Hi user. I heard you have good taste in literature. Do you like Infinite Jest?

Hi user. I heard you have good taste in literature. Do you like Infinite Jest?

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Yes, and I’m going to use you like a microwave oven and stuff my head in you

>That hair colour
Im sorry but no

No. Did I pass the test?

I could kill this woman in a single strike (not even at full power). It's amazing how much better men are than women.


Yeah and i've totally read it like 3 times

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>he doesn't like qt art hoes

Do you really think she's able to produce a piece of art worthy of any user's attention? I scoff at you, pleb

Blue eyes are so beautiful, far superior to any other
Touch a woman and see what happens

Never read it.

It's exhausting. It's dense, it's extreme. There is no other word that can define it. Extreme. DFW seeks to magnify and amplify as if the writing were a roller coaster. Matrix before Matrix. Inception before Inception.

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Girls who look like that are the only girls who ever have decent taste in art.

You keep your filthy hands off her.

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I've got a woman lying on my lap at this very moment. I could kill her too.

do it

I don't waste my time with yank tripe


You are alot weaker than you think faggot

Nice pussy. Ugly AR

Aids ridden faggots like yourself can't even get out of bed

Unless you're an Anglo, in which case you're just as bad.

I could do the same to you

do it faggot

Projection. I could kill you in a single strike too.
If you are a man, then perhaps. I'm sure I could get the jump on you though.

Do you even 1/2/3/4 for reps?

Can anyone believe there are whiteknights responding with a serious post to this? Maybe it's just women

What are your stats?

>not whiteknighting ironically

Tfw I don't :(
Well lads I'm off to the gym, going to OHP a lot less than 1 plate, hope nobody is watching.

There is unironically nothing wrong in whiteknighting, if you aren't doing it in an attempt to get pussy.

12/1 for street fights (loss was a fat Leb cunt; resembled Kyriakos Grizzly). Also /fullplanche/


i read the first one hundred pages or so and it was fun to read albeit a little tiresome at times. I like dfw though i like his interview with charlie rose.
what do you think of it all?

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>not yet, I want to finish Gravity's Rainbow first

Why are women allowed to have such astonishingly poor taste? I understand wanting to dye your hair, but why that colour? I can tolerate the hue that resembles snot, but the turquoise at the top should not be allowed.

You sound like a manlet dude, not gonna lie.

do it. prove to yourself that you can. prove to all of us.

this. girls who are completely fucked in the head have the baste tastes in general and are the coolest. i'd never stick my dick in one of em though.

>Do you like Infinite Jest?
Uhh...I didn't not like it

I bet you can't even bench 2 pl8 lmao

Excellent post

No need to be violent with you mom now


You're right. You should date a man!


Now this is based

Better in all ways, including being retarded, apparently.

>Why are women allowed to have such astonishingly poor taste?
Lots of men like Infinite Jest too


I would pay 2k dollars for a porno where a 220lbs guy punches the shit out of a 110lbs shy teen while fucking her rough.

Bryan Gozzling would be your man

Fuck no! I want the girl to be given a 1M dollars in exchange for allowing the guy to punch her with the violence of a roided gorilla until her face looks like a blobfish and she goes into a coma for 3weeks while she climaxes from getting fucked.

kys pedoscum