Is it possible to memorize an entire book? then whenever you have nothing else to do, yo just recite the book in your mind.
Is it possible to memorize an entire book? then whenever you have nothing else to do...
Yes Monks used to devote their life to this task
yes, a lot of muslims in the middle east memorise the whole Quran.
Celtic Bards both in antiquity and in medieval Britain based their whole profession around memorizing book-sized stories of oral history and heroics, as well as making their own.
A friend of mine memorized Goethe’s Faust by heart. No wonder he’s in med school.
Indians memorize the Ramyamamamama.
>"The Homeric Iliad and the Odyssey are the generally considered foundational works of literature of Western civilization along with the Torah and the Christian Bible. As the verses pertain to a war and events long before the abjad script was known to the Greeks, it was proposed that Homeric hymns were sung, not written, and were passed down through generations of singing epic bards, who were, like Homer, often blind. This was finally proven as probable in the 19th century when the German classicist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the gusle tradition not far from Greece after observing a Serbian bard reciting a lengthy poem in a similar style."
There are people who memorize the quran
Isnt there a quote from an ancient Greek about how everyone is going to be retarded now that books have been invented because people can just write stuff down without bothering to memorize it?
it came true
Yo Ramyamamamama so fat
If I remember correctly, it was from Plato’s letters.
Socrates(/Plato) believed that.
That's a bit reductive. It used to be just a small handful of people who ever even had access to a lot of the knowledge that was memorized and it was often remembered as vague ideas and stories instead of the exact words and details. Listening to a story back then would've been like having someone explain to you their take on the story, full of their own embellishments and little details. Plus, written word is much more accessible.
That's nothing like what actual oral history sessions are like. It's more like sitting in front of 40 people waiting to jump on you if you fuck up a single word.
Yemeni Jews memorize the Hebrew Bible
Sounds pretty based
roberto benigni knows the entire divina commedia by heart
Oral tradition is actually much more reliable than you would expect from what I understand. We've been doing it for much longer than we have been writing.
Yeah I can easiliy visualize any movie I have seen that I found interesting and have seen a few times scene for scene, but a book is harder, because you have to construct those scenes yourself.
Then why did he write anything down?
He didn't
an old man from my town was sent to jail for some 10 years after killing his brother and when he came out he knew the divine comedy by heart. he would recite perfectly any part you asked for, which always amused me since I don't think he knew how to read or the meaning of most words. I think he died last year though
I did that with the SpongeBob Sundae episode somehow.
I have memorized Thirst for Annihilation and Burroughs Collected Works
In another one of his letters, Plato claims to have never written a book. The idea is that he writes recordings of conversations that end in a state of aporia (confusion) rather than a philosophical treatise. For Plato, truth can only be achieved through real dialogue; the written word always falls short.
we have the ramayana and mahabharata and iliad and odyssey from memorization
so obviously, it is possible