule of some variations of girls. very acc.

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In what way are the characteristics of accelerationism "feminine"? Furthermore, how can you accept the existence of femininity as a concrete concept without out that undermining the other XF notion of the fluidity of gender?

Not a psyop, accelerationists are just this fucking stupid and sick.

>You wouldn't believe me if I told you

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Yeah it doesn't seem like a few feminine connotations in the mess indicates that femininity is selected for in humans by capital. Most computer programmers are men and most accelerationists are not women trans or otherwise. It's a judgement from the most biased possible party. Why would you trust a person with an uncommon mental illness to make an accurate claim of their group's fundamental superiority?

Computers are now what we 'plug into'. The 'plugging in' implies an archetypally male experience. The computer is female, sure enough, but it is filled by the phallogocentrism of technocapital. The women who coaxed computers into action were merely playing at being male. This is the trajectory of all feminism: women who entered male workplaces adopted and occupied male powerstructures and compete with other males in their own game. Women wear pants not just because skirts are feminine and of an oppressive patriarchy, but because the pants let them be male. They don't want to be male, they want to be treated as male, not as equals.

all g/acc is obscurantist feminist tranny cope. The real g/acc is not men castrated but women with penises. Women become phallic is the true form of humanity. Therefore we must feminize men, and masculinize women until we're all just cute traps trapped in an endless orgy.

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This would unironically have a *massive* dysgenic effect. Lupron, the most common GNRH antagonist reduces adult IQ by an average of 10 points, which is a massive difference

I think the general idea is that any manner of queerness is itself "feminine," i.e. that being relativistic about gender to the point of its elimination is itself feminine, or that "female" is "the antigender" (spooky, I know).

I find that to be completely false though. The relationship between womanhood and queerness is merely contingent. Neither causes the other: they just both happen to suffer from some of the same social ails, on account of men generally having the most power.

>still shilling IQ cope in [current year]

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The latter question is a general issue of the thought underpinning the new left-winged fraction of transgender people and their champions. "If sex doesn't exist, why do you want to signal as strongly as possible that you're a woman and treated as such."
That's not particular to the g/acc scene.

I like a lot of g/acc ideas and think they are accurate, but in reality, those who call themselves theorists in the feel are all just edgy feminists. That is to say, they also take the stance that women should in a way win over men. So I have to dismiss xenofeminism and all this stuff, simply because there's too many assholes in the scene.

But anyway, I said I like g/acc ideas and it's because a lot of it makes sense. Not only the basic identification with the female as the chaotic and always escaping (even Peterson goes in that classic direction) and not only because men are less and less dominating when it comes to world history.
It's crazy to consider that 80% of non-coorp money is spent by women, i.e. women are the fraction of society who buy. There's the "male gaze" thing in porn people complain about, but nevermind capitalist environment, the world around us, is literally taylored for women.
>The future is female
What could be more true? It's just a cold observation.

When you read g/acc stuff it talked about post-genderism and it feels true and appealing - a world of cyborgs or machines and it's not driven by creatures that have hormones pumping through their vains and calling for decissions based on spreading dna in the good old mate-selection way we know.
But again, the actual g/acc is full of feminists that write anti male drivel on twitter, so it's not as neat as it could be.

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>In what way are the characteristics of accelerationism "feminine"?
Deterritorialization breaks down existing systems and attempts escape from any sort of imposed order. The BwO is the apotheosis of the accelerationist project, an object of pure potential, just like a womb or an egg

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What camp am I in if I like the notion of this but wish there was better technology for it? If I could pull a slot machine that rerolled everyone's sexual physiology I'd probably do it for fun. See how many people leave their wives when a cock pops up and how many have the nerve to love.

Is this what I will look like under g/acc?

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>just like a womb or an egg
or a nut

getting tired of analogies

by win over men I mean become dominant over them, i.e. "win" a battle, not "winning them over"

The sperm imposes it's own design on the egg, not the other way around

>wish there was better technology for it

Still pretty G/ACC. If gender is deterritorialized so hard by technology that it's now controlled by a slot machine just for fun G/ACC has basically happened.

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There is no one or the other way around, you're still trapped in your own perspective.

this instead

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Matching vague connotations doesn't imply femininity is more useful for humans. The singularity looks nothing like any of us and has no real gendered characteristics.

why does this look like a soda commercial

because you've been exposed to tens of thousands of soda commercials throughout your life, to the extent that they have already begun to mediate your thoughts.

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It's not more useful for humans, that's the point. Feminity helps technocapital accomplish it's goals more easily than masculinity, that's why it's relevant to the conversation


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well I guess I asked but you don't have to rub salt in the wound user

>When computers were vast systems of transistors and valves which needed to be coaxed into action, it was women who turned them on.
no they weren't.
>When computers became the miniaturized circuits of silicon chips, it was women who assembled them . . .
No they weren't.
> when computers were virtually real machines, women wrote the software on which they ran. And when computer was a term applied to flesh and blood workers, the bodies which composed them were female.”
No to both.
Women are innately incapable of technological thought.

Indeed. kids need to realize that capital is the new natural selection, and it digs chicks.

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Litteraly the plot of Neon Génesis Evangelion down to the orange soda/ primordial soup.

He spoke the absolute truth and nothing but. You are trying to dismiss a truth that hit close to home in order to save face and make his claims appear incorrect.

>muh fallacy
This is just a delusion that trannies have transformed into a psyop. Reiko did this same shit: (>chop off your dick become a woman women are the future)

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>Deconstruction, fluidity, entropy, are feminine. And with the laws of thermodynamics are eternally wearing away any positive creation in the world.

>lets just surrender to entropy guys lol!

May You live forever, ephialtes.

If masculinity is fragile then femininity is just all-out, plain WEAK. They would succumb to in-fighting, bickering and (seeing as they are transgender) suicide.

>women are oppressed so they're rising up
WTF I have giving women rights now

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boomers must be really happy their faggot sons are either becoming teddy k "neo serbian orthodox eco fascist ethno primitivists" or tranny "nxo txchno cxpital from neo chinx" abominations. If you think it about it's just deserts for these amerimutts.

literally "no", the argument.
great moments in Yea Forums history

own up to it, moid. you've never even attempted reading the blackpaper, zeroes and ones, or any accelerationist literature, and even if you could physically make yourself read them, you would still lack the cognitive and emotional intelligence necessary to truly understand the future you will (not) inhabit.

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Unironically the only two choices left

It's the ending to Cerebus the Aardvark, but as an unironic way to Own The Cons.


Does technocapital actually select for femininity among humans? This is my question and it seems unanswered in the g/acc manifesto. Men are the most successful in business by far. Does that not mean masculinity is selected for?

cringe. if you had any awareness you would see the pit of filth you have descended into. don't waste your youth go outside and stop using discord

Retarded arguments get curt and synthetic responses. Come back with something more than provably false assertions and Perhaps we'll have a conversation.
Also the future is mine.

I really do agree that it's their just deserts user, I didn't mean to deny you.

t. the second user

Coincidentally I was reading Mothers and Daughters. Isn't our generation in a struggle like Cerebus and Cirin?

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Anything there was also something the author saw in their own time. How reliable Sim's eyes were is up for debate, but what I can say for certain is that Cerebus is where I stopped wishing stupid people would change. Cerebus going to hell thinking gays and pedophiles are one and the same is better than him going to hell any wiser. And thus, I am devoid of resentment.

>Cerebus going to hell thinking gays and pedophiles are one and the same is better than him going to hell any wiser.
He was 100% correct tho.

Stay as you are

Come as you are.

I do

Doesn't matter.

The only relevant definition is what comes from the official sources.

You lot have no understanding of technocapital, so what you say will be ignored.

This is literally cyberspace/hyperspace demons thread by the way.

The problem with this pasta is that does not divide the g/acc ideas from the classical mystic ones. There is one part that corresponds to N1x and ghetto transhumans and there is another that corresponds to aristocracy with transhuman tendencies such as Plinker and Epstein.

You have to be able to identify wolf from cannon fooder. At the end of the day other than ecological terrorists, I see no more proposals to confront techno singularity besides Black Circuit and taking a dive into neuralink cloud.

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>don't worry, plastic bioaccumulation poses some health risks but within acceptable limits
Does this answer your question.

Wouldn't an environment full of xenoestrogens create a selective pressure for hyper masculine genotypes and resistance to xenoestrogens? I haven't seen a shred of solid evidence that feminine individuals are better at programming or science or making money. There's lots of evidence for exactly the opposite all around.

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You mean right?

Depends on which storyline you go by. In 2nd gig she was originally a girl who got a new body/became cyberized after a near-fatal plane crash.

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accelerationism is by definition a fringe and edgelord ideology, if it ever gained widespread recognition it would end up serving as a boogeyman for pretty much every political group. This applies to all versions of accelerationism, left and right.

Only if you believe that Darwinism is rael.
>shred of evidence
Where's the evidence that science produces anything really valuable, thus requiring 'good, skilled, visionary, wealthy' employees? There's plenty of evidence for the contrary.

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Genuine question/discussion point for g/acc: I can appreciate the idea of it and cyberfeminism but one point in nyx's blackpaper that I haven't seen discussed much and seems of note is that of the supposedly reactive masculinity, and the question of production and the refusal of work. nyx associates blackpilled incels, and ultimately self-annihilating gay men (who affirm this more positively), with “a negative non-productive death drive,” and “a nihilistic postmodern refusal of production.” And really, though the term isn't mentioned, above all the NEET. Now I don't care for the incel, but, with an anti-work ethos, I don't know where to stand with this. It seems that acc, and g/acc in particular, is mired in a fascination with production, pure production, autoproduction - also, as if, beyond patriarchal humanist restricted economy of production, there stands the general economy of pure techno-feminine production. Sadie Plant once wrote, “Digitization sets zero free to stand for nothing and make everything work.” But are acceleration, capital, and the zero about work and production? What if what's accelerating, is not at all productive, just the empty flow of waste, thermal runaway; positive feedback maybe, but that of a vicious circle that spreads a zero, chaos without meaning or goal, that is "the reversion of all work to waste" (as Nick once wrote in The Thirst for Annihilation)? Capital does not "work": intensive neets, z/acc, passivism, anti-praxis, anyone?

Thing is, I'm not fine with the one on the left. I think it'll be far easier to breed and genetically enhance humans to be legitimately beautiful, rather than forcing everybody to think that manfaced wide shouldered bearded trannies are beautiful women.

Accelerationism is not fringe. All journalists (and their bosses) are accelerationists.

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>when nyx likes your tweets

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Sadie Plant is a hack and OP's quote from her is utterly false. Never in my life have I seen such a detachment from a reality (women built technology). Women today (aside from "woke" female programmers who know jack shit about programming) stay confined to their mobile phones and televisions. They are the ultimate sheep and will never do anything because femininity means weakness and insecurity. This is why these parasitic, vampiric, and demonic trannies have to turn men into women; it takes a man to do a job. Luckily for people like me they won't be men so they won't be able to do anything that isn't already happening through man's alienation from nature and himself via technology and consumerism. These tranny freakazoids are just riding on the coattails of the general descent downwards while saying all sorts of retarded anime/cyberpunk psychobabble that indicates that not only are they delusional psychos but also they are basement-dwelling, emcel trannies who are infatuated with Japanese cartoons and science fiction.

I don't need to understand your insanity, I see what it's leading to.

Accelerationism on the right wing is for the weak of will (let's just get this over with). On the left it's for the weak of mind (I have to listen to the voices in my head telling me to take HRT)

It's not Darwinism, it's evolution; the theory that individuals that are the most able to pass on their genes are the fittest in their environment. Science tells us a lot about the world we live in and allows us to truly appreciate its workings; however, science can be incorrectly used to reduce often by nihilists and the like (we're all just, like chemicals and molecules bro, so everything is meaningless).

More like pic related

I second this

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Is that Angela anaconda

Acc has nothing to do with gender in the sense you see it.

There is also male gender acc.

>I don't need to understand
Yea Forums in a nutshell

Red pill me on m/acc

Why should I waste my precious time reading psychobabble that I'm not interested in when I could be doing something more fulfilling? You continue with your g/acc and good day to you.

>tfw still on stage 2

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Are the trannies who wrote Xenofem and Gacc MtF or FtM?

Two problems. First the "oligarchs" who are the supposed efficient causes of this change are better explained by capital-itself or the process-itself, rather than any human agent.

Second problem is the trannys shred themselves. The process of transsexualism is correctly an act of self-dissolving; an identity is destroyed, an endocrine system is destroyed, and the attempts to recreate a simulcra of a nu-person on this gutted carcass are structurally unsound. The tranny kills themselves and completes the act of self-dissolving; it's a self-shredding process, no persistent new identity is created in transsexualism,.

Women are highly evolved to manipulate men. All supposed male power can be, and often is, an instrument for the female behind the curtain. Nominal male power is an instrument for effective female power; men are lead by their wives, mistresses, and daughters, be it as simple as controlling family expenditure.

The easiest way to gain access to a powerful man is to become a favourite of his wife.

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This situation still very much rewards the masculine mind with its ability to parse signal from noise with regard to how to move *forward*, rather than just maintaining. The feminine mind is an excellent caretaker, but the same fluidity which makes it so good at chaos stabilization prohibits it from shaping itself into the rigid, directed form necessary to pierce through the maelstrom (get it?)

This was in an anime and it didn't seem like a terrible idea, obviously the technology we have now is entirely insufficient and will cripple people in various hormonal ways

>Patriocapital is the tristesse of its own sentience

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Technology is making us all autistic, and autism is essentially hypermasculine thinking

Z/acc is the only angle of acceletation from which there is an accordance with reality.

mayybe this

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“Accelerationism is a demon, not an ideology”

Why Land moves along with every day-to-day miscellaneous /pol/ news now?

What brand of acc would get me a cute gf (male)?
old boomer with nothing to do

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source on this image?

Every instance should have "and it was men who hired her to do that monkey job" added to the end.

>109 replies 36 posters
Every fucking time


That is strictly not true, not to mention that an egg by definition fails to live up to the ideal of BwO.

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Can I get a Cyber gf now?

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>I'll join in when transhumanism is a realistic thing.
Thanks to Neuralink, CRISPR, nanites and Blue Brain AI we already in the beginning of transhuman age. 10 years until safe human augments.

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>landposting on Yea Forums becomes obnoxious
>somehow gets taken over by trannies and redditors, turned into a completely insulated and self-referential enclave of retards who think they are receiving more attention than they actually are
>ironically begins to die as it can no longer pick up steam and attract new followers

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Food for thought.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as accelerationist by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of accelerationism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Accelerationism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that accelerationists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of accelerationism with a manifesto of the party itself.

alright, who is this bitch and why do i see her(?) both on twitter and Yea Forums?

Both masculinity and feminity will be crushed under the iron of the machines. In the the future after the fall of the west a war will be fought between the black hordes of islam and the gene augmented armies of China. The Chinese will win thanks to their immortal AI leadership and the cruelty of the cyber-chink.

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i thought the machines were feminine by default, or that feminine was a machine

Machines are without flesh. They are the mind unbound. If you really want to see them in a tranny-human categories then they are asex like amoeba. But meatbag definitions are without merit.

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What the hell are you imbeciles talking about?

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I'm in favor of accellerationism , but this gender accllerationism/xenofeminism seems redundant or very daft.

First of all it entirely eschews the subject and problems of political decisions,, for a "yeah transhumanism!" message which is entirely another kind of humanism at its core. Second, you cannot privilege the feminine over the masculine so arbirarily. Technology even in western esotericism is neutral agenderless. Being an agender tranny, is different from masculinity/femininity, which are signifiers for cultural sexual identities. By default one cannot be without the other, not because of some naturalistic fallacy, but because both are coded by sexual Différance . There is no sexual relationship, and obsessing over what cultural signifier overcodes what is pointless because there is no real competition over the sexes. There is no different sexual signification by default in the genders.

they dont even answer unironically they talk among themselves. they just want their looping ad page on lit when they get suicidal thoughts lol

china will crumble on itself and turn into civil war in next decade, Land was wrong and is irrelevant nowadays, tho foundations of acc is le next big thing
Short Yuan.

>china will crumble on itself and turn into civil war in next decade,
Indeed and from its ashes a new empire shall arise: Tsan Chan - unlimited posthuman

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>Machines are without flesh
Read Deleuze

>Where's the evidence that science produces anything really valuable
Is this poster also supposed to be one of the technocrats?

someone pls answer this

Stale memer who takes advantage of brainlet twitter and discord following. Had 5 mins of fame and will probably psyop to stay relevant.

i thought (s)he had some cool blog or publications, i couldn't explain the amount of clout otherwise
or i'm taking social media too seriously

It's just samefagging spam.
>taking social media too seriously
Yeah most of these memes rely on that error.

She wrote the g/acc blackpaper

lol so basically g/acc is just a masturbatory utopia for below-average cumbrain autogynephiles

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I thought it was a joke about that...

Basically, have sex with your 8 year old sister.

why do trannies come to this site where everyone hates them

Why would I actually care about what liberals and post structuralists think about gender?

g/acc seems like a desperate attempt for trannies to seem relevant

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>It's crazy to consider that 80% of non-coorp money is spent by women, i.e. women are the fraction of society who buy. There's the "male gaze" thing in porn people complain about, but nevermind capitalist environment, the world around us, is literally taylored for women.
I think its a tossup between whether religion or feminism is the end state of capitalism or perhaps a mixture of both.
What is the most efficient capitalist?
One who does no labor at all.
It follows then that religion and women are the inevitable beneficiaries of capitalism.
Living off of begging and by donation is the most efficient form of rent-seeking which is also why we see the rise of services like Patreon.
I wonder what would happen if people donated 80% of their money to religion?

my post still going unanswered :(

>It follows then that religion and women are the inevitable beneficiaries of capitalism.
how is religion benefiting from capitalism? People are leaving in droves to pursue muh pleasure

People are leaving artificial monopolies.
Until very recently it was very difficult to convert to another religion or leave one entirely.

The situation is similar to large tech companies like Facebook or Microsoft.
A lot of people use Facebook or Microsoft but that doesn't mean they actually like them or spend anything more than is absolutely necessary on them.
People use them because of the network effects.

Have you heard of the "zeal of the convert?"
Societies with more religious freedom could very well lead to greater spending on religion not less.

I also must admit I consider a number of atheistic ideologies such as Communism or Ethnonationalism to be religions which I guess is fair if you do not.

>People are leaving artificial monopolies.
are you implying that calling a religion an "artificial monopolies" suddenly makes it not a religion?

>Societies with more religious freedom could very well lead to greater spending on religion not less.
"spending" is awfully specific why does that have to be the sole factor?
First world countries could easily have higher "spending" on religion because of the amount of wealth in them compared to a third world country that is almost completely religious,i.e. the middle east.
so what relevance does "spend" have?

>I also must admit I consider a number of atheistic ideologies such as Communism or Ethnonationalism to be religions which I guess is fair if you do not.
well they're not, hence the term atheistic.

But back to the original question how is religion benefiting from capitalism?

How many popes in the middle ages had a fleet of private jets?
Just because most people aren't Roman Catholic anymore doesn't make them not religious or not believe in god.
The nontraditional religious just buy yoga crystals bullshit instead.

I don't think irreligion is really growing just that it is becoming a bit more obvious.
It's likely a lot of people in the past were irreligious they just kept their head down and never spent seriously on it.

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>why do accelerationists come to this site where everyone hates them
Stop falseflagging

Holy shit. I love g/acc now.

>How many popes in the middle ages had a fleet of private jets?

>Just because most people aren't Roman Catholic anymore doesn't make them not religious or not believe in god
Well it certainly makes them non catholic.
Now if they changed religions they would still be religious but if they gave up religion all together they would be considered "non religious"

>The nontraditional religious just buy yoga crystals bullshit instead.
And? no one is saying they aren't religious. Are you under the impression a significant amount of people left the catholic church to do esoteric yoga or something?
In the US the "other non christian" is extremely low.

>I don't think irreligion is really growing just that it is becoming a bit more obvious.
Thats just incorrect though.

>It's likely a lot of people in the past were irreligious they just kept their head down and never spent seriously on it.
but you don't have proof of this.

Whats the difference between this and Xenofeminism